Sisters, Servants, Soldiers
Complete One Another in Service!
Meet our Sister, Judy Baker , who is a new U.S. citizen, an elder's wife and whom SSS is helping to go on her first Mission trip in July!

I met Judy a couple of months ago at the FHU Lectureship and invited her to go to India to teach ladies' classes there. She told me then that she enjoyed teaching the Bible "one on one." much better, and within a few short weeks she had committed to going to Costa Rica in July! Judy has a wonderful gift for greeting visitors to her home congregation and asking if she can study the Bible with them. She has brought 3 precious souls to The Lord! We all need to be asking more!

One of the goals of Sisters, Servants, Soldiers is to help women have more opportunities to work in the Kingdom in the U.S. and around the world. We want to be able to have financial support and spiritual support ready when the opportunities arise. I hope you will consider being a part of this work in building God's Kingdom with other Christian women around the world!


God has given each of us a talent. There is no one created who does not have a talent. You were put here, by God, to use what He has given you to make this world a better place and to point others to Jesus Christ. Dorcas did it with her sewing. Can you cook? Cook for others in His name! Can you write? Send a note or card daily or at the very least weekly to someone who needs encouragement. Do you like to talk? Be genuinely interested in those who visit your congregation and talk to them! Visit the elderly or have the teen girls into your home for a devotional or an evening of baking cookies. The world NEEDS you!

If we are not using our talents, our gifts, our houses, our cars, our money and our voices to bring others to Christ, then those good things that we believe are blessings may actually be keeping us out of His presence for eternity!

Remember that in Matthew 25, the man who hid his talent and did NOTHING was called a "lazy, unprofitable servant "and was sent to outer darkness!

Here is a A Prime Example of the World
"Marketing" Evil to Us
as Something Good!
This is a Billboard near Vanderbilt University in downtown Nashville, TN. I hope you will look at it closely! It is "Marketing" evil to us as something good!

Sisters, abortion is NOT a political issue with God! Man made it political. We know that "God hates hands that shed innocent blood" (Proverbs 6) and who is more innocent than a baby in the womb?

I believe that together with one voice, and in the Providence of God, we can overturn Roe v. Wade in our lifetime! The world has now seen the ultrasounds and Christians understand that God formed us in the womb. If you haven't already, please try to see the movie "Unplanned." It will open your eyes!

In the weeks and months ahead, I will be sharing with you how that together we can speak for those who cannot speak for themselves! Hebrews 5:14 tells us that we have to "exercise our senses" to discern between good and evil. God's Word tells us exactly how to do that! Stay close to Christ and to The Word!

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If you would like the opportunity to teach English to others around the world using God's Word, please check out . . .
This is a great way to "sow the seed!" 100 more teachers are needed today!
Many of these students want to learn more about the Bible and become NT Christians. This is a great opportunity that could add a star to your crown by teaching the truth of God's Word from your own home on your own schedule to someone whose heart is the "good ground!"
Sisters, Servants, Soldiers
Stronger Together!

We received this note from our Sisters in Seneca, SC, after our recent Ladies' Day:

"Dear Sheila,
Just a sort note to let you know how very much we all enjoyed having you speak for us. We had local visitors there on Saturday that came back to worship on Sunday with their husbands - and one couple was back again on Wednesday night. They said they would be back on Sunday. What a blessing! Our ladies are growing closer and stronger daily.

Much love in Him,
Seneca Church of Christ"


May 11th Springbrook Church of Christ, Renton, WA
May 18th Cottondale, AL
July 11-13th Faithbuilders, Washington State
July 21-26 Taylor Christian Camp

Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt
Our goal is to carry on the work of our NT Sisters, Servants and Soldiers who boldly cleared the path for us:

"Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you . . . greet those workers in the Lord, Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Greet beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord."

Romans 16: 6,12 ESV

What a joy is would be to be described as one of the beloved women who worked hard for the cause of Christ!

Ricky Gootam and His Family Visit TN from India!

What a joy to have Ricky Gootam and his family with us! They work in the Kingdom in Kakinada, India. Ricky is tireless in laboring for the Gospel and his wife, Sudepa, is a strong Christian wife, mother and Bible class teacher. We were delighted that Kyle and Bethany and their family and one of our Elders, Jeff Gammons, could get together with them at our home as well!

Ricky told us that in his first week at Freed-Hardeman in 1995 he watched students walk up to a metal box and get a drink. He said he walked up to the box, put his head down, and no water came out!

He said then this "tall lanky guy" came up, pushed a knob, and the water came out! He said Kyle was his closest friend at FHU since that day. Many lives have been blessed through that simple act!

"If just a cup of water I place within your hand . . . "


"Oh that they had such a heart as this always, to fear me and keep all my commandments, that it might be well with them and their children forever!"

Deuteronomy 5:29

Please continue pray for our work! We are changing lives and building the Kingdom! Let other Sisters in Christ know about our work and, if possible, I would like to meet with your Elderships or Ladies Bible Classes. Just contact me anytime to see if we can make that happen! Also, if you can help personally with any amount, please send your tax deductible contributions to:

Anderson Bend Church of Christ
Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Mission Fund
1890 Bruce McCaleb Road
Centerville, TN 37033
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN 38402-1283