Monday, July 12, 2021
Important News for You
Worker Shortage Emerges as Top Issue
as Pandemic Eases
As Washington emerges from the pandemic, one of the biggest challenges facing many employers is finding enough qualified workers.

It’s a dramatic shift from a year ago, when businesses were forced to close their doors to slow the spread of the virus, leading to an unprecedented surge in unemployment.

Today, many Covid-related business restrictions are either gone or going away soon, and unless something is done to address the escalating workforce crisis, it will be a drag on long-term economic recovery.

“A lack of skilled and qualified workers was a big issue for many employers prior to the pandemic,” Association of Washington Business President Kris Johnson said. “The pandemic has exposed and magnified the issue, as it has so many others.”

Chamber News
Check out and like the
Chambers Host AWB Transportation Meeting
Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 8:30 am
Transportation is key to a healthy, functioning economy. To get input from the business community on a possible legislative transportation package, AWB is hosting 10 transportation listening sessions in cooperation with chambers of commerce across the state. All are invited to attend.

“We usually reach out to employers when a statewide package is being considered,” said AWB Government Affairs Director Mike Ennis, “and given the passage of the cap-and-trade program and the low-carbon fuel standard, a potential federal infrastructure package, and the governor’s vetoes, we want to check in with members to see what everyone is thinking.”
This meeting will be held at the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce, located in the Kitsap Mall near Macy's.
Attendees should park on the southeast side of Macy's closest to Buffalo Wild Wings. There will be signs for entry. All members of the business community in Kitsap County are welcome!
Member News
KEDA Issues RFP for DEI Consulting
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (“KEDA”) is seeking an experienced Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”) consultant to engage our board on a process of transformation that will result in greater incorporation of Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color (“BIPOC”), Asian American and Pacific Islander (“AAPI”) and other disadvantaged communities into our economic development work.

Member Spotlight
Kitsap Bank - Silverdale
Warm congratulations to Kitsap Bank - Silverdale for their Chamber anniversary this summer! Kitsap Bank is celebrating 46 years with the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce and are the Chamber's longest standing members.

Kitsap Bank, founded in 1908, was the first bank west of the Mississippi River to elect a female bank president, with the election of Hannah Langer in 1952. Hannah's legacy continues to this day as her daughter, Helen serves as Vice Chairwoman of Kitsap Bank's Board of Directors and her granddaughter, Cydly Langer Smith serves as Chairwoman.

Kitsap Bank actively supports a wide range of non-profit organizations, including arts and culture, education and schools, environmental and sustainability, homeless and hunger, economic and business development, children and youth causes, including the Silverdale Rotary Club's annual Duck Race fundraiser during Whaling Days.
10488 Silverdale Way NW
Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 698-9325

Open Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Education Committee
UpLift Kitsap
July 13, 2021, 3:00 pm
Tax laws have changed enormously over the past few years, and more changes are on the way. What does this mean for your small business? What are the tax benefits? The tax risks? Find out in this Uplift Kitsap when we highlight key factors and effects of new and upcoming tax laws.

  • Recent changes, tax benefits, and qualification criteria
  • Upcoming changes and tax planning opportunities
  • Robust Q & A for small business tax scenarios
Johnnie Hawkins, CPA, is a partner at Olympic Tax and Business Consulting. He is a highly skilled accountant who often receives great reviews from his clients. Johnnie specializes in tax and accounting services for small to medium-sized businesses. He also has lots of experience working with not-for-profit entities. Johnnie began his full-time career in public accounting in 2006 after graduating in the top ten percent of his class from the University of Washington where he majored in accounting and minored in applied computing. Johnnie is a member of the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants and a certified QuickBooks Pro-Advisor. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Washington.
Member Education & Training Resources
Tax Essentials for New and
Existing Business Owners
Thursday, July 15, 2021, 1:00 pm
Paying taxes is inevitable. But reporting and paying the right taxes timely is the goal you want to achieve to give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on more important areas, like driving your business forward.

This 2.5-hour workshop will help you learn about:

• Federal taxes imposed on your business.
• Federal taxes you need to report and pay on amounts paid to your employees.
• Federal taxes you need to report and pay based on your business’s profits.
• Washington taxes imposed on your business.
• City and local taxes imposed on your business.
• Record keeping requirements to ensure you are ready for that taxing agency audit.

After attending this workshop, you should also consider attending the “Tax Saving Strategies for Small Businesses” workshop which will allow you to take your knowledge from this workshop and drive your taxes lower to save you money!!

Workshop Fee: $50
This workshop is presented by Joe Heinrich, a SCORE Mentor, who is a retired CPA having worked for 12 years with KPMG, an international accounting firm, and 22 years with Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. in various finance executive positions. Over the past 10 years since his retirement, Joe has help hundreds of small business owners make their businesses more profitable, eliminated problems with their accounting, assisted them in obtaining financing for their business and helped them save thousands of dollars of Federal and Washington taxes.
Government Affairs Committee
Kitsap Legislative Pulse
Thursday, July 22, 2021, 3:00 pm
Military Affairs Committee
Kitsap County News
Gov. Inslee Issues Burn Ban for Washington
Gov. Jay Inslee declared on July 6th a statewide state of emergency relating to the growing risk of wildfires, including a statewide prohibition on most outdoor and agricultural burning through September 30, 2021.

"Washington is facing a historic drought and we have already experienced record-breaking heat. We must be vigilant in our efforts to prevent wildfires, and the loss of life and destruction of land and property that comes with them,” Inslee said. “We don’t want a repeat of recent years with dangerous wildfires across the state that have destroyed towns, killed livestock and resulted in weeks of unhealthy air quality. I urge everyone to do their part to help protect our beautiful state and all our communities.”

Kitsap Moves into Phase II Ban
Due to rising fire danger, the Kitsap County Fire Marshal is moving to a Phase 2 burn ban starting Saturday, July 10.  

A Phase Two Burn ban prohibits all outdoor recreational burning in the unincorporated areas of Kitsap County. The ban begins Saturday and remains in effect until lifted. “Continued seasonal warm, dry weather has dried all fuels to a critical point where no outdoor burning is safe,” according to David Lynam, Kitsap County Fire Marshal.

This action goes beyond the governor’s recent proclamation and prohibits all outdoor burning including charcoal briquettes and recreational/campfires. No outdoor fires are allowed except in free standing BBQ appliances using natural gas or propane fuel. BBQ appliances should be used on hard non-combustible surfaces.

“We are several weeks ahead of our normal drying pattern due to the heat wave in June. Wildfires in eastern Washington are growing together and all available resources are headed that way. Kitsap has resources available but if something kicks off resources from other areas are tight,” Lynam added.

Burn bans are not anticipated to be lifted until sometime this fall with the return of seasonal rains. 

This ban and others that are imposed due to fire danger are not the same as the air quality burn bans implemented by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

For additional information, contact the Burn Ban page or visit your local fire agency's website. Links to the Fire agencies are on the Burn Ban page.
Keep Informed on Gorst Coalition Progress
Over a year ago, a group of diverse community partners from Kitsap and Mason Counties came together to formulate the Gorst Coalition, with the goal to bring Federal and State resources to address the longstanding needs of the Gorst Corridor. The Members of the Gorst Coalition recognized the urgent need to relieve severe traffic congestion, make needed safety improvements, provide resiliency from sea level rise and seismic events, support vital National Security objectives and reduce our impacts on the Gorst Corridor ecosystem. The Coalition builds on previous community efforts to come together to address this generational transportation project. Working in partnership with Federal, State, local and Tribal governments along with community organizations, labor unions, and businesses, we are seeking $457 million from the State Legislature to fund this project.
Swimming Advisories Issued for Area Beaches
On July 9, the Kitsap Public Health District temporarily closed the swimming beach at Island Lake County Park due to high levels of E. coli bacteria in the water. The Health District will continue to monitor the beach and reopen it when E. coli levels return to a level considered safe for human contact.

Because there is an increased risk of getting sick, the public is advised to avoid all contact with the water at the swimming beach until further notice. This means no swimming, wading, or types of water play where water could be swallowed or get in the mouth, nose or eyes. The risk of illness is greatest for young children, older adults, or anyone with a compromised immune system.

Additionally, Kitsap Public Health District issued no-contact advisories July 9 for the Illahee State Park and Lions Park swimming beaches in Bremerton due to high levels of Enterococci bacteria in the water. 

High Enterococci levels mean there is increased risk of people getting sick, so the public is advised to avoid all contact with the water at the swimming beaches until further notice. Warning signs have been posted at the beaches. 

The health district recommends against swimming, wading, or any other activities at the beaches that could allow water to be swallowed or get into the mouth, nose or eyes. People should avoid direct skin contact if possible and immediately wash with soap and water if they have exposure to the water.

The health district will continue to monitor for Enterococci at both beaches and will lift the advisory when there is no longer an increased risk to the public. 

No illnesses related to any of these beach have been reported to the health district at this time. 
Bremerton National Airport Needs Diners
The Port of Bremerton is accepting applications from restaurateurs interested in operating a diner-style restaurant in the Bremerton National Airport.

Click here to read more.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Silverdale Visitor Center
This Weekend at Kitsap County Fairgrounds
Ducks on Sale at Silverdale Visitor's Center
It's not too late to purchase your ducks for Silverdale Rotary's Annual Duck Race! Area Rotarians are selling them for $5 each or a "Quack Pack" of 5 ducks for $20.

The Silverdale Rotary Club hosts the annual Duck Race during Whaling Days, held the last weekend of July at the Silverdale Waterfront. When you purchase duck tickets, you are contributing to programs that support our community.

Community Information
Whaling Days Seeks Booth & Food Vendors
Whaling Days is a free, family-oriented, community festival held annually in “Old Town” Silverdale over the last weekend in July. Through generous sponsorship donations and attendance at the yearly festival, Whaling Days is able to provide a fun, annual event enjoyed by people from throughout Kitsap County, and beyond. Whaling Days also gives back to the community by donating proceeds to local charitable organizations and through scholarships for high school graduates of the Central Kitsap School District.

Silverdale Whaling Days is a registered, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization.
Bridging Bremerton
Saturday, July 17, 2021, 2:00 pm
It's a Story Walk for the ages. On Saturdays in July, Kitsap Sun Reporter Josh Farley will host the third annual Bridging Bremerton, festivities that celebrate Bremerton's two bridges and all of the artifacts along the 3-mile trail that surround them. All walks will begin at 2 p.m. at locations around the bridge-to-bridge trail. All walks are free, just RSVP to or on Facebook and be prepared to walk about three miles!

2:00 pm, July 17. Survive the Superloop: Are you an experienced walker or hiker willing to adventure off the beaten path in search of Bremerton's secrets? Then this walk is for you. We'll hit parklands, forests and other nooks and crannies along the bridge route in a walk that is best for only the walkers of the heartiest endurance. It will be a three-plus hour challenge that will likely cover about eight miles.

NOTE: This is for only the most experienced of hikers. Please wear comfortable, durable shoes and be ready to go on some steep trails.
Contact Us
David Emmons
Irene Moyer
Director of Member Relations
Joe Barboza
Tourism Coordinator
Marisa Acuna
Finance & Operations Manager
Alexandra Neuman
Social Media Coordinator