Take a Look at Our Updated

Sincuidados Architectural Design Guidelines

We're happy to announce the recent update and recording of the Sincuidados Architectural Design (DRC) Guidelines, which are now available on our community website. Whether you are a longstanding resident or have recently joined us, staying informed and adhering to these guidelines is instrumental in fostering the unique character, aesthetic appeal, and harmonious atmosphere of our neighborhood.

Accessing the Guidelines:

  1. Visit: Sincuidados Architectural Design Guidelines
  2. Navigate: Click on 'Resources' at the top menu, then select 'Design Review Guidelines'.
  3. On the designated page, you will find a link to the entire Guidelines in the first box. For your convenience, the guidelines have been subdivided into four major sections, each addressing distinct aspects of our community living:
  • Introduction: Section A provides an overview and sets the tone for the guidelines, outlining the general principles and objectives.
  • Community Living: Take a look at Sections B, C, and L for insights on community norms, regulations, and best practices.
  • Modifications to Existing Residences or Lots: Sections D, E, F, I, L, and M are your go-to for any modifications, adjustments, or enhancements you are considering for your existing residence or lot.
  • New Construction: Planning a new build? Sections G, H, I, J, K, L, and M offer a detailed guide on the procedures, standards, and expectations.

Community News - HOA DUES

All community members received a memo on September 30, 2023, from Sincuidados HOA President Bruce Wargo and Treasurer Barry Bingham, informing them of an upcoming adjustment in HOA dues. Effective January 1, 2024, the quarterly rate will increase from $730 to $750, and invoices reflecting this change will be dispatched in December. This adjustment is necessary to balance the budget and maintain services within Sincuidados, in light of vendor price increases and recommendations for additional reserve contributions.

Residents are encouraged to review the detailed budget available on the resident portal and to adjust any auto payments accordingly.

Dish Your Favorite Haunt

Disclaimer: The advice or recommendations contained in this article do not represent the views, policies, or positions of the Sincuidados Homeowners Association.

The season of gathering is upon us and we’re cooking up something special! In the spirit of community and the joy of sharing, we are inviting you to reveal your favorite haunt – that special restaurant or café within a 20 mile radius that feels like a second home or where the chef serves up a hug on a plate.

Our community is a melting pot of tastes and preferences. Perhaps you've recently stumbled upon a welcoming ambiance, an authentic foodie experience, or a place where you had a truly memorable rendezvous. Maybe you've been gatekeeping a hidden gem for years. This is your chance to showcase the culinary diversity around us and share its magic with others.

Drop us an email with the name and location of your favorite dining spot at gemhotline@gmail.com (Emily Main) by October 21st. We’ll compile your beloved haunts and feature them in the November Scoop – a timely treat to get you ready for the holiday season!

Keep Sincuidados beautiful.

Be kind and courteous to your neighbors.

Please obey our stop signs and speed limits.

We hope these updates keep you in the loop as we welcome the autumn season. Stay tuned for more interesting developments, and as always, feel free to reach out with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions you may have.

Missing Links? Click Here!

Sincuidados Website

City of Scottsdale Brush and Bulk Collection

The Sincuidados Scoop - Rule Of Thumb

The Sincuidados Scoop - Sounding Off On A Sound Wall

October 2023