Jim Morningstar begins Class #3 Returning to Source: Father Wounding - Recovering Confidence and Competence with a brief meditation inviting Divine Father energy into your heart for any healing you might need..
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              Sibling  Relationships and Relationality:
                    An Interview with Jeremy Youst

Sibling Relationships and Relationality: An Interview with Jeremy Youst
Sibling Relationships and Relationality: An Interview with Jeremy Youst
That we have brothers and sisters all over the planet is not just a metaphor. We are all a part of a gene pool that is world wide as well as a spiritual family that is universal. It is only through reconnecting with one another on an essential level that the illusion of separation and lack that has led to so much strife and warfare can be eliminated and a new order established. The abilities and intelligence to do this are latent within us as is shared with us by Jeremy Youst, in this interview by Jim Morningstar. This and other life transforming techniques are part of the nine session video course:
                                                                       Returning to Source available online.                                                                             info@transformationsusa.com

There is
a voice that
doesn't use words.
Jeremy Youst
Jim and tree
( A 3-DAY outdoor experience)
June 26-28, 2018

Is it time for you to take a break and come home to the 
deep healing  elements of nature?

Join us as we return to our essential nature, camping as a group for two nights on the earth.  Fire, water, earth and air will become our friends; we shall engage in ceremony with teachings, purification rituals and breathwork with the elements that will assist us in blending the joy of being in nature with the paths of our spiritual growth. 

The high energy of coming home to the safety of Mother Earth and the freedom of Father Sky is indescribable. We will expand our senses and nurture ourselves with grace, ease and pleasure - a total vacation for the body, mind and spirit.

No outdoor expertise is required.

June 26-28, 2016, Tuesday afternoon 5 pm through Thursday afternoon 2 pm

Devil's Lake State Park (north of Madison, WI)
Lunches and dinners provided.  Tent and sleeping equipment required.
FEE: $335; Reviewer: $285 ($100 non refundable deposit required to hold your place)
Call 414 530 4649 or jim@transformationsusa.com for information or to reserve

Please Note: this workshop is limited to 12 participants and will fill up fast.

Jeremy Youst  has been empowering individuals and groups through transformational journeys for over 30 years. In 2001 he co-founded The Power of Breath Institute and in 2005 was appointed to the board of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance.  Besides conducting empowerment and internationally recognized certification trainings, Jeremy maintains a private practice offering personal intensives as well as sacred ceremonies in Spofford, NH USA. 
Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.  is a seminar leader, psychotherapist, breathwork trainer, AND nature enthusiast and Native American pipe carrier. He has been the Director of Transformations and the Transformations Breathwork Training Program for over 30 years, and is the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance.

 Therapeutic Breathworker Certification 
with Jim Morningstar, PhD and the TBTP staff
Milwaukee August 16-19, 2018 
Make one trip for intensive breathworker training 
and complete a level of certification.

Start whenever you are ready by taking Module 1: An Introduction to Therapeutic Breathwork for Caregivers by Distance Learning and have recordings you can listen to at your leisure.

These are all nonresidential day trainings held right at Transformations. Call or send in the registration to reserve a place in the training circle.  
Open the doors to continued learning and growing with one of the most incisive healing modalities available today.
For more informations contact:
Transformations Incorporated 4200 W. Good Hope Road   Milwaukee, WI 53211
phone:  414 351 5770         fax:  414 351 5760

An Introduction to Therapeutic Breathwork for Caregivers 
with Jim Morningstar, PhD 
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 1 Distance Learning
Basics of breathwork and its uses in professional practice.  12 CE credit hours Distance Course $97

Energy Release and Body Themes in Breathwork   with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 5    August 16, 2018 9 am - 5:30 pm
Practice in body reading and releasing techniques.                    Tuition: $160 

The Anatomy of Breathwork   with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 4    August 17, 2018 9 am - 5:30 pm
Evolution of breathwork and its effects, physiological to spiritual. Tuition: $160

Breathwork in Water  with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Breathwork Certification Training - Module 2   August 18, 2018 12:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Practice in use of water in dealing with peri-natal issues.           Tuition: $160

Group Breathwork with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 3       August 19, 2018 9 am - 5:30 pm
Practice in constructing and leading group breathwork.              Tuition: $160

*Modules taken for Continuing Education add $25.

**Reviewers Fee 20% discount.
September 2018 Modules include Touch and Movement in Breathwork (13), Shamanism in Breathwork (14), Healing Trauma and Breathwork (15) and Ethics in Breathwork (16).
Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. 

This series of seminars lays the foundation for a holistic approach to life. Six major life areas are examined to infuse a greater sense of self-responsibility, creativity and thus balanced healthy approach to well being. 
Being unaware of the belief systems which shape one's reality often keeps one searching for knowledge in endless variations on outmoded themes. Having the tools to more objectively witness one's structure of thought, alter basic patterns and then analyze the results is a profound step in human development. This allows one more choice in infusing spiritual principles in place of unconscious patterning. These seminars take students step by step through this process in life areas which hold the most meaning and emotional charge. Thus it is more than a how-to manual, but teaches group and individual support techniques to make effective change. 

Break Through with Breathwork

"Throughout  Break Through with Breathwork , Jim Morningstar presents actual case studies that add a wonderful human touch, as well as an explanation based on neuroscience for the changes that he has seen in clients during his experience as a breathwork practitioner. This book is one of the few of its kind that demonstrates the safe and effective usage of faster than normal breathing in professional practice.
Break Through with Breathwork should be read by anyone interested in evolving modern counseling techniques to keep pace with the growing need to help people face the challenges of life today. Both professionals and nonprofessionals alike will be struck by Jim Morningstar's clarity, involvement, and attention to detail, which is such an integral part of healing. A must-read! I highly recommend it."
-Shirley Telles, MBBS, MPhil, PhD (neurophysiology), DSc (yoga), director of Patanjali Research Foundation in Haridwar, India

is the originator of Therapeutic Breathwork(tm ), director of one of the longest-standing breathwork training centers in the world, and co-director and founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, which sets ethical and training standards for the  field of dyadic breathwork.