July 2023 | Issue 11

A Note to Vermont

Our hearts are with the farmers and food businesses in Vermont who were impacted by the recent flooding in the state.

The climate crisis has once again wreaked havoc on our ability to produce, distribute and sell local products. This latest event is all the more reason we need to further develop our regional food system - and to do so in a way that makes it more resilient to these kinds of natural disasters.

As we said in the Executive Summary of our recently released report, 'No single county, state, or region can become food self-sufficient. But the quest for increased regional food self-reliance is both an investment in our shared future and an insurance policy against future risks, particularly due to climate change.'

In our report, we also talk a lot about creating a resilient regional food system where resilience refers to 'our collective ability to respond and recover from adverse conditions. External risks - hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes - have always posed a threat to societies, but the modern world is now threatened by manufactured risks - climate change, health epidemics, ecological degradation, nuclear catastrophe, the COVID-19 pandemic - that are the result of human actions.'

We have a lot of work to do collectively to make our food system more resilient and there is a real urgency to do so. You can make a financial contribution to help support Vermont's farms and food businesses in their recovery here: Vermont Flood Response & Recovery Fund. In the comments section, you can indicate your wish to have your donation go directly to those Vermont farms and businesses in need. More information can also be found by visiting our Vermont partner's website - VT Farm to Plate.

Thank you!

Credit: Vermont Agency of Agriculture

Credit: Intervale Community Farm

Credit: The Boston Globe

Six State Agricultural Commissioners

Agree to Work toward 30 by 30 Goal

On June 29th, 2023, the Northeast Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NEASDA) put forth a letter of support for New England Feeding New England's 10-year initiative to meet 30% of the region's food needs within the region by 2030. "We support sharing this report across our constituencies and will continue to build collaborations to support our New England food supply chain and goal for meeting 30% of our region's food need within the region," the letter says.

Common Challenges and Seafood Supplement Now Available

Read the Report Here

NEFNE in the News

USDA Researching New England's Ability to be Self-Reliant in Food Production

Report Explores Strengthening New England's Food System

(National Center for Appropriate Technology, June 15, 2023)

CT Food System Alliance - Radio Interview

(Connoisseur Media, July 6, 2023)

Regionalized approach on food production, consumption urged

(Providence Business News, June 7, 2023)

Report shows Vermont stands to benefit economically as NE states coordinate food systems

(Vermont Business Magazine, June 5, 2023)

New England Feeding New England Aims to Increase Local Food Consumption (Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center, June 27, 2023)

Sample Research Findings

If all New Englanders, on average, spent about $1,760 of their annual food budget on regionally-produced food, we could achieve our 30% goal! 

While this is an important metric, we know not everyone has the means to do so, and so it will be important to ensure access to locally and regionally produced food for all New Englanders.

Local Food Counts Project Update

Part of the 10-year New England Feeding New England project is to conduct Local Food Counts in five of the New England states. We have assembled a team of lead analysts and research assistants in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut so far. The team is currently working to establish a contact list of distributors, retailers, college/university, K-12 and healthcare food service directors (as well as others) in an effort to acquire and aggregate 2022 data across key categories like milk, eggs, meat and baked goods which make up the bulk of our regional food production.

Local Food Counts data from all six of the New England states will enable us to better understand what percent of our food supply is being grown, sold and consumed in the region.

*Vermont's Local Food Count data was collected in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020 and VT Farm to Plate developed the peer reviewed methodology and the process roadmap we are following.

State Partner Highlight

The state is currently in a strategic planning process to develop a revised plan that can meet current economic, social, and environmental conditions in Rhode Island.

Stay Informed
Outreach Activities

Thank you to our growing list of Regional and State-level Audiences

New England States Government Finance Officers Association

Northeastern Association of State Departments of Agriculture

Farm to Institution New England

VT Future of Agriculture Commission

Massachusetts Food Policy Council

Massachusetts Department of Agriculture

New Hampshire Food Alliance

Connecticut Food System Alliance Steering Committee

RI Food Policy Council

RI Hunger Elimination Task Force

RI Interagency Food Nutrition & Policy Advisory Council

Maine Network of Community Food Councils

Vermont Farm to Plate Financing for Farmland Access Team

Food Solutions New England Network Team

...and more!

To learn more about hosting a presentation on the New England Feeding New England report, reach out to NEFNE Project Director, Leah Rovner at leah@nefoodsystemplanners.org

Upcoming Events

RI Hunger Elimination Task Force, August 15, 2023

FocusMaine Forum Series, Fall 2023

Southern New England Planning Conference, October 2023

University of Vermont Food System Summit, November 10, 2023

Vermont Farm to Plate Summit, November 16 & 17, 2023

Massachusetts Food System Forum, December 8th, 2023

Food System Watch

There are a lot of exciting food systems efforts in play across the region - from news coverage to research endeavors - here are a few we're excited about

5 Reasons Why Cities Should Create an Office of Urban Agriculture 

NASDA Foundation - Northeast Regional Food Center Project

ASPIRES - A new program for community-led food system futures

The New England State Food System Planners Partnership is a collaboration among six state-level food system organizations and Food Solutions New England who are mobilizing their networks to impact local and regional food supply chains and strengthen and grow the New England regional food system. The Partnership disseminates information on trends, challenges and opportunities to hundreds of groups across the region that connect with our individual state initiatives. The Partnership works in collaboration with the regional Food Solutions New England network and in alignment with its New England Food Vision, and also in collaboration with state governments and groups supporting local and regionally based food supply chains.

To sign up for our monthly newsletter, click here.

Read the Report - bit.ly/NewEnglandFoodReport

Visit us at nefoodsystemplanners.org