February/March Issue 2021
A Message from your 2021 SKÅL International USA President... Jim Dwyer
Dear Skålleagues,
As we all well know we’re currently suffering through the worst pandemic of our lives. It has affected us physically and fiscally. Many of us have lost our jobs and most have lost substantial amounts of income. And, sadly, many have lost family, friends and loved ones.
You can look to Skål for help! We’re a global family and now more than ever, we have to stick together and support each other. Build your network both here and abroad. Connect via Zoom until we can meet again in person. Include other clubs in your Zooms. You’ll find we’re all in the same boat. We just need to steer it in the right direction. If you have great ideas please share them with everyone.
Jim Dwyer, 2021 SKÅL USA President
Skål has the Florimond Volckaert Fund and most of us contribute to it annually. Skål USA has also established a Dues Relief program to help Active members. Additionally, Skål USA has partnered with our fellow Skålleague, Anthony Melchiorri, in the Hospitality Strong Relief Fundraiser where you can contribute as little as $5 to help hospitality workers in need. https://gofundme.com/f/usa-hospitality-strong and there is so much more!
I’ve always said it's not as important to know all the answers but to know where to find them. Skål International and Skål USA have resources on our websites that most members may not know about. Head to either skal.org and skalusa.org and you’ll find great member benefits like discounts for hotels, tours, and even travel insurance from UATP. And, if you’re between jobs, we have a great Skål Jobs board through hottraveljobs.com
The Skål USA Executive Committee is here to serve you! If you need anything, please reach out to us. Together we can get through this. Families are like that!!!
Best regards and Skål,
Jim Dwyer
President, Skål International USA
SKÅL Boston raises nearly $7,000 for charity in Holiday Zoom
Skål Boston's Holiday Party is always the highlight of their year, and in past year's they have consistently raised over $50,000 for a charity that is important to the Club. This year, however, indoor events were limited to no more than 10 people. Thinking out of the box, the board came up with the fabulous idea to have a split of champagne, chocolates, and raffle tickets delivered to each participant in advance and create plenty of video fun. Close to 100 people joined the Zoom raising nearly $7,000 for their charity of choice, the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in memory of one of their own whom they lost earlier this year. All Skålleauges are welcome to join in on any Boston SKÅL, whether in person or via Zoom. Check their website for details. Congratulations on a great event!!
Don't Miss our Upcoming Webinars!
February 3, 2021, at 1 p.m. EST
The Travel Institute
Join us on February 3, 2021, at 1 p.m. EST to hear about what’s new with The Travel Institute and all of their educational offerings for the travel industry. Patty will share how The Travel Institute, a not-for-profit educator in the travel industry has adjusted due to the pandemic, what trends they are seeing due to COVID-19, what new opportunities are available, and how they can help you, their industry partners, with education.
February 25, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. EST
How to Add More Zing to Zoom Meetings
How are Skal Clubs using video conferencing to engage their membership and attract new members? Join Catherine as she explores how clubs across North America are getting creative in these tricky times. We’ll get into the weeds with her and look at ways clubs are:
- Injecting fun into their meetings
- Get members to do business among friends
- Connecting with pizzazz for Charter Nights
- Conquering Zoom fatigue with these tips & tricks
Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. EDT
"Get To Know Tourism Cares" with CEO
Greg Takehara
Is your Club using social media? Are you following Skål USA online? We are planning on using social media more than ever this year, so please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
We just launched a new official LinkedIn account, so please follow us, and be sure to notate on your own LinkedIn account that you are a proud member of Skål International USA!
Trevino Promoted to President & CEO at North Little Rock CV
The North Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau (North Little Rock CVB) announced that Karen Trevino, formerly Senior Vice President & COO, has been officially promoted to President & CEO as of January 1, 2021.
“2020 was difficult. But the hospitality and tourism industry will lead the recovery of the economy,” Trevino says hopefully. “We have an opportunity to make a real difference in 2021 and in the future.”
Trevino currently serves on the Boards of Directors for Arkansas Travel Council, Skål International Arkansas, and Southeast Tourism Society, and as deputy auditor for Skål International USA.
Do you know a member that has recently received a promotion or has been recognized for doing something extraordinary?
If so, we want to share that news with everyone! Email your news item to info@skalusa.org, Attn: Movers & Shakers.
Has Your Club Assigned a PR Officer?
If you do not have a PR Officer, please consider assigning someone to assist you with PR activities this year. In 2021, both Skål International and Skål International USA are really going to focus on their messaging. We recommend all Clubs assign a person to focus on branding, and together, let's raise Skål's profile in 2021!
Please make sure to enter or update your PR officer’s name and email address at Skål Database under Club officers so we make sure they receive the information being sent out.
Let's make sure that no one in the travel industry ever asks "What is Skål" again.
Official Website of Skål USA
Be sure to go to SkalUSA.org to view the new job board, latest membership and tourism news, upcoming events, and more...
Username: skalusa
Password: skalusa@123
Follow Us on Social Media!!
Skål USA has launched a new membership benefit for travel industry jobs. An online job board designed for Skål USA membership. Click on the link below to learn more about Hot Travel Jobs and how it will help you find a great job or let fellow Skalleague know if you have a job available.
New UATP Insider’s Club Membership for Skål USA is available for Skål USA membership.
– UATP Insider’s Club
Offers member benefits and travel protection coverage when you travel on industry-free, reduced rate or full-fare tickets on a scheduled airline, Amtrack Passenger Train, or Cruise Line.
– SKÅL USA Members can sign up at uatptravelprotection.com. Individual family plans start as low as $26.95 for 12 months of coverage. Insider’s Club is a benefit to protect Skal Members when traveling. (Not a service to sell to Skal clients)
Hospitality Workers Still Need Us!
With COVID-19 cases resurging globally and country borders closures continuing, the hospitality workers continue to need our assistance. Anthony Melchiorri respected travel, and hospitality expert and Travel Channel celebrity, teamed up with Skål International USA and two Skål Clubs, New York, and Long Island, to lend a hand to help out of work hospitality workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently over 10 thankful individuals received the initial offering showing their gratitude through email and video messages, however high unemployment remains within the hospitality industry.
Skål USA Journeys is the bi-monthly official publication of Skål International USA. A special edition will be sent to the membership when there is breaking lightning news to share. We want to share your news with SKÅL members across the country. If you have breaking news or Club news for the newsletter, please send them along to info@SkalUSA.org.
Skål USA Journeys & Lightning News Editor
Pam Davis, Vice President PR and Communications (808) 225-8299