News Leek

Thursday, January 25, 2024


Children's Chapel on January 28th!

On January 28, our regular Sunday school will be replaced with Children's Chapel. Children will start in the regular service at *9:30 and will leave the service during the gradual hymn for a lesson and time of wondering, after which they'll return to the main service. We'll be doing this on a monthly basis going forward. Questions? Contact our Associate for Youth Formation, Reverend Sara D'Angio White.

* Single Service followed by Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting This Sunday

St. David’s Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, January 28 following a

single 9:30 service. All are strongly urged to attend.  Pot luck brunch will be served.


In an effort to keep down the cost of stamps, 2023 pledge statements will be sent via email. If you PREFER a MAILED statement, please email or call Cathy to let her know.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Talent Show

Join the fun on Tuesday, February 13 at 5:30 for pancakes and entertainment! Look for a sign up sheet in the Great Hall to help with this event. If you’ve got a flair for entertainment, reach out to Deacon Kris. This is a fun event for all ages.

Bring your Palms to Church

Now is the time to start bringing in your palms from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration. We’ll burn them on Shrove Tuesday to make the ashes we use on Ash Wednesday. Please bring them in and place them in the basket in the Great Hall.

Ash Wednesday Services: February 14, 2024

7:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Rite 1)

12:00 PM Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Rite 2)

4:00 PM Children’s Ash Wednesday Service

7:00 PM Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Rite 2 with music) 

Wading Together into Lent beginning Friday, January 26

A Book Conversation on the book Will You? A Lenten Study of Baptismal Promises By Amanda Perkins McGriff. Vestry member Bob Haas and Deacon Gail invite you to join them for five Fridays: January 26, February 2, 9, 16, and 23 from 11:00-12:30 in the St. David’s library or on Zoom. To register, sign up in the Great Hall, or email Deacon Gail at by Jan.22. Include your email address, phone number and whether you will join on Zoom or in person. The book is available from Amazon or Forward Movement or another bookseller of your choice. If you need help getting the book, please contact Deacon Gail. We look forward to journeying together.

Sign up for a Secret Prayer Pal for Lent!

Parishioner Pat Gagne has created a new practice for us all to participate in during Lent. In the Great Hall on the Information Table, you will find a sign up sheet. Write your name and phone number on it and you will be matched with another person that has chosen to be part of the Secret Prayer Pal Lenten Practice. Simply pray for your Prayer Pall every day during Lent. You may choose to send a note or card to your SPP during this time. Do not sign your name, just sign, “your Prayer Pal”. Drop your card in the wooden box on the Information Table in the Great Hall and it will be delivered. We will all meet our Secret Prayer Pal on the Sunday after Easter, April 7th, at coffee hours. Please sign up by Feb. 7 so folks can be matched and ready for the beginning of Lent, February 14.

Sneaker Recycling Opportunity

St. David’s will be collecting used pairs of sneakers for recycling. Community Outreach Services (COS) in Kennebunk will take our collection of sneakers to be recycled. There will be a bin at the back of the church for used sneakers. The drive keeps sneakers out of landfills and is a fundraiser for COS. Thank you from St. David’s Earth Keepers! 

A Message from Deacon Kris

But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

This verse struck me this Christmas. Mary has heard from angels and

shepherds, and as the verse says, or as I’m interpreting it, Mary didn’t think of just words but as treasures to be stored in her heart. Soon after I was ordained deacon by Bishop Knudsen I assisted her as deacon at St. George’s in Sanford. When we were ready to process, the bishop asked me to carry the gospel book cradled over my heart. For my seventeen years as your deacon I have always elevated the gospel book when processing. This year, during the month of February, the month we associate with love because of Valentine’s Day, I am going to bring the good news of God’s love to you by carrying the gospel book over my heart, words as treasures. Deacon Kris  

Thank You from Caring Unlimited

A heartfelt note of thanks was sent to St. David’s from Caring Unlimited. It reads:

Dear Friends of St. David's -

Thank you so very much for your kind and generous efforts to bring so much joy into the [their] hearts. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Your attention to all the details just makes this special event so magical. From the perfectly selected and wrapped gifts, organization, music, time to prepare for the event, to spending time at the event, set up, clean up, purchase of gift cards, sending funds to support our Holiday Giving Program. It’s truly a magical blessing! We so appreciate all that you do.  

Parishioners Roy and June Smoot attend a Gun Safety Rally in Augusta

Upcoming Lectionary

February 7, 2024

5th Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Mark 1:29-39

Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

Worship at St. David's:


8 AM In person Holy Eucharist, Traditional language in the Book of Common Prayer

10:30 AM In person (and livestreamed) Holy Eucharist with contemporary language

Sunday School 10:15AM ages 3-11

Youth Group 5th grade up

Nursery Care 10AM-1PM ages 0-3


9:00 AM: Healing Service and Bible Study


Saint David's Episcopal Church
138 York Street
Kennebunk, ME 04043

Visit our website