Shabbat Re'eh

Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 10:00 am

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Afternoon Minyans are broadcast online daily at 5:15pm

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for Minyan every FRIDAY

In Parshat Re'eh God tells the Israelites that He is giving them a blessing and a curse. To receive the blessing, simply follow God's rules. To receive the curse, ignore them. And where were these blessings and curses to be announced? In the West Bank. Here's the exact quote: KI ATEM OVRIM ET HAYARDEIN- You are about to cross the Jordan River (into the West Bank!) to enter and possess the land that the Lord your God is giving you. When you have occupied it and are settled in it, take care to observe all the laws and rules that I have set before you this day!

Wow- how about that! The Torah actually commanded our ancestors to OCCUPY and become SETTLERS in the West Bank! In other words, the Israelites were given the land quite literally from the River to the Sea! So how should we react to this Divine command today? Should we ignore these lines? Does this section of the Torah still apply? Maybe when people call the modern Israelis occupiers and settlers and colonizers- perhaps that is precisely what we were told in this week's Parsha to be.

Temple Israel Services

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This week's Yahrzeits

(Light candle the evening before)

Friday, August 30, 2024----26 Av 5784

Sadie Grossman, Leonard Berman, Sidney Friedman

Michael Schoenholtz, Sara Levinson, William Speizman

Samuel Hanovice, Ruth Gittleman

Saturday, August 31, 2024---- 27 Av 5784

Barbara Zwirn, Mildred Silberman, Adele Gevirtz. Hilde Schwager

Rose Plessett, Abe Naveen, Max Goldstein, Israel Zager

Harry Frank, Harry Mitchneck, Joel Hanovice, Barry Iscovitz

Sunday, September 1, 2024----28 Av 5784

Bertha Rosenthal, Marian Blum, Ruth Shaffer, Lena Trattner

Monday, September 2, 2024---- 29 Av 5784

Ruth Morris, Gary Frank

Tuesday, September 3, 2024---- 30 Av 5784

Beth Abrams, Henry Thalenfeld, Harry Rifkin, Ruth Gordon

Clara Brown, Herbert Levy, Margorie Slomowitz

Anna Idelchik, Connie Green, Isaac Werner, Susan Yelen

Wednesday, September 4, 2024----1 Elul 5784

Meyer Schwartz, Esther Beber, Jack Geller, Gertrude Harris

Thursday, September 5, 2024----2 Elul 5784

Harvey Miller, Avram Behar, A. H. Gallow

Friday, September 6, 2024----3 Elul 5784

Maxine Coblentz, Murray Geller, Polina Gurevich, Lenore Harris

Geddie Morrell, Joshua Costanza, Louis Lazarra

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Temple Israel Office & Mailing Address

613 SJ Strauss Lane, Kingston PA 18704
