Kehillat Ohr Tzion

Rabbi Shlomo Schachter

Shabbat Balak

President Jeff Schapiro

14 Tammuz 5784

Davening Schedule

Friday, July 19

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 pm

Earliest Candle Lighting: 7:15 pm

Candle Lighting: 8:31 pm

Sunset: 8:49 pm

Saturday, July 20

Shacharit: 9:00 am (sharp)

Kiddush is sponsored by the Epsteins in honor of Jonathan's birthday.

Pirkei Avot Class: 8:00 pm 

Mincha: 8:30 pm

Havdala: 9:39 pm

Sunday, July 21

Shacharit: 8:30 am

Thursday, July 25

Shacharit: 6:45 am


In honor of the yahrzeit of Bobby Minkoff

By Cecille Minkoff

Please remember to drop off your Dash's receipts in the bag in the shul foyer.


President: Jeff Schapiro

Rabbi: Shlomo Schachter

Newsletter: Joseph Enis

Chesed: Mireille Schapiro

Fun/Fund: Beth Weiss


Publicity: Phyllis Steinberg


Social Action: Phyllis Steinberg


Web Site: Karen Marks


Kiddush Sponsorships: Cheryl Stein

Web Site:

KOT depends on Voluntary ATID pledges to ensure that we can provide for all of our expenses. If you have made a pledge, the Board of KOT thanks you for your generosity. If you have not made a pledge or have questions regarding the Voluntary ATID program, please contact Steven Weiss at
Donate Now
It's Spring in Buffalo, and leaves are waiting to open on the Tree of Life at shul.

Have a leaf or a rock inscribed!
   $120 for a leaf
   $1000 for a rock

Kosher take-out available in Buffalo (Supervision by BVK):

BK Gourmet click here
Luscious by Lori click here

From the President:

Some weeks it's not easy to decide what to write for this space (just ask Cheryl). This week I just want to encourage everyone to appreciate the summer we are having. Especially, the Shabbat mornings that aren't rainy or snowy and cold. It truly is a pleasure to walk to shul when it is beautiful out. Take the time, not only on Shabbat, but every day, to appreciate the fine weather we are having. Especially on Shabbat though, enjoy your walks and take time to "smell the roses."

Attend KOT this week and participate in the davening and in celebrating the birthday kiddush sponsored by the Epstein family in honor of Jonathan's birthday. He reported that it's his business as to how old he is.

Shabbat Shalom.



From the Rabbi:

Parashat Balak is something of an enigma. Unique in the Torah in that it primarily focuses on something completely outside the experience of the Jewish people. Rather the focus is primarily on Balaam, a non-Jewish prophet hired to curse the Jewish people by Balak, king of Moab. We see for the first time how we are seen from the outside.  

Despite going hundreds of miles out of our way last week so as (Deut. 2:9) "not to harass Moab, nor contend with them in battle," we are seen by Balak as a moral and military terror, killing entire populations and taking their land. It doesn't matter that Sichon and Og attacked us. We are feared, hated and NOT seen as Godly. Sound Familiar?

In this week's haftarah, we see the Prophet Micah address the preposterous ethical condescension of a morally and spiritually bankrupt Moabite nation. And the language used by scripture couldn't be more clear in also directly addressing our situation today. (Micah 6:11) "shall I count myself pure with wicked balances, and with a bag of deceitful weights?  For its rich men are full of hamas (violence), and its inhabitants have been telling lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth."  

The true measure of righteousness is not the consensus of the ungodly masses. We don't need to participate in the manipulation of narrative to paint our enemies as evil. God sees all and knows the difference between true virtue and virtue signaling.  As it says just a few verses earlier, (6:8) "...what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love benevolence, and to walk humbly with thy God."  We don't need to be loved by the wicked. Why should we want that anyway? We need only to be our truest, justest, most Godly Jewish selves.

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Shlomo

Shul & Community Events

Park School of Buffalo is currently hiring for two positions for the Kadimah Scholars program for this coming fall, one for a Hebrew teacher and one for a Judaic Studies teacher:

879 Hopkins Rd.
Williamsville, NY 14221