
August 9, 2024

News and Shmooze

Weekly Jewish Update

Candle Lighting @ 20:29

Dear Friends,

We wish you and yours a Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Chaim and Rivky Drukman

*Due to the current situation, we have special security at Chabad on Shabbat visible as well as undercover.

*Unfortunately, the Luzern Polizei still can't promise to be present so we had to hire a private security company. It is quite costly, and your financial support to cover these expenses is needed.

*Please know that there is NO known threat to any Jewish institution in Switzerland at this time. 

Upcoming Events

Shabbat Services

Saturday, August 10

09:00 - Coffee & Chassidut Study

10:00 - Services

11:00 - Weekly Torah Portion

12:15 - Kiddush Lunch

Lunch and Learn in Zug

Thursday, August 29

Pilpulim - for Hebrew speakers

Sunday, September 1

Rosh Hashana Dinner

Wednesday, October 2

Rosh Hashana Services

October 3-4

Yom Kippur Services

October 11-12

Weekly Torah Classes:

KIDS Club Classes:

Sunday: 10:30

Wednesday: 18:00

“Torah & Tea on Zoom"

Mondays 10:00

for women

Bar Mitzvah Preparation

Thursdays: 17:15

Talmud (advanced)


Coffee and Chassidut Study

Saturdays: 09:00

Jewish humor

"I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong"

Weekly Moment

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Learn something new every week / פרשת דברים

(Parscha auf Deutsch)

(Parasha in English)

A Parable

A Parable of the Maggid of Dubno

A pauper once trudged along a country road, carrying a bundle of his worldly belongings on his back. As the beggar began to tire, a speck of dust appeared in the distance. To his delight, he was soon overtaken by a rich carriage that belonged to a local quire.

“Hop on board,” called the nobleman generously, “and rest your feet until we get to town.”

A few minutes later, the nobleman turned around and saw the beggar sitting with his bundle balanced precariously on his sagging shoulders.

“My dear man,” he asked with a hint of concern, “why don’t you put down your sack and rest up? There is plenty of space . . .”

“Oh kind sir,” came the reply, “it is generous enough of you to give me a ride. I would not trouble your horses, who are surely overtaxed, to carry my poor belongings as well.”

“Silly man,” said the magnate, “don’t you realize that even if you put the pack on your shoulders, it is still being carried by my carriage?”

At times we are like the poor beggar, foolishly carrying our worries and cares on our own shoulders, stubbornly believing that we are actually making a difference.

If we take a moment to recognize that G‑d constantly “carries” the entire world, including our cares and concerns, we can relax our shoulders, confident and secure in our faith.

The weekly Parasha (EN / DE)

Give to your community by giving your time

In our Jewish community of Central Switzerland, there is always a need of volunteers and helpers. Be it setting up and organizing events, helping with ongoing programs or visiting the sick or elderly

Luzern Pilatusstr. 20

 Zug Industriestr. 16

T +41-41-361-1770


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