Session Update
March 12, 2020
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Greetings from your state Capitol. Today marks a very important deadline within the General Assembly- Crossover Day. Before midnight our bills must pass our respective chambers in time for our legislation to be considered for this term. As adjournment is set for April 2nd, we have hit full speed in doing our best to pass legislation which will benefit our state and her citizens. 

Last week was eventful as I had the opportunity to welcome some very special visitors to the Capitol, including my daughter-in-law, Kamesha Harbison, who served as Doctor of the Day. These medical professionals are recognized and then stay for the duration of one session day to provide medical support to the members and staff of the Georgia General Assembly.

I also had the great pleasure of hosting leaders from Macon and Chattahoochee counties. These individuals had the opportunity to hear presentations from the Economic Development rural initiative team, as well as, from the GA Dept. of Transportation. I sincerely appreciated all for taking the time to make their way to Atlanta to represent our district concerns.

In addition to our regularly scheduled session, our Georgia Secretary of State also hosted qualifying week for the upcoming election cycle. After much prayer and consideration, I am excited to announce that I will be seeking re-election to continue my service as your state Senator within the Georgia General Assembly. I sincerely appreciate the guidance and wisdom so many have lent over the years and I am grateful to have your support as we continue to work in unison for the betterment of our district and state.

You can read more about Senate happenings in my full reports below.  I will continue to update you throughout the legislative session. If you need anything at all, please let me know. Again, I thank you for your continued support and much needed prayers. It is an honor to serve you. Be blessed my friends!

Ed Harbison
Senator of the 15th
Session Update- Weeks 7 & 8

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Senate Action