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1. Only order titles with an inventory status of "Available at the Warehouse" 
2. Select the " UPS/USPS Ground Shipping" option
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We are happy to fulfill other orders, but will not be able to process them until at least May 4. Other options: try  or - keep it indie!
Shelf Stable: April 18
" Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky, My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them. " Arnold Lobel
Hello friends!

I hope everyone is doing alright out there. I truly miss the bookstore more than anything as well as all of you that fill it with so much love. 

In these times of uncertainty and crippling loneliness it is important to recognize our paperback pals- as no one is ever truly alone with a book. I myself have been struggling quite a lot with my mental health primarily due to the lack of social interaction and sunlight. I find myself at times feeling very lost and hopeless. That is until I reach over to my bookshelf which is conveniently in arms reach of my bed. It is, to quote Olivia Gatwood’s  Life of the Party , my way to “feel less alone in the dark.” 

Perhaps the biggest thing I miss from the bookstore is handing you the book back after the transaction. In that small gesture I know I’m handing you an escape, an empathy machine, and most of all, a friend. I miss knowing that when you leave our store you will no longer be alone on the other side.  

I miss you all in the same way I miss my fellow train riders. I miss my morning commute, the entire Red Line filled with bodies all going somewhere but just for these 50 minutes we are all together. I miss seeing all the faces and making little stories in my head of where they may be going or what they may be leaving. 

Let’s take this quarantine as a nice long train ride. We are all such busy bodies caught up in our everyday swing of chaotic schedules and constant commuting- but now, now we have the opportunity to stop, to breathe. Reach out to someone you’ve been wanting to, answer someone you’ve been too busy to answer, or simply just be and give your body the rest it’s been craving. Because for once, in this rare, strange occasion, we are all in the same train car.

Stay safe,
Hannah @ PSB

Don't miss our next virtual event!
Need some inspiration?
Sometimes the right beverage is all we need to shake us out of doldrums and get us through to another chapter, especially when that beverage has a little bit of caffeine.

I know we're all missing our favorite coffees and teas from Cafe Zing during this pandemic and life is just not the same w/out an earl grey tea. However, I've found a lot of comfort in making teas at home to go with my book reads. If you're local to Somerville and Cambridge, you'll recognize MEM Tea as the local tea shop in Somerville. Also, MEM Tea is what Cafe Zing uses for their tea drinks. So, it feels like you have a piece of Cafe Zing and Porter Square Books in your home when you purchase their tea and our books! MEM Tea is open for online ordering and if I may, here are my favs to drink:

English Breakfast - Ceylon OP best served with almond milk
Earl Grey: de la Creme best served with almond milk
Ginger Peach best served black

Afternoons :
Golden Buds Milk Oolong: Jin Xuan best served black or with almond milk
Matcha Kinrin, 20g Tin best served as a latte with almond milk

Evenings :
Hibiscus best served black

Bedtime Stories
Josh read another passage from The Dreamed Part , this one all about our relationship to books. (In way he also reads all of Wurthering Heights.) His cat Circe makes a cameo appearance and the awkward moments at the beginning are just Josh waiting for viewers to show up on Instagram Live.
Meet us over at our Instagram story at 8:45pm for tonight's live bedtime reading!
Support Cafe Zing baristas!
Although Cafe Zing is its own business separate from ours, we really don't see it that way: Zing workers are part of the Porter Square Books family. They keep us well supplied - very well supplied - with caffeine, kindness, and some great tunes. Sometimes they give us staff picks; sometimes we give them exact change because we've bought the same, perfect, comforting, delicious beverage twice a day five days a week for how long, now?

They're our family, and they could use a hand. If you are able, please considering donating to the Cafe Zing GoFundMe; 100% of proceeds go to baristas. What might you have spent at Zing over the past weeks if it we were in normal times? If that $10 is still in your wallet, consider putting it in their tip jar. We love you, Zing!
Featured Staff Pick For Kids
Brown Girl Ghosted by Mintie Das

Violet Choudbury sees dead people, and in particular the recently murdered queen bee of her cheerleading squad. For one of a handful of brown girls in a small Illinois town, who wants only to blend in, this is not working well. I thoroughly enjoyed this original, fun, and fast-paced story. --Robin
We Want to Hear from You!
What is your bookish kryptonite? That genre or type or category of book that you just can't resist? Mysteries that involve twins? Sci Fi featuring sarcastic robots? Domestic novels in which all the conflict & tension would be resolved if a couple people were honest with each other? Let us know and you might see something on our social media.
Audio Book Of The Month
Deacon King Kong by James McBride

“Deacon King Kong is a quintessential New York story. Set in the Brooklyn projects in 1969, a perpetually inebriated deacon called Sportcoat aims a gun at the neighborhood’s main drug dealer in the public plaza and pulls the trigger. Incredibly well-constructed and hilarious at times, McBride’s story entwines a number of storylines that are kickstarted by this central event. The local Italian gangster, the veteran cop, the meddling churchgoers, and the drug pushers all have their own agendas, hopes, and dreams that are affected. And though Sportcoat doesn’t remember his actions and is always under the influence of gut-rot moonshine, I couldn’t help but root for him as I was reading this. His delightful ineptitude and absence of clarity made this book impossible for me to put down. If you’ve never read McBride before, this is a great introduction.”
--Stuart McCommon, Novel.
See you next time here at Shelf Stable!
We'll get out our next issue as soon as we can. In the meantime, don't forget about all the other places you can catch up with us from afar, on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube :
25 White St. Cambridge, MA 02140