August 26, 2021
Kitsap County
Silverdale Chamber Survey
Currently, what level of disruption is
COVID-19 having on your business
(including short or long-term closure, supply
chain disruptions and reduced demand)?
Answer Below
No disruption
Some disruption
Significant disruption
Not applicable
Click here for the most recent
data reported by
Results from Last Week's Survey:

Do you plan to attend the Kitsap County
Fair & Stampede this week?
The Silverdale Chamber is committed to learning how best we can engage and work for our business membership. Your participation in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! Please complete only one survey for your business each week.
KPHD Officials Recommend Masking & Other Safety Measures at County Fair
Kitsap Public Health District recommends individuals wear masks and follow other safety precautions in crowded public indoor and outdoor spaces, especially at events like the Kitsap County Fair. This recommendation is consistent with the recently amended state mask order.

"We appreciate the partnership of the Kitsap County Fair Board in following COVID-19 safety recommendations and posting important health information at the fair," stated Keith Grellner, Administrator at Kitsap Public Health District. "The Fair Board has worked very hard to make the fair as safe as possible and we encourage individuals to follow their guidelines to help protect themselves, their loved ones, and our whole community and help curb the spread of COVID-19 in Kitsap County."

COVID-19 rates are at an all-time high in Kitsap County, as they are in other parts of the country, and we are seeing a large increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations that are impacting our local and regional healthcare systems. 
SBA Hosts Women's Equality Day Fireside Chat
To celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the U.S. Small Business Administration will host a virtual fireside chat on Thursday, August 26 at 2 p.m. ET with SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman and Assistant Administrator Natalie Madeira Cofield to discuss how SBA is empowering and supporting women entrepreneurs. The event will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

The number of women entrepreneurs is growing to unprecedented levels, and SBA has resources to help women small business owners survive and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes Women’s Business Centers, which provide free counseling and training to women entrepreneurs across America. Last week, SBA issued 14 grant awards of up to $200,000 each to organizations in 13 states.

County Approves Increase in Transportation Impact Fee for Developers
Kitsap County Commissioners on Monday approved a significant increase in transportation impact fees for developers, which will bring in millions of dollars in revenue for road projects in unincorporated Kitsap. 

Commissioners voted unanimously to raise the county transportation impact fee on developers from $700 to $4,300 per new unit of development, the first increase since the fee was created in 1992.

“I think ultimately there was an acknowledgment by the entire board that this discussion was way overdue, it should have occurred probably more than a decade ago,” North Kitsap Commissioner Rob Gelder said. 

The decision comes amid Kitsap County’s biggest housing boom in decades, with thousands of single- and multi-family units under construction or being planned across the county. County public works officials recommended commissioners raise the fee — which until now was the lowest out of all the jurisdictions in Kitsap — to help ease traffic congestion. 


Kitsap Mall Faces Foreclosure Auction
The Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, which has been in receivership for a year after its owner stopped paying on its loan, is slated to be sold at a foreclosure auction later this month outside the county administration building in Port Orchard. 

The sale is scheduled to take place on Aug. 27 at 10 a.m., according to the website of Beacon Default Management, a foreclosure processing company that handles non-judicial foreclosures in states across the Western United States.  

Contact Us
Silverdale Chamber of Commerce
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday - 11 am to 5 pm
Friday & Saturday - 11 am to 3pm