APRIL 2016
Reliability Centered Maintenance
The goal of RCM is to determine the most applicable cost-effective maintenance technique to minimize the risk of impact and failure and to create a hazard-free working environment while protecting and preserving capital investments and their capability. This goal is accomplished through an identification of failure modes and their consequences for each system. Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) are employed by thousands of public and private organizations world-wide to address a host of reliability issues in order to improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) while controlling the Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) inherent with Asset Management and Facility Stewardship.

Here we share some  articles about RCM's benefits and methodology: 
What is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)?
Félix M. Laboy
Before the development of the methodology of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), it was thought that all assets had a correct time to run some kind of preventive maintenance (time-based), usually a replacement or major repair. The belief among the maintenance staff was that through greater part replacement or repair, the frequency of failure during operation would be reduced. However, the results showed another reality. In many cases, preventive maintenance did not produce favorable results for the business. Similarly, the preventive maintenance presented an opportunity to induce more failures.  Continue reading.
RCM: On-Condition Task Interval Determination
Gary West
The highly structured RCM process is a proven approach for determining what must be done to any physical asset to ensure it continues to do what you want it to do in the present operating context. The first step of the task selection process starts by assessing the effects of the failure mode and classifying them into one of four broad categories of consequences. The next step identifies a proactive task that reduces the consequences of failure to the extent that it is technically feasible. The criteria used to judge whether an on-condition maintenance task is technically feasible are fairly consistent across the various compliant RCM processes. Specifically, RCM2™ uses the following yardsticks:
  • It is possible to define a clear, potential failure condition.
  • The P-F interval is reasonably consistent.
  • It is practical to monitor the item at intervals less than the P-F interval.
  • The net P-F interval is long enough to be of some use.
RPM Method + RCM = Reliability
Fred J. Weber

The RPM method and RCM are two proven reliability techniques to improve plant performance. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a structured methodology developed to review the design, operation and maintenance of a system and associated equipment.This technique is used to locate known and unknown failures jeopardizing the safety and reliability of a system. The basic procedure uses seven questions to identify the equipment's function, failures, consequences of failure and tasks to prevent failures. The answers to the questions are generated by the feedback of operators, maintenance personnel, plant engineers, equipment design engineers, or other end users of the equipment. Although this process may be considered time-consuming by some people in industry, the benefits would always outweigh the time spent. The process forces you to dig down deep into every aspect of the equipment and find the hidden failure that could jeopardize the plant's safety and equipment reliability.

On the other hand, the RPM method is a work priority system that grew out of personal frustration with many of the existing work priority systems. Continue reading.
[Free e-book] Reliability Centered Maintenance: Project Manager's Guide
Reliability Web
Th e Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Project Manager's Guide uses a clear, flexible process and set of criteria so an organization can assess what it takes to successfully conduct and implement an RCM project and avoid pitfalls along the way to experiencing measured results that add significantly to the bottom line.  Download it here.

VIBRA RCM Services

The RCM process, as offered by VibrAnalysis, integrates Preventive Maintenance (PM), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), Precision Maintenance, and Proactive Maintenance to increase the probability that a machine or component will function in the required manner over its design life-cycle with a minimum amount of maintenance and downtime. 

The goal of this approach is to reduce the Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) of a facility to a minimum while continuing to allow the facility to function as intended with required reliability and availability. 

Our services adjust to your specific needs. Contact us for more information.
August 22-26 in San Juan, PR

$1,795/p.p. includes certification exam

You will come away with a solid understanding of why we monitor the condition of rotating machinery (and other critical assets), the importance of improved reliability, and how the vibration can be successfully measured and analyzed to provide an early warning of a wide range of fault conditions. After the training, you will be able to take the exam to obtain the international certification in Vibration Analysis Level 1, accredited by Mobius Institute.

Mobius Institute Board of Certification (MIBoC) is ISO/IEC 17024 and ISO 18436 accredited, providing globally recognized certification to Category I-IV vibration analysts in accordance with ISO 18436-1 and 18436-2.

Date to be determined 
1 ,310/p.p. |  San Juan, PR

This course provides foundational training in industrial lubricants, machinery lubrication and oil sampling. It lays the groundwork for establishing a lubrication and oil analysis program. Training will be conducted in Spanish.  

Participants will have the option to take the certification exam, MLT-1 or MLA-1, offered by the International Council of Machinery Lubrication. 




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