Internet of Things:

Challenges for a Connected World

Agenda Highlight


In this Issue...
  • Innovation Showcase Application Deadline is March 28
  • Internet of Things
  • Welcome Returning Sponsor Appirio
  • Welcome Returning Sponsor Markley Group

In the not too distant future, physical objects will talk to each other and to us as well. A single car might schedule its own maintenance; all the cars on the road might negotiate optimum routes to ease traffic. One hanger might identify an unused piece of clothing; all the hangers in town might provide the foundation for planned charitable giving. Usage scenarios are easy, but a robust, secure architecture is hard. Exploring the challenges associated with the Internet of Things is the topic for this breakout panel at the 2015 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium.

Innovation Showcase Applications Due 3/28

If you think your early stage company has a unique B2B solution, and want a special opportunity to meet with the world's best, brightest, and most successful technology executives and companies, then apply for this year's Innovation Showcase by March 28.


If you know a company that fits this description, tell them about it and encourage them to apply!

Last Call: Applications are free, and due March 28. Information about the showcase and the online application can be found at Please contact with any questions about the application process.

Internet of Things:
Challenges for a Connected World


According to forecasts, there will be more than 14 billion connected devices in the next five to seven years. The efficiencies from a connected world will drive improved user experiences in energy consumption, manufacturing planning, healthcare and retail, to name a few. How companies respond to the promise of IoT will vary greatly, based on their own visions for a connected world, their current business models and the challenge of adapting to a "sharing" economy. Will businesses profit, what new revenue streams can be realized, and how might companies plan for the new products, services and architectures that will enable - and secure - the Internet of Things? Hear from a world-class panel of researchers, journalists and executives on the trends and issues defining this disruptive business and technological phenomenon.


Steve Rosenbush, Editor of the WSJ's CIO Journal will challenge his panelists:

Steve Rosenbush Michael Chui Phil Regneault Richard Soley Markus Weinberger
Steve Rosenbush Michael Chui Phil Regnault Richard Soley Markus Weinberger

Welcome Returning Gold Sponsor Appirio

The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is proud to welcome returning Gold Sponsor, Appirio! 


Appirio is a global cloud consultancy that helps customers achieve results in weeks, not years by harnessing the power of the world's top talent. As the leader in enterprise crowdsourcing, Appirio's 750,000 member community and crowdsourcing platform, combined with the company's business and technical expertise, have helped 800+ enterprises confidently use technology to increase innovation and transform business. Learn more at


Welcome Returning Gold Sponsor Markley
Markley Group

The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is proud to welcome returning Gold Sponsor, Markley! 


Markley Group owns and operates One Summer Street, one of the largest and longest operating multi-tenant, mission-critical telecommunications and data center facilities in New England. The building's 920,000 square feet of highly secured white and mechanical space house more than 250 industry leading companies, including AT&T, NTT, British Telecom, Tata Communications, Boston Red Sox, Harvard, MIT, the Boston Internet Exchange (BOSIX), The New York Times, and Markley Cloud Services. Learn more at


Lindsey Anderson
 The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized by:

MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association MIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research

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