Amin’s Testimony
of Faith
"When someone calls you saying, “Come to me and I will give you rest,” it would be difficult for a person who spent 45 years homeless and lost in a desert full of questions that need answers, to trust that person, because I trusted many and the result was a disappointment."
Discover Galilee:
The Ministry of Jesus
"Together, we go through the scientific research and we parallel between the stories from the Bible and archeology. For me, history and archeology don’t conflict with each other, but they complete each other in amazing harmony.”

Bible Live:
The Story of Ruth
In this Bible Live video, we meditate on Ruth's story, who followed the God of Naomi, and became the grandmother of King David!

2021 Summer Camp: 'My Homeland'
This year we organized a summer camp for local kids entitled 'My Homeland'. We are blessed to serve our community and show the Love of Christ to them.
Our Media Graduation
Check out this video made by our Media graduates showing their two years of experience and funny moments at the College!

Christmas is almost on the horizon!
Of all the Christmas decorations available in the world, the most popular is the traditional Nativity set, depicting the beloved Holy Family.

Who would not want a Nativity Set, knowing that it is carved in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born?  Read more!
For more information and registration, click here,
Or contact us via email at or call us on 2741190 ext. 109.
  • Pray for our prospective students that will be attending BethBC this fall. 
  • Pray for our financial needs to be met so we can continue to thrive through these difficult days.
  • Praise the Lord with us for our successful summer community training programs.
  • Praise the Lord for the Shepherd Society ministry as they continue to support the needy.