Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council July 2024: Issue #24-7

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council's (SONC) newsletter, the Ziff Flyer.

Message from the President

Lindsay Imber


We were glad to see you at our June movie night and invite you to the next Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) Movies in the Park event on July 20. We will be screening Barbie, with activities beginning at approximately 6pm at our usual location along the Hazeltine softball fields at Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park, with the movie beginning shortly after sundown. Pack a chair or blanket, picnic dinner, and wear pink. We'll see you there!

Thank you to SONC's Outreach Committee for planning and Board Members Susan Collins, Jeffrey Hartsough, Lindsay Imber, Neal Roden, Stacey Segarra-Bohlinger, David Silverman & Human Services Committee Member Alexia Guevara for assisting on event day.

At this month's board meeting on Monday July 8, SONC welcomes the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for a presentation on their important work. Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide by creating a culture that's smart about mental health. Visit for more info.

We will also consider a motion relative to the Sepulveda Transit Corridor (STC) project, building upon our previous positions in which SONC voted to support fully-underground heavy rail (subway) Alternative 6 and to oppose Alternative 4's proposed above-ground trains atop Sepulveda Blvd. The present initiative pertains to a campaign to formally seek removal of Alternative 4, a half-hearted proposal which would require the demolition of homes and apartments.

Thank you for your continued interest in and dedication to the Sherman Oaks community. Please stay safe and be kind to one another.

With Pride and Determination—


📅 Upcoming SONC Meetings:

To view up-to-date details, please visit the SONC calendar.

SONC Board

July 8, 2024, 6:30 PM

Public Safety Committee

July 9, 2024, 6:30 PM

Outreach Committee

July 16, 2024, 6:30 PM

Planning and Land Use (PLUM)

July 18, 2024, 6:30 PM*

Vision Sub-Committee

July 18, 2024, 6:30 PM*

Government Affairs Committee

July 23, 2024, 6:30 PM

Finance Committee

July 24, 2024, 6:30 PM

*Joint Vision/PLUM Meeting

Movie in the Park - Barbie

July 20, 2024, 6:00 PM

Human Services Committee

August 5, 2024, 6:30 PM

Executive Committee

See Website for Meeting Date

Airport Committee

See Website for Meeting Date

Green & Sustainability

See Website for Meeting Date

Traffic & Transportation

See Website for Meeting Date

Please visit the committee

page links for meeting agendas and to confirm dates, times and locations.

How to Attend SONC Committee Meetings

Whereas the monthly Board meeting takes place at the larger Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center (5056 Van Nuys Blvd), in-person SONC committee meetings are generally held at Sherman Oaks Martin Pollard Branch Library, 14245 Moorpark Street, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 while virtual committee meetings are held via telephone or Zoom. Each Committee Chair is empowered to select a meeting format that works best for their committee. Meeting locations, formats (in-person vs virtual), dates, and times are listed on the applicable agenda published before the meeting.

For information on specific times and locations for each meeting please consult the SONC website calendar page:

How to Receive Agendas When They Are Posted

Subscribe to LA City's Early Notification System (ENS) to be notified via email of all upcoming Board & Committee Meetings and to receive meeting agendas.

SONC Committee Updates
SONC Planning & Land Use Committee
and Vision Sub-Committee
Jeff Kalban, Chair

July 18 (6:30PM at the Library), There will be a joint Planning and Land Use Committee and Vision Committee meeting. The Los Angeles Planning Department will present the revised draft Southeast Valley Community Plan Update that incorporates all of Sherman Oaks. This is the first time we will be seeing what the city is proposing for this 20-year plan of our community. We will delve into the proposed rezoning and its implications for the future of our community.

Don't miss out on our regular community engagement opportunities at the Sherman Oaks Library:

Vision: First Thursday of every month at 6:30pm.

Planning, Land Use, and Land Management Committee (PLUM): Third Thursday at 6:30pm.

Your participation is crucial in shaping the vibrant future of Sherman Oaks. Together, let's build a community we're proud to call home!

SONC Outreach Committee

Kyle Peña, Chair


Thanks to everyone who came out to our first movie in the park this summer! We were joined by CD4 and Councilwoman Nithya Raman and LA Recreation and Parks, who provided snacks for the evening.

Please join us on July 20th in VNSO Park for BARBIE -- we'll have a limited number of beach ball giveaways and invite you to wear PINK! Activities begin at 6PM and the screening will start at dusk, so bring a blanket and a picnic to enjoy a summer evening in your local park.

SONC Public Safety Committee

Susan Collins, Chair


The SONC Public Safety Committee held its first "Public Safety Event" on June 15th at the Pineapple Hill Grill and Saloon and we thank them for graciously hosting us!

We had presentations from Vector Control regarding best practices on controlling mosquitos, members from the Mayor's CIRCLE program presented information on how this program provides people experiencing homelessness expedited services, and last (but definitely not least) we received important information on what to do after a natural disaster as well as some basic first aid tips from expert C.E.R.T. Trainer, Christy Adair.

Our next Public Safety Committee will be held virtually only on Tues. July 9, 2024 at 6:30pm. We'll be discussing topics for our next event, and we would LOVE to hear from you!  

What do YOU want us to schedule for our next Public Safety Event? The agenda with the Zoom link to attend the meeting will be posted on the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council website 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday, June 9th at 6:30! 

Be Well & Stay Safe!

Public Safety Committee

Subscribe to SONC's 

Early Notification System via the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to receive all agendas for council meetings and committee meetings.

Subscribe to ENS

If you need assistance with City services, agencies, and departments (graffiti, trash, abandoned properties, and more), you can contact the Office of District 4 Councilmember Nithya Raman here or via (213) 473-7004.

In addition to contacting the office, for any issues related to homelessness anywhere within Council District 4, you can contact Senior Homelessness Deputy Sarah Tanberg (

Click here to download the SONC Guide to Free Resources in the Sherman Oaks area
Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteer with

The Valley of Change

Feed Our Friends In Need

Second Saturday of Month

Community Cleanup

Second Sundays

'Come to the Corner'

Email Contact:

For more information please visit:

Stay connected:
Twitter: @ValleyChange
Volunteers Cleaning Communities Come and Join Us to make a difference meet new people get some exercise and have some fun
Volunteer with NHIFP

Take advantage of helping out your community.

North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry is looking for volunteers.

To sign up, please visit:
LA Regional Food Bank

If you are interested in volunteering with the LA Regional Food Bank, please visit this link.
Questions, concerns, please email: 
L.A. Works

Join L.A. Works and learn about all the volunteer opportunities available here in our great City of Los Angeles!

Facebook - @laworks 
Twitter - @LAWorksNow 
Instagram - @laworksnow
Please visit
Van Nuys Neighborhood Watch news

Get Involved In Your Community

If you are interested in becoming a Block Captain and starting a Neighborhood Watch Program in your neighborhood, please contact your Senior Lead Officer at the email addresses or phone numbers listed below to obtain further details. There are 4 senior lead officers assigned for all of Sherman Oaks:

Jose Saldana


(818) 731-2565


Mariana Romo


(818) 731-2563


Joel Gutierrez


(818) 731-2560


Kristan DeLatori


(818) 731-2562


Join SONC's Mailing List
Get Involved!
What interests you?

If you live, work, own property, own a business, or belong to a non-profit organization, school, or religious institution in Sherman Oaks, you are a stakeholder in Sherman Oaks. We hold monthly Board of Directors and various committee meetings which you are invited to attend to learn about and participate in your community. Join SONC's Mailing List today.
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Precious Ramirez Utility Box Approved Original Art
What is a Neighborhood Council?
The Neighborhood Council system enables meaningful civic participation for all Angelenos and serves as a voice for improving government responsiveness to local communities and their needs. We are an advisory body to the City of Los Angeles, comprised of stakeholder volunteers who are devoted to the mission of improving our communities.

Neighborhood Councils advise the Mayor, City Council and City Departments on the City budget and will give local residents greater say over the decisions that affect our lives. You can view a brief video explaining what Neighborhood Councils do and what it means to be a Neighborhood Council member here.
SONC Newsletter Submission
Please send all inquires to