
Welcome to Sherman Shares, the college's monthly newsletter for alumni and friends. It features news about Sherman College, upcoming events, continuing education opportunities, research, and activities on campus.
Porter to Retire After 41 Years on Sherman College Faculty

After more than four decades as a faculty member at Sherman College, Associate Professor Dr. John H. Porter Jr. has announced his retirement effective December 31. A 1977 Sherman College graduate, Dr. Porter joined the college in 1979 as a faculty member and has dedicated his years at the college to teaching the next generations of doctors of chiropractic as well as serving the local community through his private chiropractic practice as Spartanburg’s second Black chiropractor.
Dr. Porter announced his retirement during the college’s employee service awards program on November 19 among colleagues and friends. Having joined the college faculty just six years after its founding, Dr. Porter has taught nearly every Sherman College student to walk its halls, leaving a lasting impression on many alumni.
“Every one of our graduates, for 41 years, has a memory of Dr. Porter teaching them the Palmer Toggle Recoil technique,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Joe Donofrio, ’94. “What has made him such a powerful instructor is that he is a man of few words, but he has the fastest toggle that I’ve ever seen. He is certainly a Sherman College legend, and his daily presence on campus will be missed.” Read more on our blog and See the photos on Facebook.
College Employees Donate Meals, Turkeys to Overflow Thanksgiving
Sherman College employees were eager to help families in need have a happier Thanksgiving by filling boxes of groceries and purchasing turkeys in partnership with the United Way of the Piedmont, The Bridge at Green Street and TOTAL Ministries earlier this month.
Spartanburg’s Overflow Thanksgiving initiative provides boxes of nonperishable items to families to help them prepare a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. The filled boxes also come with extra supplies to help feed children over the long holiday weekend.
College employees pulled together to fill 28 large boxes and purchase 11 turkeys to support this year’s Overflow Thanksgiving effort. Boxes included basic Thanksgiving staples as well as pantry extras like cereal and peanut butter.
The college’s Staff Council Community Service Subcommittee coordinated the collection effort on campus. “In times like these, our community needs us more than ever,” said Joy Turner, co-chair of the committee. “We are grateful for colleagues who share our passion for supporting the local community, and we are excited to help feed local families delicious Thanksgiving meals.”
Porter Scholarship Fund Names Second Award Recipient
Established in 2019 with the goal of lessening the financial burden faced by generations of future chiropractic students, the Dr. John H. Porter Jr. Scholarship Fund is already helping Sherman College students pursue careers of service like Porter himself.
The college recently named this fund’s second recipient, fifth quarter student Teresa Echols of Huntsville, AL. “The Dr. John H. Porter Jr. Scholarship represents a willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty in service of one’s fellow students, school, and most importantly, community,” she shared. “The honor of receiving this scholarship is not only confirmation that I must continue to pursue my education with humility, service and zeal, but it is a gift that will help me reach my ultimate goal of sharing the greatest gift with my community – chiropractic.” Read more.
The college’s first Porter Scholarship recipient, Charles Thomas Tucker III, D.C., of Rock Hill, SC, graduated in June 2020 and has secured an associateship with fellow Sherman College alumnus David Mruz, D.C., ’80, who has served the Upstate, SC, area for more than 35 years. To help endow the Dr. John H. Porter Jr. Scholarship Fund for the future of the profession, visit this page.
Give Thanks, Honor Others This #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving, a worldwide campaign for donations to be made to your favorite non-profit on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year it is December 1, and Sherman College is participating to raise funds for its students and programs.
The challenges of 2020 have forced the college to find new methods to deliver the same high quality chiropractic education. Although we anticipate returning to full-time, face-to-face instruction in 2021, our educational program will still rely heavily on technology. We we will also continue to embrace the latest modern developments in our curriculum studies and our Chiropractic Health Center, including CBCT imaging and our new EPIC Integrity Genesis 1000 adjusting Instrument, both the result of generous gifts from Sherman College donors and supporters.
We cannot continue our great progress without your help. Giving to the Annual Fund next Tuesday is a way to make a positive impact on students and programs at Sherman College. We even have opportunities to honor your loved ones, mentors and colleagues through our Brick and Paver campaigns and other naming opportunities. We look forward to seeing the Sherman College community come together to be a part of this global day of giving and bring about real, positive change for Sherman College, its students and programs, and the chiropractic profession.
Alumni Association Co-Hosts
CV Seminar for Students
This month, the Alumni Association, in collaboration with Student Affairs, presented a workshop for students to help them learn how to create a CV that makes them stand out in the crowd. Alumni Association President and Director of Continuing Education, Dr. Jillian Farrell, ’09, led the workshop in an effort to help students create CVs to distinguish themselves when looking for associateships.
“The CV workshop came out of the Associateship 101 Panel that we had back in September,” said Farrell. “It’s part of an ongoing initiative for the Alumni Association to provide more support to students as they complete their studies, and we plan to have more programming on soft skills throughout 2021.”
Student Activities Coordinator Keely English said her office was glad to support this event. “The Alumni Association has been putting on great trainings for students, and we wanted to get involved by providing snacks and advertising the event via Schoology,” she said. “Dr. Farrell gave a fantastic presentation to students on how to create a CV that stands out.”
Chiropractic Student Government Elects Officers
The Sherman College Chiropractic Student Government (CSG) has elected its slate of officers for 2021-2022. CSG aims to build leadership skills and relationships among students. They work within the governance process to address the needs of the student body.

CSG serves as the liaison between the student body and the administration by representing the student interest. New officers include President Taylor Dempsey, Vice President Jessica Crowley, Secretary Brooke McWhirt and Treasurer Alyssa Keeling.

“The newly elected officers are in a unique position to begin their roles at a challenging time at Sherman College; it’s not an easy task to lead when there are so many unknowns,” said Director for Student Affairs Michelle Schutrumpf.

“It’s important to us that students feel heard, appreciated, and supported throughout this pandemic and this next school year, whether it be online or on campus. I’m confident this administration will do everything in their power to support the study body and keep them connected to the college during such a unique time.”
Sherman College Names Faculty, Staff of the Year

Sherman College of Chiropractic recently honored Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences Princess Porter-Fowler, D.C., ’01, and Help Desk Technician Andrew Cook, A.A.S., in appreciation of their contributions, time and commitment to the college. See photos here.

Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences Princess Porter-Fowler, D.C., was named Faculty Member of the Year and is known for her high level of enthusiasm and engagement with students. A 2001 Sherman College graduate, Dr. Porter-Fowler has worked in both admissions and academic affairs. She joined the college in 2015 as an instructor in the areas of clinical sciences and anatomy and now teaches courses in Palpation, X-ray Anatomy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pediatrics and Geriatrics. Read more about Dr. Porter-Fowler.

Help Desk Technician Andrew Cook, A.A.S., was named Staff Member of the Year. Andrew joined the Sherman College staff in August 2018 and has been a valuable member of the Information Technology team ever since. Cook holds an A.A.S. in Computer Technology from Spartanburg Community College and continues to expand his knowledge and expertise in the IT field regularly through professional development activities and certifications. This year in particular, Cook was instrumental in the college’s shift to remote work during the pandemic. Read more about Cook.
Apple Cider Kits
Help Students Unwind
Juggling the demands of classes (both in-person and virtual) and a private life can leave students drained. Realizing that very real threat to student success led to the creation of mental health awareness activities on campus to reduce stress and help students relax.

During midterms week, Student Affairs and Campus Counseling hosted a table talk. The event centered on sharing a coping technique for anxiety using the five senses: taste, smell, hearing, touch and sight. To help students practice this technique, the college provided Apple Cider Kits so students could smell, taste, feel and see the apple cider and hear themselves say, “Yum!”
Heads Up: Students Learn to Accomplish Quick Tasks
First quarter students recently played a fun game of Heads Up in their Foundational Disciplines class – but there was purpose behind the activity.

To play the game, students placed game cards on their foreheads with the words facing out – without looking at them – while their teammates provided clues to help them guess the words on their cards.

Instructor of Clinical Sciences Dr. Rosemary DePasque,’90, said the purpose of the activity was to show students that they can accomplish tasks within a short period of time and still have fun.
Alumni Profile: An Interview with Dr. Cassandra Peterson, '08, of Kapolei, HI

How has chiropractic changed your life? Chiropractic has given me an outlet to excel in a way I never thought possible for myself. I was given the opportunity to develop my skills at something which has given me the confidence to know that no matter what happens in life, I always have great value to offer.

How would you describe the value of your chiropractic degree? This is an easy question. When I Google value, what comes up is: “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.” I think the value is as good as you make of it as your life goes on. When I graduated from Sherman, I spent a year building a practice. I tried to sell it after a year for $50K. Location, goodwill, and equipment were all valuable. No one bought my practice. I spent the next three years on a chiropractic adventure in Asia. I made nothing beyond my living costs, but I experienced one thousand adventures. I consider this invaluable. Based on those experiences, I was able to build a multi-million dollar practice in Hawaii. So my simple answer to how I would describe the value of my chiropractic degree is: “highly.” 

What is the best part of your job? My favorite part of the job is when I randomly answer the phone and hear the need in someone’s voice, especially someone who is doubting that chiropractic will work for them. When I can help the most difficult case I’ve ever seen, someone who can barely stand to be touched, who then shows incredible hope for their own future; this is my cherry on top. Read the full story on our blog.
Sustaining Star Spotlight:
Dr. Robin Pace, ’07

The college’s Sustaining Stars program honors donors who give monthly to Sherman College. These gifts are crucial because they provide steady and reliable support to the college as we continue to educate the next generation of doctors of chiropractic. One of our current Sustaining Stars is Dr. Robin Pace, a 2007 Sherman graduate who has a mobile practice near Celebration, FL.

“I am all about giving back to the sources of my happiness,” Dr. Pace shared. “I look back on my life and have wonderful memories of my time at Sherman College. I have lifelong friends from there, and that is the best gift ever! Because I have received so much, I want to give back. Donating every month is easy, and I hope the current students at Sherman have an awesome experience.”

If, like Dr. Pace, you want to support the future of chiropractic education through a convenient monthly gift, use this quick form and choose “recurring donations” or contact Assistant Director of Advancement Services Patti Lee Thomas by email or by calling 800-849-8771, ext. 240. Thank you for sharing your passion for Sherman College and the future of chiropractic.
Sherman College Recognizes Employee Anniversary Milestones
Each year, Sherman College recognizes employees who have reached milestone anniversary dates. The college is fortunate to have very loyal employees, including many who have dedicated large portions of their careers to our college and who continue to make great contributions to Sherman College and the chiropractic profession.
The college recently recognized the following employees for their many years of service to the college: Claudia Seay, D.C., ’80 (25 years) and Karen Brower Rhodes (20 years). Celebrating 10 years of service are Jaime Browning, D.C., ’09, D.C.C.J.P., Amilliah Kenya, D.C., ’06, and Charles Kenya, D.C., ’06.
Celebrating five years are Rebecca Boles, D.C., ’06, Caroline Gregory, Billie Harrington, Ph.D., Janice Higgins-Fordree, D.C., ’89, Marcia Park, Princess Porter-Fowler, D.C., ’01, Edgardo Rivera, M.D., Rolando Rivera and Huarong Zhou, M.D., Ph.D. One-year service recognitions were presented to Jorge Campos, D.C., Beth Ehlich, D.C., ’90, C.P.C.O., Lucosi Fuller, Tara Madden, D.C., ’15, Erica Martin, Chris Roberson, Samantha Russell and Mary Watts. See the photos.
Sherman College Online Continuing Education:
At Home Before the Holidays

The year 2020 is quickly coming to a close, but it is not too late to finish up your CE requirements before the end of the year, on your own schedule!

Visit to see our full library of convenient, affordable online CE courses. Happy Holidays from Sherman College’s Continuing Education Department!
Student Ambassador Spotlight: Brooke Jaakola of Wyoming

Education: MSN – Master’s in Nursing

Activities/Hobbies: Reading, working out, walking my puppy Tucker, puzzles

Favorite thing about Sherman:
I love that our school has such a great community that is focused on THE vitalistic approach. Where else in the world can I commune with like-minded people, focused on creating more awareness and understanding of human potential and how to achieve it?

Favorite thing about the Upstate:
It is SO beautiful here! We are a stone’s throw from beaches, great hiking, little bitty mountains (come on guys… I’m from Wyoming!), and a couple of big cities. What else could a person ask for?

About Our Ambassadors:
Register Now for
DC2B ChiroCon 2021!
Calling all DCs2B! Sherman College’s Continuing Education Department has put together an event JUST for you – the DC2B ChiroCon 2021!

This event is free for all chiropractic students (not exclusive to Sherman students) and will be held virtually on Saturday, January 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern time.
The agenda features five chiropractic college graduates who have amazing things to share about the transition from student to doctor; they will also provide a way for attendees to connect with them personally.

Those speakers include Drs. Kathryn Heidt, Charles Tucker, Stephanie Wigner, Zues Cornish, and Danielle Stetzel. Registration is now open (go here to sign up), and the program is free for chiropractic students.
Support Sherman College While You Shop at Amazon

Amazon Smile is one of Sherman College’s affiliate programs. When you shop at, you are asked if you would like to shop Amazon Smile and donate 0.5% of your total purchase to the charity of your choice, at no cost to you. Please say yes, and select Sherman College of Chiropractic as your charity.

Your donation to Sherman College is automatically calculated at checkout and costs you nothing! Help Sherman as you shop by using this link:

If you’re already signed up and need to change your charitable organization, check out this link. The college has received more than $750 to date through this program.
We Appreciate Our Corporate Regents
For more information on becoming a Corporate Regent, please contact Mary Watts at 864.578.8770, ext. 267, or
Sherman College of Chiropractic