In this Issue
Dear Colleague,

Since its inception 20 years ago, the Center for Collaborative Education's work has focused on a vision of equitable, democratic learning environments in which all students can thrive. Two decades later, our nation's fastest growing subgroup are English language learners (ELLs) and our vision is even more paramount.  While the number and diversity of these students grows, their academic performance (as measured by standardized test scores) and outcomes on a number of indicators such as high school graduation continue to lag behind that of their English proficient peers. 

In this issue and in the coming months, we'll be sharing more about our growing body of work focusing on effective, research-based practices that enhance outcomes for English language learners.  Successful academic achievement of ELLs is a critical challenge for them and for the teachers, schools and districts that educate them. We are committed to doing all we can to ensure educational opportunity and equity for the children that represent the future of our communities, nation and the world.

From all of us to you, best wishes for a rejuvenating and joyful holiday season.





Dan French, Executive Director

Personalized Learning Network in Massachusetts 

We are excited to announce that CCE has been designated as an "Emerging Harbormaster" by the Next Generation Learning Challenge and Education Cities to launch a new Personalized Learning Network in Massachusetts.  


Personalized learning is an approach to instruction designed to accelerate learning by meeting the individual needs, skills and interests of each student. CCE's Personalized Learning Network will emphasize positive mindset, cultural relevance and equity in instruction, encouraging students to take ownership of their own learning while also developing deeper, personal connections with others. 


We have committed to creating, along with our partners, a plan over the next half year for the launch of successive cohorts of personalized schools in an initial 2-4 urban districts in Massachusetts, with the goal of contributing to an eventual growth of personalized schools to more districts across the state.

Webinar: Serving English Language Learners
You are invited to an upcoming complimentary webinar, Serving English Language Learners: Moving beyond Compliance towards Equity, on Wednesday, March 4th at 3:30 pm. This one-hour webinar, facilitated by CCE's English Language Learner programs staff, will share teacher successes and highlight effective practices in serving ELLs, the nation's fastest growing student subgroup. 

Discussing state policies such as Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL) in Massachusetts and tools from the WIDA� framework, this webinar will emphasize the importance of student-centered, asset-based and culturally responsive teaching in the effort to move beyond compliance measures towards equitable education for all learners. 

Related Resources: Download a set of research studies conducted by the Center for Collaborative Education and the Gast�n Institute at UMass Boston that led to the formation of the new Massachusetts state policy known as RETELL.

New WIDA� Professional Development Services  

CCE is excited to announce the recent certification of Sarah Ottow as a World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA�) trainer.  As the Director of English Language Learning Programs at CCE, Ms. Ottow brings a wealth of expertise to support professional development services that meet the specific needs of schools and districts in serving English Language Learners.  

Educators can receive access to the WIDA� integrated system of language proficiency standards and assessments and standards-based program evaluation and development for grades PreK-12 through facilitated workshops. Our professional development approach includes follow-up coaching sessions to ensure successful integration and application of the WIDA� model. For more information about WIDA� training for your school or district, please contact Sarah at

In the News 

At the annual meeting of the University Council on Educational Administration in Washington, DC last month, Anne L. Hafne and Albert Jones from California State University, Los Angeles and Irene Herrera-Stewart from the Center for Collaborative Education, presented 

Assessing the Development of Apprentice Principals in Traditional and Residency Programs. A CCE staff member, Ms. Herrera-Stewart is currently working with our partners on the Los Angeles New Administrators Leadership Program.


Download the report


In high-need urban districts the average rate of attrition is 50 percent within three years.  When asked why they left, teachers' number-one response is job satisfaction. Maria Chan, Induction Director for CCE's Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency program, discusses why teacher collaboration makes a difference on ZOCALO PUBLIC SQUARE.


Laurie Gagnon, Director of the Quality Performance Assessment Initiative, was recently featured on CompetencyWorks. Her piece, The Power of Deep Discussions around Student Work was originally posted as part of the Center for Assessment's Reidy Interactive Lecture Series. In it, Ms. Gagnon reflects upon several themes that underscore some guiding principles for implementing performance assessment.


Louis DeLoreto, the principal of E.O. Smith High School, has written a piece for CompetencyWorks talking about their partnership with Center for Collaborative Education and making the case for performance assessment in The Case for Performance Assessments in a Standards-Based Grading System.  


Our favorite quote from his article: "For us, in the mix of standards-based reforms being put forward today, assessment is key. If you don't have the mechanism for assessing student achievement in the standards, then putting the standards in place is, at best, a symbolic act."

Center for Collaborative Education
33 Harrison Ave., 6th floor

Boston, Massachusetts 02111
(617) 421-0134