Session Update- Week Eight
March 6 , 2016
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Last week the Senate took action on nearly 30 bills, these measures now move to the House for consideration Any Senate bill that did not pass the floor by day 30 (Crossover Day) is no longer available for consideration. We are now on to the period where the Senate will review bills from the House in the committee process. 

Two of my colleagues Senators Bill Jackson and Tommie Williams announced their intentions to retire from the Senate at the end of this term. Sen. Jackson was elected to the Georgia Senate in 2007 and Sen. Williams was elected in 1998. I want to thank them both for their service to their constituents and our state. 

If you are interested in keeping up with the work that I am doing on behalf of our District 15 citizens...There is an APP for that! Please download my new APP for the latest information on district happenings. 

As always, thank you for your support and allowing me the opportunity to serve our district and state. If you need anything, please contact my Capitol office. God bless you my friends!
Session Update- Week 8 

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Highlights from Crossover Day:
Public  Safety

Upcoming Events
I am pleased to travel around District 15 and other parts of this great state on behalf of our Georgia citizens. Below are a few upcoming events that I plan on attending.

March 12th 
Vietnam Veterans Ceremony
10:30 AM;  Marine Corps Det. HQ
Fort Benning

 March 18th
10th Annual Military Ball
Guest Speaker
6 PM; Troup High School

Senator Harbison in Action!
Sen. Harbison with Actress Terri Vaughn (Lovita) from the Steve Harvey Show.