June 7 - June 8 | 2 SIVAN 5784

SHAVUOT: June 11-13, 6-8 SIVAN 5784

Shabbat Shalom!

In this week's Baum Branches:


  • We celebrated Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, marking the reunification of the city of Jerusalem following the Six-Day War in 1967. I wrote an article on this occasion in the Sun Sentinel in 2018.


  • In honor of Pride month, I'm including a special announcement from our friend and congregant at Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Louis Rosner, appointed to the board of Keshet, and a resource on Pride month from USCJ.

  • This week, the week before Shavuot, I would like to share the Dvar Torah I gave last Shabbat on a ray of light that I've experienced during this dark year: people choosing to become part of the Jewish people...after October 7th. I am not ready to post the link yet (I might re-write for a different blog and post there), so I'm attaching the PDF with a source sheet.


Click here to read:

Converting to Judaism…Now? Standing Tall During Challenging Times©

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi David Baum 

Join us for our last Kabbalat Shabbat

On The Beach

before summer hiatus

Friday, June 7, 2024

6:15 PM

Location and parking instructions will be sent via email confirmation

Click to RSVP



Saturday, June 8, 2024

9:30 AM

Kiddush Sponsored by JARC


Meeting ID: 882 0065 3129

Passcode: 910086


Please be patient with us as we continue to evolve and upgrade

our streaming technology

in the sanctuary.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

All-Night Study Session

Tuesday, June 11 at 8 PM

Jewish Unity

K'Ish Echad, B'Lev Echad

One Body with One Heart


Service Times

Wednesday, June 12, Sunrise

Wedesday, June 12, 9:30 AM

Thursday, June 13,

9:30 AM includes Yizkor

Click Here for the Schedule

Click Here to RSVP
Click Here for the Shavuot Schedule

***Chaverim, Please Note: Childcare is not being offered for the summer.

The playroom is closed. Parents, please be responsible for your child(ren). 

Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat Services will be on hiatus for the summer AFTER June 7.

If you have a yartzeit or a loss in your family and would like to say Kaddish with a minyan,

please contact the office.


Saturday, June 15: Kiddush sponsored by Ed Bernstein & Ariella Reback in honor of Ed's 40th Anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah

Sunday and Tuesday Minyanim are on hiatus for the summer

Yahrzeit and Refuah Shlema List***

If you encounter an antisemitic incident:

Emergency: Call 911

Free Legal Hotline for Universities:  CALL help to 51555

Hillel Toolkit for Students:

Report an Incident to the ADL:

Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County:

Zioness Facebook Site:

