July 7, 2023

Shipment to Poland will Meet Needs of Ukrainian Refugees

498 days ago. That’s how long it’s been since Ukrainians were living a “normal” life.

498 days ago Russia invaded Ukraine, launching the country and its citizens into an indefinite time of loss, mourning, and moving. 

At the time of the invasion, many Ukrainians had to leave their homes to find safety. Some stayed, wanting to hold onto the comfort of their home and life as they knew it, but as the war progressed, more and more people found themselves fleeing for safety. Bombs dropped near fields that once held children’s soccer games. Easily accessible food and medical care became a privilege. Hours and hours of sitting in bomb shelters became the norm.

Air Raid sirens, taking cover, then going about the day as if nothing happened … That is what life in Ukraine is like. 

That’s why so many have fled to neighboring countries. 

Over 8 million Ukrainians have become refugees in Europe. 

Over 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees are currently living in Poland — and they are in need of resources.

So far, Midwest Mission has responded to requests for needed disaster relief supplies that would mostly go to Ukraine. 

The most recent request from North Star Foundation is for disaster relief supplies that will be solely distributed to refugees in Poland.

The refugees are living in a foreign country, speaking a foreign language, in need of basic necessities, with the weight of the last 498 days of trauma on their shoulders.

We are grateful to provide a sliver of relief and hope in their time of crisis. 

On Thursday, July 6, a 40-foot container was loaded with requested supplies that will be sent to North Star Foundation in Poland.

This shipment included:

  • 26,400 Rice Meals
  • 410 Cover Them With Love Quilts
  • 237 Little Boy Outfits
  • 361 Little Girl Outfits
  • 250 Pillowcase Dresses
  • 96 Walkers
  • 24 Canes
  • 46 Crutches
  • 4 Mobility Carts
  • Other medical supplies and equipment

Value: $113,988.00

The war is far from over, and these refugees are far from home. Our prayer is that the supplies they receive will meet their needs, give them hope for the future, and show them that they are loved by God and His children.

Thank YOU for being a part of this mission. Together we can show God’s love in a practical way to people in their time of crisis.

Prayers to Lift Up

Pray for Ukrainian refugees in Poland and other surrounding countries who have been displaced from their homes. Pray for peace and comfort, and that the resources they need will be given to them. Pray they will know the love of God through the items they receive.

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

Psalm 31:24

Midwest Mission Weekly Projects

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Work Done

  • 144 Home Care Kits
  • 130 Student Kits — Trinity Lutheran, Springfield, IL
  • 432 UMCOR Hygiene Kits
  • 36 UMCOR Cleaning Kits
  • 4 Bed Packs
  • 14 Electric Sewing Machines
  • Bikes - repaired
  • Rolled Trash Bags
  • Desks - parts prepared, built, polyurethaned
  • Sewing Machines - repaired
  • Cleaning
  • Counting items into inventory


  • Come Unto Me Ministries, Decatur, IL: Stacking chairs Value: $1,550.00
  • Christ UMC, Lincoln, NE: Sleeping Mat Value: $25.00
  • Prepare the Way Ministry, Grand Junction, IA: Redirect hygiene items Value: $50.00
  • Urban Bicycle Food Ministries, Des Moines, IA: 20 sleeping mats Value: $500.00
  • Bidwell Food Pantry, Des Moines, IA: Redirect hygiene items Value: $50.00
  • North Star Foundation, Poland: See story above
  • CICIM, Decatur, IL: 1 mattress, 1 wheelchair, furniture Value: $1,672.00

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Volunteer at Midwest Mission

Dates are available in 2023, 2024, and 2025

Need a Saturday option for team volunteering

or assistance in booking?

Contact Pat Wright at pat@midwestmission.org

or 217-697-4063

Click below to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

Volunteer Reservation Calendar

2025 Volunteer Calendar is now open for dorm reservations!

Go to our Reservation Calendar, log in, reserve your rooms, and submit payment for your Non-refundable Reservation Fee via credit card or electronic check. We will email you the Access Code to reserve Volunteer Shifts for your team. You must complete this step for your team to volunteer at Midwest Mission.

For local teams and individuals: Volunteer Shifts will only be available 3 months ahead of time. Beginning October 1, 2023 you will be able to reserve Volunteer Shifts for January of 2024.

Thank you for your patience as we try to improve the reservation experience for both local teams and those staying in the dorm.

Volunteers at Work

July 5 - July 7, 2023

Volunteer Leaders

Chuck and Karen Porter

Brighton, Illinois

Susan Ryon

Des Moines, Iowa

Volunteer Teams at Illinois Site

First UMC

Bedford, IN

Coal City UMC

Coal City, IL

First UMC

Flora, IL

Trinity UMC

Granite City, IL

Volunteer Teams at Iowa Site

Carroll UMC

Carroll, IA

Robbin Gallegos

Des Moines, IA

Algona UMC


We are so grateful for all our regular volunteers, and the time they give towards volunteering at Midwest Mission. We appreciate their passion and dedication to the ministry!

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