(910) 295-1934
Habitat Newsletter
June 2021
Creativity, Cleanliness and Courage…
our defense against the year!
A Message From Our Director

As we embarked on this fiscal year (our Habitat year, like most nonprofits, begins on July 1 and ends on June 30) we had no idea what to expect. We had just been released from lockdown to welcome back small numbers of volunteers who were willing and able to join us. We weren’t sure how soon we would be back to normal, and although we were all stocked with toilet paper, we had no idea that construction materials for our homes like lumber and even appliances would sometimes be tripled in price when they could be found at all. However, one of the favorite phrases of our general contractor is “Don’t tell me how it can’t be done…tell me how it can be done.” Early on in the pandemic, Farrah and her A-Team of Habitat Construction Supervisors decided to keep building.
Jim Parsons. Rick Ford, Christy Brewster, Adam Cook, Farah Pulliam,
Jake Wibbens, Keith Matz, and Ed Kaylor
The following months were not for the faint of heart, though. Fears of outbreaks and risking the health and safety of our staff and volunteers meant lots of conversations and decisions to keep moving forward. From enhanced sanitization protocols (building on-site sinks, purchasing gallons of hand sanitizer, and wiping down EVERYTHING) to limiting the numbers of volunteers we could allow on-site and in the ReStore to ensure distancing rules, we were able to keep our exposure to the virus minimal.

As we wrap up the year, we are thrilled that we pushed ahead as we were able to stay on schedule and even exceed our fundraising goals at the ReStore and at our Annual Gala, providing the necessary funds to offset the increased building costs. Even with less than half our usual crowd, we raised double our goal – providing enough funding to add an extra house to the 2022 build schedule.

In April, we welcomed back dozens of hardcore volunteers with open arms in the ReStore and on the construction site. It was hard to tell who was happier, the staff who had been working double time or all the volunteers that were happy to be out of the house and back at Habitat. We are ending our year with four home dedications in June, that's right FOUR HOME DEDICATIONS! We had to make up for lost time and thanks to all the hard work and time our volunteers contributed, our Habitat family got it done!
Bob's Biker Group
We couldn’t have done it without the can-do spirit of our staff team – so stay tuned as next month we will be sharing a little more about the incredible men and women who are working behind the scenes to build, repair, lead our ReStore and provide a meaningful and fun volunteer experience to our wonderful supporters. Thank you for everything you did this year to keep us moving – whether you were able to return to volunteering, share a financial gift with us or just let us know you were with us in spirit, we felt it – and we appreciate you.

Amie Fraley
Executive Director
Faith Relations Meeting
Our Faith Builders are not meeting in June, but keep in touch on our website or check your email box for information regarding our July meeting.
Ashley’s War (Revisited)
A Virtual Event
 hosted by The Country Bookshop
 for Habitat for Humanity
 Wednesday, June 23rd at 12:00 pm
Thank you for supporting the 2020 Ashley's War Event that was postponed because of Covid. We hope you can join us for this free online event. Have you had a chance to read the book, Ashley's War: The Untold Story of a Team of Women Soldiers on the Special Ops Battlefield by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon? It is a compelling story of a team of women soldiers on a Special Operations battlefield in Afghanistan.

We are incredibly fortunate to have two of these women of honor join us for a special panel discussion to share experiences of combat and the impact on them, fellow soldiers, and our nation.

Many thanks to
Four Habitat Home Dedications this Month!
Closing out the year with a bang!
On Thursday, June 17th Habitat will be live on Facebook with three consecutive Home Dedications starting at 2:00 pm with Katrina Drakeford at her new home in Southern Pines, continuing in Raeford with Karly Laffin at 2:10, with Aurilla Shaw in Rockingham at 2:20.
The Drakeford Family
1597 W. Pennsylvania Ave Ext
Southern Pines
The Laffin Family
3737 Blue Springs
The Shaw Family
173 Westfield Drive
On Thursday, June 24th at 3:00 pm we will be live on Facebook, and in person, celebrating Amber Baldwins new home in Hamlet.
The Baldwin Family
342 Raleigh Street
Southern Pines, NC
Cars for Habitat
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for you to invest in the Habitat mission of building affordable homes, and we want to thank Aaron Cooper of Cooper Ford for his leadership as our Habitat Auto Donation Partner. If you have a working vehicle you no longer need and would like to donate it to Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills, we will be able to turn that vehicle into funds to be used toward our home construction and repair program. Your donation will make it possible for future homeowners to build and purchase their own home through Habitat to begin building equity for their family in a safe and affordable home.
Farrah Pulliam and Aaron Cooper
If you are unable to bring it to our ReStore, you can even have the Cars for Homes team pick it up at your location. Plus, if you know of someone out of the area who is willing to donate it through this program, they can have their donation earmarked for our affiliate regardless of their location.
We are thrilled to have yet another way our community can partner with us in the creation of guaranteed affordable housing for local families – thank you!
Best of the Pines Nominations
Here is an easy way to support your local Habitat. The Pilot Newspaper’s “Best of the Pines” is now open for nominations and we need your help to get us on the ballot. Nominate Habitat for your favorite category or all three, tell your friends and share it on social. Our ReStore is the BEST, nominate us for BEST THRIFT SHOP and BEST PLACE TO BUY CONSIGNED FURNITURE. Are you a Habitat supporter or volunteer? Nominate us for PLACE TO GIVE YOUR TIME OR MONEY under Arts & Community. Is easy, click on the buttons below and nominate Habitat!
Volunteering at Habitat!
Our volunteers are gradually making it back on-site and we are thrilled to see both longtime volunteers and new faces. The isolations that we experienced during the pandemic have made us all appreciate our friends and neighbors more than ever before. When the military group “A Co. 2-508 PIR” came out in full force, everyone at Habitat was ecstatic. This was the largest group in almost 16 months and we made sure we used all the muscle we could get! They came out on May 21st for the second time bringing over 30 volunteers each time thanks to Ray Balona.
As soldiers, we are all guests in the local community and I feel that it is important to impact the local community in positive, meaningful ways. The added bonus to these events is the opportunity to assist the people in our community who are less fortunate.” - Ray Balona 
 All Hands on Deck!
 "Remembrance Build Day" 
 September 11th, 2021 (9/11).
Join fellow military personnel and first responders to help support our day of remembrance on 9/11. Please email volunteer@sandhillshabitat.org for more information".
Volunteer Support Committee
Do you enjoy showering people with love and appreciation? Are you looking to give back to the community but don't have much time? Our Volunteer Support Committee is the perfect match for you! We are looking for a handful of individuals interested in coming together over coffee and snacks in the office a few hours per month to help with tasks that support our fabulous volunteers! These tasks might include:
  • prepping gifts for volunteer appreciation events
  • helping plan appreciation events
  • prepping milestone awards
  • keeping inventory of our new Habitat Swag closet
  • helping with handwritten "Thank you" and Birthday cards
If you or someone you know might be interested in joining this wonderful committee, please consider joining us in the office at 2268 NC Highway 5 in Aberdeen Wednesday, June 16th, at 2 pm.
Mary Chapman
Hardcore Volunteer
988 Volunteer Hours

Mary Chapman is originally from Chatham, New York, about 30 miles SE of Albany. Mary spent 28 years in South Florida and has lived in North Carolina since 1995. She has experienced the opposite ends of the East Coast’s extreme weather and ended up in the middle. She enjoys golfing, walking her neighbor's dog, cooking, and entertaining. Before volunteering at Habitat, I worked all my life as a secretary/administrative assistant. I have worked for manufacturing operations in NY, a florist, attorneys, insurance companies, and a real estate developer. I retired in 2013 while working for FirstHealth Hospice.

“Years ago I promised God and myself that, if I was healthy when I retired, I would use my skills to help my community. I tried a few other volunteer positions before finally landing at Habitat. I started in the front office, approximately 2015 but found myself really enjoying working in the ReStore. Having been homeless for a short time in my very young years, I love the fact that Habitat works to help provide safe and affordable housing to hardworking people. The entire staff ROCKS! - Mary Chapman
Free Donation Pick Up Service
with new Online Donation Scheduling

Need More Guidance?
Call 910-295-2798
Press 1 for Donation Scheduling

New to the Moore County
or New to Habitat?
We welcome you to join us the third
Saturday of every month.

Are you new to Habitat? Are you interested in volunteering or partnering with us in the future? Here is your chance to find out exactly how everything here at Habitat works and get your questions answered! 

Saturday, June 19th from 10 AM- 10:45 AM, we will be hosting a New to Habitat Orientation. You can attend this orientation from the comfort of your own home via Zoom or join us in the office (2268 NC Highway 5)! 

If you would like to attend, RSVP by simply commenting below or email volunteer@sandhillshabitat.org! We appreciate all that you do to help support Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills and look forward to seeing you Saturday!
Our Leadership Team
Al Beranek, Chairman
Lisa Fagan, Vice Chair
Len DiNapoli, Secretary
Kirk Lynch, Treasurer
Amie Fraley, Executive Director
Fallon Brewington
Charles Cobb
Karen Dulmage
Tim Dwyer
Bob Friesen
Robin Porter Graham
Fran Grandinetti
Jana Green

Buffie Hall
Bert Harrell
Jeff Hutchins
Tim Maples
Bob McVay
Helen Probst Mills
John Sapp
Everyone Deserves a Safe and Affordable Place to Live
All Donations are Appreciated!
Because we partner with our suppliers' Habitat can often get building materials at or below cost which stretches every dollar, $50 can buy doorknobs for a Habitat Home!

Please visit our website to get more information about our Donor Appreciation Level.

www.sandhillshabitat.org (910) 295-1934