9/11 Memorial & Museum’s
Rescue & Recovery Workers Registry 
SEAoNY is dedicated to advocating for structural engineers. We are partnering with the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to share the stories of the structural engineers whom contributed to the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero.

If you worked at Ground Zero, please visit registries.911memorial.org and add yourself to the Rescue & Recovery Workers registry. We ask that you choose “SEAoNY” to the question “Employee/Member of”; if you have already signed up, we would appreciate if you update this answer to “SEAoNY”. Adding your name to the registry will benefit both the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and SEAoNY.

Please contact admin@SEAoNY.org if you are willing and able to make a donation towards our partnership with the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. We are particularly interested in obtaining artifacts from the site that can be used for a future exhibition – these may include photos, articles or other memorabilia that have a story. We will also be pursuing opportunities for engineers to record their stories of 9/11 and the rescue and recovery effort for inclusion in the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s oral histories exhibit.

9/11 Memorial & Museum’s Registries
A digital archive of stories from witnesses, survivors, rescue and recovery workers, and other communities impacted by the 9/11 attacks, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and the ongoing repercussions of both events.

Please email admin@seaony.org if you have any questions.

Please visit 911memorial.org for
full photo credits and more information regarding the 9/11 Memorial & Museum