Kiddush is sponsored by Scott and Dr. Julianne Sobel on the occasion of the Yahrzeit of Julianne's mother Malka bas Avraham, A"H and for the yahrzeit of her father, Tzvi Ben Menachem Mendel, A"H.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Aryeh and Rochel Markman on the engagement of their daughter, Basia to Yitzchak Elchanan Stein. The vort will take place on Sunday, September 1st from 7pm-9:30pm at Morry’s Fireplace (9118 W. Pico Blvd)
This is shabbos mevorchim chodesh Elul. Rosh Chodesh is Tuesday and Wednesday. Shacharis for the middle minyan for each of those days will take place at 6:45am (instead of 7:00am).
Beginning with Tuesday night Maariv, we will start saying Le’Dovid Hashem Ori after Aleinu in Maariv and in Shacharis. We will also start blowing the shofar before Le’Dovid every weekday morning beginning Wednesday (first day of Elul).
Regular Kollel classes will begin again this Wednesday, September 4th with the exception of Rabbi Stern’s classes.