Shaw Middle School Student News
Read Across Shaw
Did you read something good over Spring Break? Be sure to share with your teachers what you read to keep working toward the team goal!

Be listening for your name to be drawn on Free Book Friday!
Spring Sports Start After Spring Break
Tuesday, April 9th - Baseball and Track & Field (UPDATED) will begin for 7th & 8th graders. If you are interested in playing be sure to sign up through Final Forms. See Mrs. Metz or Mrs. Malubay if you need help.

Tuesday, April 9th - Disc Golf Club will continue. This activity is open for 6th - 8th grade students. Sign up through Final Forms.

Intramurals for 6th graders will begin soon. Be watching for more details.
This beautiful piece of art has been a long time in the development and is finally completed.

Be watching for a dedication service for this piece that was created by artist Misha Tyutyunik with input from Shaw students and staff over the past 1.5 years.

A few of our current students were able to contribute to the final product by spending time painting with Misha before Spring Break.

This piece celebrates the history, future, and diversity of Shaw and the Hillyard community. Take some time to check out the intricate design the next time you are in the building.
Parent Resources
Wednesday, April 10th
5pm - 6:30pm

Parent night for 5th grade families with students attending Shaw next school year.

Call the office with any questions.
We are a proud Title I School. This is a federal designation that provides our school additional resources to improve student learning. We use our Title I funds to hire additional instructional staff, provide professional development opportunities for staff, purchase additional instructional materials, and engage the family community in events. We will be planning virtual family events in the future. Please view our Shaw website for more information.
At Shaw, we invite you to continue to find ways to partner with us in your student’s education. One way to partner with us is to provide input on our Title I Parent Engagement Plan, our Title I Compact, and our School Improvement Plan which have been emailed out to families and placed on the Shaw website home page. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you, families, for supporting your students at Shaw Middle School.