Envision Greater Green Bay was formerly BACC - Bay Area Community Council
A Conversation with Steve McCarthy, Envision's first Executive Director
by David Wegge and Phil Hauck
“I’ve always tried to keep one eye on what’s directly in front of me and the other eye on the horizon, to anticipate what’s coming. That mindset has worked well for me." Read the full conversation shared by the incoming ED, the president-elect and the outgoing president.
Devon Christianson Shapes the Future at the Aging and Disabilities Resource Center
by Nan Nelson
“Our values are front and center here. Everyone contributes to living those values in their work, and they have to resonate with every position. Are our priorities determined by leadership? I say ‘no.’" Read more of this interesting conversation with Devon Christianson.
Learn Strategic Foresight Yourself!
Join the workshop starting February 4
Learn how to create preferred outcomes that outdistance competitors, how to become a better strategist by using better input. Learn from academically trained and nationally known expert futurist, Garry Golden. February 4 – April 8, 2022. Two in-person sessions and 3 virtual sessions. Hurry - limited space available. Register by January 21.

Reflection from our Outgoing President
by David Wegge, PhD
I have been part of Envision Greater Green Bay off and on since its creation back in the early 1990’s. Over the past few years our organization has taken a transformational journey, squarely shifting our focus to bringing Strategic Foresight tools and strategies to leaders and organizations throughout the Greater Green Bay area. Read Dave's reflection here.
Save the Date - World Futures Day!
When: March 1
Where: Bemis International Center
Join us for our first official observation of World Futures Day! Watch our website for details about our exciting plans to help the Greater Green Bay area join the world in this important celebration. We'll introduce you to TrendWatchers, the global futuring organization with offices in Singapore, Amsterdam and New York City. We'll recognize local organizations trained by Envision and successfully applying Strategic Foresight for improved performance. And much more!
Foresight you can use today
Phil Hauck recommends...

Now Hiring: Chief Heat Officer - Seriously?
Yes, cities around the globe are now hiring "chief heat officers" to devise cooling strategies in the face of rising global temperatures. Favored techniques include adding tree canopies, reflective roofs and cooling sidewalks. Read more in Axios.

Dave Wegge recommends...

Online Platforms and Politics
How will online platforms impact politics in the future? Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center asked 800+ experts: “Looking ahead to 2035, will digital spaces and people’s use of them be changed in ways that significantly serve the public good?” The split was 61% - 39%. See which way the experts leaned.

Nan Nelson recommends...

Europe’s Strategic Foresight
Climate change, digital hyper-connectivity, pressures on democratic governance, and shifts in the global order are the four key global trends the European Commission addresses in its “2021 Strategic Foresight Report.” The report suggests 10 specific actions.. Read “2021 Strategic Foresight Report: The EU’s capacity and freedom to act,” European Commission (September 2021) or download PDF.

Learn to Use a Thought Landscape
Futurist consultant and speaker Ross Dawson has outlined a "Thought Landscape for Creating a Better Future." In this downloadable diagram, Dawson organizes trends in Humanity, Business, Technology, and Thinking (foresight). Read “Thought landscape: Thinking, Technology, Business, Humanity” by Ross Dawsonrossdawson.com.

Strategic Foresight Primer
The Futures School from Kedge LLC is offering a 24-page Strategic Foresight Primer free for download if you provide your email address. If you've had our Foresight training, you'll be comfortable with the terminology and methods, and you'll find some very practical new advice too.
Engage with Envision

  • Donate to Envision Greater Green Bay
Sincere Thanks to our Newest Sponsor
Betty Lou Lewis - Your generous, ongoing financial support will enable Envision to equip countless local leaders with the skills and tools to shape a preferred future for the Greater Green Bay area.