
Welcome to Sherman Shares, the college's monthly newsletter for alumni and friends. It features news about Sherman College, upcoming events, continuing education opportunities, research, and activities on campus.
Showcase Sherman Weekend a Success

Showcase Sherman Weekend was held February 19-20 on campus, with both days running smoothly in an altered format that included social distancing measures and extra safety precautions. Prospective students enjoyed themselves and were very complimentary of our faculty, staff, executive team, and students. The Office of Admissions received 14 new applications over the weekend, with 71% of those in attendance having now applied for admission. This important event helps us showcase the best of Sherman College! Upcoming 2021 dates include May 14-15, August 6-7, and October 22-23. Learn more about Showcase Sherman.
Sherman CE Summit: A One-Day Virtual Event - Registration Now Open

Since Lyceum 2021: Time to Shine has been postponed in hopes of having an in-person event this October, the Office of Continuing Education is bringing you another Sherman CE Summit: A One-Day Virtual Event to be held May 1, 2021. We know that some states have upcoming CE deadlines, and should your state allow this format of learning for earning credit, we're here for you!

The cost of this event is $197 and up to 10 hours of CE will be available. Learn more about the event.
Chiropractic Health Center Names Intern of the Month

The Chiropractic Health Center faculty recognizes an intern each month who excels in clinical performance, patient management, professionalism, and analytical and adjusting technique.

The January 2021 Intern of the Month was Matthew Devlin of Swampscott, MA. Matthew graduates in March 2021 and plans to open his own practice, Trade Street Chiropractic, in Tryon, NC.
College Marketing Efforts Receive Recognition
Sherman College took home two silver awards in the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) 2021 District III Awards. This is the Office of Marketing and Communications' first time entering its work for CASE, and two of its three submissions were recognized.

The college's branding campaign received silver recognition in the Institution-Wide Branding Programs category. In addition, Sherman College's Lyceum 2020 was recognized in CASE's new COVID-related Special Event Pivot category. Marketing and Communications partnered with the Continuing Education Office on the Lyceum entry.

CASE awards recognize and celebrate outstanding programs and individuals in higher education. District awards honor everything from annual reports to websites, distinguished service to new professionals, and everything in between. District III covers the Southeast; other 2021 contest winners included powerhouse universities like Auburn, Emory, Duke, Vanderbilt, Florida International, Clemson, NC State, and others.
CCE Reaffirms Accreditation for Sherman College's Doctor of Chiropractic Program

The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) notified Sherman College of Chiropractic on January 21, 2021, that it has reaffirmed accreditation of the doctor of chiropractic degree program. This marks the beginning of a new eight-year cycle of accreditation with CCE.

"Reaffirmation is business as usual in higher education, but it is nonetheless important to note that a great deal of work goes into maintaining and demonstrating compliance, and every individual on our campus plays a part," said Sherman College President Edwin Cordero, D.C. Read the full story.
Health Center Supports Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center

Every year, Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center hosts a "Have-a-Heart" fundraiser to support its effort to provide chiropractic care to children who are dealing with tough situations. Sherman College's Chiropractic Health Center collected donations in its reception area from February 5-14.

All collections for the Have-A-Heart campaign were given directly to Oklahaven, and every donation was represented with a heart posted on our staircase railing. It was great to see our railings covered with Have-A-Hearts. This year's campaign raised $198 for Oklahaven.
Student Ambassador Spotlight: Marissa Hanna of Galway, NY

Associate Degree in Applied Science

Why Chiropractic:
To provide a sense of purpose and belonging in people by optimizing their ability to live fulfilling lives!

Hiking, kayaking, fishing, and dancing.

Favorite Thing About Sherman:
The people!

About Our Ambassadors:
Dooley Elected Treasurer for IFCO

Assistant Professor and Business Education Department Chair Brian R. Dooley, D.C. '05, A.C.P., was elected treasurer of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations for 2021. In addition to his service as a faculty member at Sherman College, Dr. Dooley also owns a practice in Pickens, SC.

The IFCO is an international organization of chiropractors, students, and others who support the practice of chiropractic for the purpose of correcting vertebral subluxations. According to its website, the organization promotes, protects, and advances chiropractic, assists chiropractors in any legal way that is practical, and facilitates public access to and knowledge of the services of chiropractic.
The ROAR Diaries: Winter in Kansas City

Director of Reach Out And Recruit (ROAR) Jorge Campos, D.C., A.C.P., recently visited five ROAR offices during a whirlwind winter tour of Kansas City, MO. "As a hot-blooded Latino, I have to admit that it was tough to be out in the cold visiting ROAR doctors," Campos admits. "But knowing how passionate these chiropractors are, I had to go visit their offices."

Members of Sherman College's Reach Out And Recruit program are on the front lines of the profession, changing student's lives by mentoring them and recruiting them to build the future of chiropractic.

Read more about Dr. Campos' travels and the doctors and offices he visited.
Lyceum 2021: Time to Shine Moved to October

Sherman College has been carefully evaluating plans for Lyceum 2021 over the past few weeks in accordance with current events and local, state, and federal recommendations regarding COVID-19. The college has opted to postpone Lyceum 2021 until October 28-30, 2021, in hopes that it can host its annual homecoming and continuing education event experience on campus and in person.

As the year progresses, we will continue to evaluate the safety and potential liability of hosting this event, and we will keep you informed with as much advance notice as possible. No matter what happens, you can count on Lyceum 2021 taking place on October 28-30, either in-person or virtually.

The goal is to host this event in person so we can see our alumni and supporters, connect with new friends, and celebrate our wonderful profession together, just the way B.J. intended at the first Lyceum so many years ago. Please watch our website for the latest program information and updates. One way or another, we'll see you in October! Read the full announcement.
Sherman Staff Provides Hygiene Kits for the Community

Staff Council's Community Service Committee organized its second annual drive to create hygiene kits to support the homeless and those in need in Spartanburg. The committee collected donations from employees, assembled the kits along with a hand-written note in each bag, and then took them to the Opportunity Center of Spartanburg.

The Opportunity Center of Spartanburg is run and operated by Spartanburg Interfaith Housing Network (SPIHN). SPIHN provides compassionate, loving support with shelter, meals, and supportive services through a faith-based network to homeless families of Spartanburg County by fostering and promoting growth for a successful transition to independence.
Keeping it Clean: Sherman Pride Around Campus
Even the cold weather can't stop Sherman College students from serving their community. Chiropractic Student Government (CSG) hosted its quarterly highway cleanup as a community service project for the student body. Club leaders and other students volunteered their time to clean up Springfield Road, the college's sponsored area for the Adopt-A-Highway program.

"This was the first highway clean-up we have done since this pandemic started, so you can only imagine how much trash there was to pick up," said CSG President Taylor Dempsey. "Despite the cold, many students gave an hour of their time to beautify the area surrounding the school that we are so proud of."
Sherman College Online Continuing Education

Enhance the way that you serve your patients who need a little extra TLC with this free guide! Dr. Erin Jacobs' top 10 tips will help you to better understand your patients with special needs and develop strategies to use in your office in any situation.

Regent Program Helps Advance Sherman College

The Regent Program provides for the advancement of Sherman College. Its members support the college with annual gifts of $1,000 or more, and the collective financial commitment of its members has been a major source of support for the college’s annual fund since the program’s inception in 1977. Sherman College thanks the following individual who joined the Regent Program during the last month:

New Regent:

  • Mr. John McGuire (Neptune Beach, FL)

Regents are leaders and advocates for the profession and participate in activities that give visibility and stature to Sherman College. Whether through financial support, speaking engagements, legislative roles, or student referrals, Regents are an effective and vital group in their support of the college. When you become a Regent, you become a partner with the college, directly impacting campus enhancements and a student recruitment program to grow the profession.
We Appreciate Our Corporate Regents
For more information on becoming a Corporate Regent, please contact Allison Loflin at 864.578.8770, ext. 301, or
Sherman College of Chiropractic