Israeli Dance Monday 9:30-11:00am
No experience necessary…Tell all your friends
Start your day with a morning filled with fun and exercise
Taught by Jill Cohen.
Class will meet on May 20th.
$5 per session for members; $8 per session for non-members
Rabbi's Bible Class, Tuesdays at 10am
The class meets on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 811 8696 2229 Passcode: 018620
No prior experience necessary, join us anytime.
How to Read Hebrew, Wednesdays, 11am
Instructor: Marty Rubenstein
Class will meet on Zoom
Meeting ID: 872 5649 5836 Passcode: Hebrew
Click here for more info.
Coffee Talk with Rabbi Benson, Thursdays at 9:30am
Coffee talk is meeting at NSJC
Hebrew in the Torah with Ann Helfgott
Fridays at 10am
The class meets in on Zoom
Meeting ID: 856 1770 1135 Passcode: 246455