Hello Pathfinder and Adventurer Nation!


Club of the Year deadlines are approaching! This includes Share Your Faith projects your clubs have worked so hard on accomplishing this PATH/ADV year.

This is a friendly reminder to make sure your club has completed:

1) the Report and 2) the Registration in YMMS for Share Your Faith to receive the COY points.

April 1st is the deadline to complete the Report and Registration for Share Your Faith.

In YMMS, in the RANKING tab, you will find the Share Your Faith Report to fill out for your club.

In the EVENTS tab, you will find where to register your club members that participated in the Share Your Faith event.

Remember: At least 60% of the Adventurers/Pathfinders in your club must participate.

Take a look at the manual for more information on COY points and Share Your Faith.

Adventurers: click here

Pathfinders: click here


Pedro Perez

Director | Pathfinders & Adventurers Ministries

Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventist

Office: (407) 644-5000 Ext. 2420 | Fax: (407) 618-0279