
The Lamplighter

Chabad of Washington Heights' Weekly Newsletter

19 Menachem Av 5784 | August 23, 2024 | Torah Portion: Eikev | Pirkei Avos: Ch. 5 | Issue #793

Wishing you Good Shabbos - Shabbat Shalom. Next week in Jerusalem!
Rabbi Yakov & Shulamit Kirschenbaum 

We pray to G-d that our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land of Israel be safe and unharmed, that the wounded be healed, that the hostages return home safely and unharmed, that the murdered be avenged, that the IDF utterly defeats our enemies, and that all our soldiers return home safely and unharmed.

To say a prayer for Israel, click here
Weekly Shabbat Dinners - RSVP for tonight!
Weekly Torah Classes

Schedule for Week of Aug. 25-31

Weekday classes can be joined on Zoom - ID#: 858-784-1721 Password: 9R3NEZ , FB Live, and Phone - 646-558-6338 - code is 613770#.  

  • Monday 8:30 pm: "My Prayer" - Study of the daily prayers
  • Wednesday at 8:30 pm: Parshah Insights
  • Shabbos at 9:30 am: Tanya & Tuna
  • Shabbos at 6:15 pm: Talmudic Tales
Shabbat Candle Lighting

Friday, August 23

Light Candles at: 7:23 pm

Shabbat, August 24

Shabbat Ends: 8:23 pm

Find out more about Shabbat & Holiday candle-lighting

Shabbat Schedule

Services are held at the Chabad House - 50 Overlook Terrace, side entrance

Shabbos P. Eikev


Minchah, Kabolas Shabbos: 7:35 pm


Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:34 am

Shacharit: 10:00 am

Services followed by a kiddush, not-yet sponsored

To sponsor or part-sponsor this week's kiddush or any kiddushclick here

Talmudic-Tales Class: 6:25 pm

Minchah: 7:10 pm

Maariv/Shabbat Ends: 8:23 pm

Living With the Times; The Weekly Torah Portion

Bread From Earth, Blessings From Heaven

By Rabbi Menachem Feldman, emissary of the Rebbe to Greenwich, CT; Art by Rivka Korf Studio

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Almost all the blessings in the Jewish prayer book were instituted by our sages and are not Biblically mandated. The only exception is the commandment to bless G‑d after eating bread, as Moses tells us in this week’s Torah portion:

And you will eat and be sated, and you shall bless the L‑rd, your G‑d, for the good land He has given you.

Over time, the blessing (often called Grace After Meals) evolved, and is now a series of four blessings composed over more than a millennium. The Talmud explains who composed each blessing and when. We will focus on the first two:


What's the Story?

The Man For the Job

By Mendel Adelman

Presented in honor of the yahrtzeit of Reb Levi Yitzchak, the Rebbe's father - 20 Menachem Av (tomorrow, August 24)

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The Dnieper River sat frozen and still, flanking a city with a hole in its heart. It was the 1st of January, 1908, and one block from the frozen banks of the Dnieper, the Jewish community of Ekaterinaslav was in mourning. Their leader, Rabbi Dov Ze’ev Kozevnikov, had just passed away.

Since its founding in the late 18th century, the Jewish community had chosen followers of the Chabad rebbes to be their leaders, and Rabbi Dov Ze’ev was no exception. He had presided over a bustling city, one of the largest in Ukraine, with a massive Jewish population. By the turn of the century, Ekaterinaslav’s population of over 200,000 was one-third Jewish. The 70,000 Jews formed 41 synagogues, 30 schools, and a yeshivah. It was the Jewish capital of Ukraine.


Anticipating the Redemption

The Brave Heel

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; taken from Chabadnj.org

Our Rabbis teach that the opening phrase of our Torah reading Vihaya eikev tishmayon - "It shall come to pass when you heed...." alludes to our present era, ikvasa demeshicha, the time when Moshiach's approaching footsteps can be heard. When we observe the Torah and its mitzvos in ikvasa demeshicha, the commentaries explain, G-d will keep the promises mentioned in the Torah and bring the Redemption.


Levana Cooks

Watercress Soup Recipe. Cold Variation

By Levana Kirschenbaum | 5/27/11


watercress soup

Watercress Soup

This soup is a great way to use watercress. Delicious cold too!

I love the spicy and pungent bite of watercress: It’s perishable, so I try my utmost to use it on the same day I buy it: did you know it’s the secret ingredient in my gazpacho?

Cold soups would always be a thrill if only they were made with full-bodied and full-flavored veggies, as they are in this cold watercress soup. No stock or broth whatsoever! Bouillon cubes? Let’s not even go there!


For a halachic guide to washing/checking vegetables, fruits, & berries, click here

The Jewish Joke

From Aish.com

One afternoon a little Chaim Karpelstein was playing outdoors. He used his mother's broom as a horse and had a wonderful time until it was getting dark.

He left the broom on the back porch. His mother was cleaning up the kitchen when she realized that her broom was missing. She asked little Chaim about the broom and he told her where it was.

She then asked him to please go get it. Little Chaim informed his mom that he was afraid of the dark and didn't want to go out to get the broom.

His mother smiled and said “Don’t worry Chaim. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Hashem is everywhere and he will protect you.”

Little Chaim opened the back door a little and said “Hashem, if you're out there, please hand me the broom.”

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"Everyone must regard himself and the world as evenly poised between good and guilt...If he performed a good deed, he has shifted the balance of his fate, and that of the entire world to good, and has brought deliverance and salvation upon himself and upon them all."
-Maimonides, Laws of Teshuvah Ch. 3, Law 4
"The time of our redemption has arrived!"
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1990-1 - see Yalkut Shimoni Yeshayahu, remez 499