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We are in a moment where all members of the health care workforce, not just those who have the formal label of “leader,” can and must lead in new ways to ensure all communities can thrive together. The pandemic has laid bare longstanding inequities and gaps in how our communities, schools, health care, housing—the systems that shape our lives—are designed. This new guide describes how all health care workers can act as leaders to ensure all people reach their full potential. It introduces the concept of stewardship and the Vital Conditions for Well-Being and outlines specific practices and strategies for healthcare systems.


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New on PHERN: Building Trust

Building trust in public health interventions and communication is fundamental to the work of public health and efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic. We can build trust by combating misinformation, supporting trusted messengers and networks, improving our trustworthiness, and deepening relationships that engender trust over time. Trust between public health and communities facilitates acceptance of interventions and cultivates equity. Learn more about Building Trust on PHERN—the Public Health and Equity Navigator.


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Happy Clean Air Month!

We all need clean air to be healthy and well. A major threat to health worldwide, poor air quality causes 1 out of every 9 deaths. Although air quality in the United States has improved significantly over the last several decades, it remains an important quality of life concern, particularly for low-income and communities of color, children, and people with chronic respiratory disease. In the era of COVID-19, clean air has become even more important. This Clean Air Month, explore newly curated resources on Community Commons.


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Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders

Happy Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) month! AANHPI people are integral to the culture and identity of the U.S. Throughout history, their significant and often-overlooked contributions range from atomic sciences and technology, to pediatric immunology, ethnic minority psychology, civil rights, and domestic violence advocacy. It is also important to acknowledge how AANHPI people have been systematically exploited, excluded, scapegoated, displaced, and abused by white Americans. Learn more and explore dozens of newly curated resources on this important trending topic.



Taking Action for Reproductive Justice: Our Favorite Tools, Resources, and Data

With the historic 50-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade around the corner and basic reproductive rights deeply entrenched in politicized debate across the U.S., reproductive justice—a framework developed by Women of Color in the 1990s combining social justice and reproductive rights—has again taken center stage. Learn about what reproductive justice is (and isn't), understand key actions to advance reproductive justice, and explore dozens of newly curated resources related to reproductive justice, reproductive rights, maternal health, and important intersectional topics.


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Build Your Own $15/hr Fact Sheet

Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour is critical to advancing racial equity and ensuring an equitable recovery. Do you know who earns $15/hour in your community? Follow 3 easy steps to create your own $15/hour minimum wage fact sheet—a dashboard with six charts, leveraging Atlas data and Tableau. Use this tool to explore earnings in your community and advocate for more equitable economies.


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Mental Health America: Adult Data 2022

19.86% of adults are experiencing a mental illness--equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans. 4.91% are experiencing a severe mental illness. The state prevalence of adult mental illness ranges from 16.37% in New Jersey to 26.86% in Utah. Explore this map to see where your state stands in terms of (1) prevalence of mental illness and (2) access to mental and behavioral health care.


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Reframing Neurocognitive Differences: What the Neurodiversity Movement Means for Public Health and Equity


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Social Determinants of Health


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