Shabbat Parah

March 29-30 | 20 ADAR II

I hope everyone had a meaningful Purim this year, despite our current circumstances. I want to thank everyone who took part in the planning and implementation of our Purim services, from our Megillah readers, especially our teens and pre-teens, many who read for the first time, and our Purim Bat Mitzvah, Zahara Carmi, and her family. CLICK HERE to see CSK Purim photos and videos.

Purim is a time of not just receiving joy, but giving gifts. Our chaverim/congregants donated $416 for Matanot L’evyonim (gifts to the poor) to the JFS Jacobson Family Food Pantry to help food-insecure households in our area. We also sent Mishloach Manot to soldiers in Israel. 

For many years, we’ve given our congregants the opportunity to offer Mishloach Manot to IDF soldiers. In 2021, we sent 26 baskets; in 2022-37 baskets; in 2023-45 baskets; and this year, we more than doubled our previous year’s donation with 100 baskets! 

I wanted to share a letter from Yishai Gelb, Project manager at Connection Israel:

I'm thrilled to share some exciting news from our recent endeavors at Connections Israel. Over the past week, we embarked on a meaningful journey across the country, hand-delivering Purim Baskets, heartfelt letters, and essential equipment—generously donated by you and Congregation Shaarei Kodesh of Boca Raton! 


Our mission took us to bases spanning from the Gaza Strip to the picturesque landscapes of Northern Israel in the Galil, Golan, Jezreel Valley, Judea, and Samaria. Through your unwavering support, we had the privilege of not only providing tangible gifts but also uplifting the spirits of our dedicated soldiers with your heartfelt prayers.


I invite you to click on the links below to view a collection of some photos of the deliveries:

Units Near Gaza

Units Up North

This Shabbat, I will share the third and final part of a sermon series on Zionism and Jewish American identity, inspired by a recent conference I attended called Zionism: A New Conversation. In my final sermon, I will ask the question, "Who owns Zionism?" For those who are looking to learn more about the topic, I highly recommend listening to Yehuda Kurtzer’s Podcast: Identity Crisis, episode 180: Who Get’s To Be A Zionist? where he discusses how Jewish organizations are finding it increasingly challenging to represent the wide diversity of North American perspectives on Zionism.

Click here to read the previous two sermons, focusing on different aspects of Jewish peoplehood and memory in a post-October 7th world, or in the boxes below

Finally, I’d like to end on a somber note as we mark the passing of former Senator Joe Lieberman. 

When I was a high school teenager in American History class, our teacher taught us historical events and his viewpoint on those events. One day, he proudly proclaimed that America is a Christian country. I argued back, but he was hearing nothing of it. That was the reality back then; there had not been a Jewish President or Vice President, and few of us imagined the country would elect a Jewish candidate. But, in 2000, a couple of years after that history class, Senator Joe Lieberman was chosen to run as vice president with then VP Al Gore. 

As a young Jew, he made me feel that this country could be really accepting of us. He was an atypical candidate at the time. He wasn't cool like Bill Clinton, but the country was seeking stability and a return to morality. Joe Lieberman wasn’t the ‘typical’ Jew in the sense that he was an openly religiously observant Jew. Most Jews in office were more ‘culturally’ Jewish, but as a young Jewish man who was observant, it was incredible to see how this country embraced a Jewish man who openly showed his faith to the world. 

I highly recommend an article by Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Joe Lieberman’s rabbi, titled, “Joe Lieberman’s rabbi on the senator who was ‘one of us.’" In his eulogy, Rabbi Cohen, said, “He was a senator, but at the same time, he sat in seats like everybody else, he enjoyed the kiddush like everybody else…When he walked home from shul, he got soaked on rainy days. He was one of us.” Rabbi Cohen saw Lieberman as “the modern embodiment of the biblical Joseph-somebody who can really serve as a role model for the vision of being a Jew, which is not isolating oneself from the world, but engaging in elevating the world.” He thought the senator’s commitment to religious observance was the product of a series of minor decisions guided by a commitment to God: “A life is built by small decisions, not major ones,” Cohen said. “And Senator Lieberman understood that character is built over time.”

May his memory be a blessing,

Rabbi David Baum

Standing for Peoplehood: Revisiting Jewish American Identity Post-October 7©

This week, we had the Oscars, but did you know that the Oscars have their own awards, for, the Oscars?...

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Making Memories In the Middle: Navigating Jewish Identity Across Generations Post-October 7©

Parashat Vayikra 2024/Shabbat Zachor 5784

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Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, March 29, 2024


6:15 PM

Jewry Duty: Obu-Ros


Shabbat Parah

Saturday March 30, 2024

9:30 AM

Thank you to our Shabbat Sponsor:

Peter Stahl in honor of what would have been his 57th Wedding Anniversary


Meeting ID: 882 0065 3129

Passcode: 910086


Please be patient with us as we continue to evolve and upgrade

our streaming technology

in the sanctuary.


Sunday, March 31, 9:30 AM

Tuesday, April 2, 6:15 PM  

Yahrzeit and Refuah Shlema List***


Friday, April, 5: Jewry Duty: Rot-Ska

Saturday, April 6: Rabbi Charles Klein Shabbat Speaker

New Member Shabbat



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