2024 Choose Indie Local Campaigns

Our Choose Indie Local program inspires and supports community members to boost the ripple effect of economic and community benefits we receive when we spend and invest dollars at locally owned businesses. Let's make ripples!

To give us a jump start, we're announcing our 2024 campaigns today.

  • Choose Black-Owned
  • Choose Indie Sustainable
  • Move Your Money: Bank Local, Invest Local
  • Bicycling Means Business
  • Choose Indie Pride
  • Independents Month
  • Eat Indie Local
  • Choose Indie Art
  • Shop Indie Local

Think of the list above as a menu of options. Choose the campaigns that align with your overall goals and sign on to participate in one, two, or all nine.

Sign On Today!

What partners receive:

  • You'll receive a list of resources to help you establish your goals and leverage each theme you sign up for.
  • We'll list your business/organization as a partner on our campaign webpage(s).
  • One month leading up to the campaign and weekly once our campaign starts, you'll receive updates to inspire you and keep your campaign momentum strong.
Sign On Today!
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