Often the most challenging part of a Strategic Plan isn't the writing of it- it's the implementation. This Nonprofit Pro articleoffers four ways to stay on the strategy path that your organization has set. We love the idea of having a "reporter" who helps ensure progress on objectives are regularly reviewed.
On grant applications, funders often ask if and how your organization is collaborating. This brief Grantsmanship Center blog posits some ideas to think about when considering collaboration, whether it be at an informal level or a detailed arrangement requiring a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Whatever their structure, collaborations can enhance impact and help decrease duplication of services- both interests to many funders!
"Go for Gold" promotion. To be eligible, your nonprofit must have annual revenue or expenses totaling less than $1M AND earn a 2024 Gold Seal of Transparency. Click here to learn how to earn that Gold Seal!