Session Update
February 4, 2020
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Friday, January 31, brought to a close the first month of the new year and the third week of our 2020 legislative session. We convened every day this week and spent a great deal of time in our respective committees to review proposed legislation.

Many of the bills reviewed in committee over the last week are those resulting in work completed by our many study committees which met during the off- session season to further explore issues of importance.  Study committees such as the Georgia Commission on Freight & Logistics, the Rural Development Council, and the House Committee on Maternal Mortality brought forth legislation with recommendations on how to best implement sound policy for each respective area moving forward.

I will continue to update you throughout the legislative session and please, if you need anything at all, let me know. Thank you for your continued support and much needed prayers. It is an honor to serve you.

Ed Harbison
Senator of the 15th
Session Update- Week Three 

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Rural Initiatives
Maternal Health

Last week Veterans gathered under the Gold Dome for a ceremony recognizing the Georgia Veterans Hall of Fame. It was an honor to take part in these ceremonies.