VOL.6. ____________________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE



Happy February Everyone,

We at SCMA are thrilled to present our latest newsletter, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to transforming the healthcare landscape for individuals battling sickle cell disease (SCD).

Our Mission

At the heart of SCMA lies a profound mission - to navigate transformative healthcare for sickle cell patients. Following national guidelines for urgent medical intervention, we've dedicated ourselves to promoting faster healing and shorter hospital stays. Our efforts are anchored in a simple yet powerful belief: everyone deserves access to compassionate and effective medical care.

Our Vision

We envision a world where medical management for sickle cell patients is a possibility and a reality. Our goal is to decrease the incidence of end-organ damage significantly and enhance the quality of life and lifespan of those living with SCD. It's a vision that fuels our actions every day.

In this newsletter, we'll take you through the milestones we've achieved together, the challenges we've faced, and the path we're charting for the future. From expanding our advocacy programs to touching the lives of more patients and families than ever before, our story is one of collective effort and unwavering hope.

Thank you for being an integral part of our SCMA family. Your support, whether as a volunteer, donor, advocate, or friend, is the driving force behind our accomplishments. Let's continue this journey together, forging a brighter, healthier future for all those affected by sickle cell disease.

Month in Review January - February 2024:

Raising The National Profile

Expanding Our Reach:

2024 is already on track to become a big year for SCMA, and we are excited about the possibilities, both known and unknown.

SCMA proudly debuted our national "patient letter" to advocate more thoroughly for each of our patients. As announced in the last newsletter, we have rebranded from "Advocates" to "Healthcare Navigators." Let us keep in mind that we must rebrand in a multifaceted way to deepen our impact.

Educational Initiatives:

Our Sickle Cell Health Excellence Learning Program (SC-HELP) and the support groups that comprise our Patient Education for Prevention (PEP) have continued empowering patients and caregivers. Through these resources, participants gain valuable knowledge and skills for self-advocacy and holistic management of their condition.

Advocacy Training Success:

Empowering Voices, Changing Lives

In 2023, Sickle Cell Medical Advocacy Inc. (SCMA) witnessed remarkable success in its advocacy training program, now rebranded as the Sickle Cell Healthcare Navigation Certification. This program has become a cornerstone of our mission, empowering individuals to become effective advocates for those living with sickle cell disease (SCD).

The Sickle Cell Healthcare Navigator Certification begins with a question-and-answer session on March 24, 2024. Class orientation is the following week. The official start of class is April 7th, 2024. While it has a new name, this program aims to do the same -- to empower motivated members of the community, often patients themselves, to learn the federal (NIH and ASH) guidelines for time-sensitive management of sickle cell disease in the emergency room and hospital.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, we aim to continue growing this program. Our focus remains on recruiting more advocates and enhancing our training modules to cover the diverse and complex needs of our SCD clients.

We invite all who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of those with SCD to join our next training cycle. For those who cannot help PLEASE DONATE! Help us fund these programs that are making a difference.

Donate Here

Be a part of this transformative journey. For more information on how to become a Sickle Cell Healthcare Navigator, visit our website or contact us directly. Let's make a difference, one patient at a time.

Be A Sickle Cell Healthcare Navigator

Transform Your ER Experience:

Introducing SCMA's SCD Management

Patient Letter

Empowering Patients with Personalized Care

Sickle Cell Medical Advocacy Inc. (SCMA) introduces an innovative solution to enhance your ER experience: the SCD Management Patient Letter.

Get Your Patient Letter Now – Register ASAP!

We understand the challenges and frustrations that come with ER visits for SCD patients. Misunderstandings and delays in treatment can exacerbate pain and lead to further complications. That's why we've developed a comprehensive 2-page patient letter, designed to facilitate effective communication between SCD patients and ER healthcare providers.

Here’s How It Works:

  1. Simple Registration: SCD patients can easily sign up at our website www.sicklecellmedicaladvocacy.org, selecting the option "patient seeking navigator." OR Simply CLICK HERE
  2. Personalized Interview: Once registered, patients will be scheduled for a 30-45 minute interview. During this session, our healthcare providers gather essential information to assist during ER visits.
  3. Customized Patient Letter: This letter includes critical details about the patient’s specific SCD management needs, ensuring ER doctors have immediate access to personalized pain management strategies.
  4. Toll-Free Support for Doctors: Accompanying the letter is a SCMA toll-free number, providing ER doctors with direct access to expert advice tailored to the patient's unique needs.

A Small Investment for Significant Benefits:

For a nominal $25 reimbursement charge, patients receive:

A personalized letter with their name, detailing specific SCD management requirements.

Two colored copies of the letter, one of which is laminated for durability and authentication.

First-class mailing of this essential document directly to the patient.

Access to the SCMA doctor callback line for real-time support during ER visits.

Why It Matters:

This proactive approach equips SCD patients with a powerful tool to advocate for their health in emergency situations. By providing ER staff with immediate, accurate, and personalized medical information, we aim to minimize misunderstandings, reduce treatment delays, and enhance the overall quality of care.

It's time to be strategic and show up prepared. Our goal is to transform the narrative of SCD treatment in ER settings, emphasizing understanding, efficiency, and patient-centered care. This initiative is more than just a letter; it's a statement of empowerment for SCD patients.

Join us in this critical movement. Register for your SCD Management Patient Letter today and take a significant step towards transforming your ER experience.

Register here for your Patient Letter

Dr. Simone Uwan's Interviews:

Shaping the Future of Sickle Cell Advocacy

A Voice for Change on Airwaves

This month, our very own Dr. Simone Uwan has been asked to talk about Sickle Cell disease in both national and digital airwaves. We wanted to share with you the highlights of the interviews.

An Interview on National Public Radio (NPR)


On January 25, 2024, Dr. Simone Uwan, the visionary founder of Sickle Cell Medical Advocacy Inc. (SCMA), took to the national stage in an enlightening interview by veteran journalist/broadcaster Barbara Hamm Lee on National Public Radio (NPR). As a respected authority in the sickle cell community and a passionate advocate, Dr. Uwan shared her invaluable insights on groundbreaking developments in sickle cell treatment and the pivotal role of SCMA in reshaping the healthcare narrative for sickle cell patients.

Exploring the Horizon of Gene Therapy

Dr. Uwan delved into the topic of new gene therapies, a beacon of hope in the fight against sickle cell disease. Her perspective on these medical advancements highlighted not just the scientific progress but also the emotional and social implications for patients and their families. Dr. Uwan's commentary offered a balanced view, acknowledging both the potential and the challenges that come with these cutting-edge treatments.

Changing the Narrative with SCMA

The heart of the interview was Dr. Uwan's discussion on SCMA's mission and impact. She articulated the organization's relentless efforts to dismantle barriers in emergency care for sickle cell patients. By training Sickle Cell Healthcare Navigators and advocating for patient-centered care, SCMA is at the forefront of transforming how sickle cell disease is managed and perceived in healthcare settings.

Tune in to Be Inspired

The interview is more than just a conversation; it's a source of inspiration and information for anyone connected to the sickle cell community. You can listen to this compelling interview and join the conversation at Another View Radio.

A Call to Action

Dr. Uwan’s words are a call to action for all of us. Whether you are a patient, a caregiver, a healthcare professional, or simply an ally, there is a role for you in this journey. Together, we can build on the foundations laid by SCMA and continue to advocate for improved care, support, and understanding for sickle cell patients.

Dr. Simone's Interview on NPR

A Special Podcast Episode: Buzzsprout

On the 13th January Dr. Uwan was featured on Paul Williams Jr.’s podcast series. This episode is another great moment in our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and understanding of sickle cell disease (SCD).

Episode 2: A Deep Dive into Navigating the ER with SCD

In this illuminating episode, Dr. Uwan delves into the critical aspects of SCD, particularly focusing on the challenges patients face in the emergency department (ED). This episode is not just informative but also empowering, offering practical advice for patients to navigate the complexities of emergency care.

Key Highlights from the Episode:

Understanding SCD: Dr. Uwan explains the basics of sickle cell disease, ensuring listeners grasp the seriousness and complexities of this condition.

Navigating the ER: Insightful tips and strategies are shared for SCD patients to effectively communicate their needs and receive timely, appropriate care in the ED.

Advocacy and Empowerment: The discussion emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and the role of medical advocates (now called Healthcare Navigators) in enhancing patient care.

Listen and Learn:

We encourage our community, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to listen to this enlightening episode. It’s an opportunity to gain valuable insights from Dr. Uwan’s expertise and experiences. The podcast is available here: Episode 2 on Buzzsprout.

Check out SCMA Website!

Acknowledgments and Thanks

Their contributions have been instrumental in helping our patients manage crisis pain effectively and reduce the risk of end-organ damage. Their commitment to our cause is not just a donation but a lifeline to many who rely on us.

Gratitude to Our Board of Directors

We are immensely grateful to our board of directors, whose incredible hearts and dedication are the driving forces behind our organization. Their willingness to lend their time, skillset, and resources has been pivotal in steering SCMA towards its mission. Their guidance and insights have been invaluable in navigating the challenges and celebrating the successes of the past year.

Heartfelt Thanks to Our Donors and Advocates

Our journey this year would not have been possible without the generous donations from Vertex, the makers of Casgevy gene therapy, and our community, including several large donations from our own advocates! Every contribution, big or small, has made a significant impact on the lives of those we serve. Your generosity has enabled us to extend our reach and deepen our impact, bringing hope and help to those in need.

A Community of Support

We also wish to acknowledge every volunteer, partner, and supporter who has been part of our journey. Your belief in our mission and your actions to support it have been fundamental to our achievements. It is through your collective efforts that we continue to make strides in transforming healthcare for sickle cell patients.

As we look forward to another year of service and advocacy, we carry with us the strength and support you have all provided. Together, we remain committed to improving the quality of life and healthcare outcomes for individuals living with sickle cell disease.

From all of us at SCMA, thank you for being a part of our story and for helping us write the next chapter. Your support lights the way for a brighter future for sickle cell patients.


Discover a world of hope and support for those affected by sickle cell disease.

Visit our website to learn more about our impactful medical advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with this condition.

Together, we can make a difference in the fight against sickle cell disease. Join us in spreading awareness and advocating for better treatment options.

Explore our website today and be a part of the movement towards a brighter, healthier future for those living with sickle cell.

Visit our Website
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