Order of Worship: March 17th



Candle Lighting

Call to Worship

Opening Songs

"Great is Thy Faithfulness"

"The Servant Song"

Scripture Readings

Jeremiah 31:31--34

Hebrews 5:5-10

John 12:20-33

Unison Prayer

Lenten Song: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"

Message: "Service Required"

Song: "Forever"

Offering/Doxology/Offertory Prayer

Prayers of the People/The Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn: "Crown Him with Many Crowns"



(You are welcome to remain seated to listen to the postlude or depart). During worship, please follow the cues from the Praise Team up front to stand or sit.

This Week at Grace:


Bible Study 9am

If you are planning to meet at Grace UMC, you need to call ahead or email the office to reserve space and to get your meeting on the church calendar. To adjust for heating needs, Pastor Jen MUST know if/when you are meeting.

Church Office Phone:


Grace Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9 a.m. to noon


Online--available at


In-Person Worship Sunday--9am

Unison Prayer

A modern take on the Wesley Covenant Prayer

I am not my own self-made, self-reliant human being.

In truth, O God, I am Yours.

Make me into what You will.

Make me a neighbor with those whom You will.

Guide me on the easy path for You.

Guide me on the rocky road for You.

Whether I am to step up for You or step aside for You;

Whether I am to be lifted high for You or brought low for You;

Whether I become full or empty, with all things or with nothing;

I give all that I have and all that I am for You.

So be it.

And may I always remember that you, O God, and I belong to

each other.


Call to Worship

L: Lenten travelers, how long have you traveled this road with your gaze pointed down at the dust and gravel and asphalt as you walk or limp or roll down the path?

P: Sometimes it is easier to look at the road than at the people who share the journey with us.

L: Lift up your heads! Look, listen, reach out a hand. Who are your neighbors on this road?

P: We lift our heads and look to our Savior who journeys with us and helps us notice our neighbors all around us.

L: This is the Lenten journey—to learn to love God and love our neighbors just as Jesus showed us.

P: Our journey teaches us to lose our lives to God as we find and follow Christ in our service to others.

L: Come, let us worship God who caravans with us on this road to the cross.

P: Come, let us worship! Amen

The Scriptures for next week are:

Philippians 2:5-11

Psalm 31:1-5,9-16

Mark 15:1-39

Mission Giving for March

Our missional giving for March is the Lakes Area Food Shelf. Thank you very much for all that has been given already to this worthy cause.

Please make a note on your gift if you want it designated to the monthly

missions, thank you!

On Easter Sunday, any money given for mission will go to our Youth Group budget for their activities, and some will most likely be used in December when they adopt a local family for Christmas gifts.

Lenten Food Challenge

We will be collecting food/funds along with a number of churches from the area to benefit the Lakes Area Food Shelf. This will be a friendly competition once again beginning on Ash Wednesday and going through Palm Sunday.

Although we have some weekly suggestions, the food shelf is actually low on regular food products at the moment, so give as you are called and able! Thank you!


2/11—General overview to get us started

2/18—peanut butter


3/3—canned meats and proteins

3/10—paper towel and toilet paper

3/17—wrap up and final offerings

3/24—blessing over the gifts


The Art of Christianity*

March 23rd, 11-2pm

*Please note this event has been cancelled due to a lack of interest.

With the warmer weather, you may be ready to start your Spring cleaning; as you do, please start to gather items to give to the church rummage sale. Soon we will have a space set-aside for you to bring items in.

Mark your calendars for the sale-- June 20th and 21st.

In the news,

click the red link to read.

Upcoming Senior Series at Pine River UMC SR Series.

Wednesday, March 20th, 1-3pm at Pine River UMC is the first of the series for this season.

Red Cross blood drive at Pequot Lakes High School, Wednesday March 27th, 12-6pm. Call 866-236-3276 for appointments.

Youth Group

Who would have thought that we could have our Youth Group hang out, to eat and play...outside! On March 13th? Last year there was lots of snow on the ground.

Bags, giant badminton, and roasting hot dogs was all part of the night.

How do the lightbulbs get changed?

Thank you to the crew who came to take care of this task, especially to Pete C. for riding the lift!

Notice Brad W. in the sound booth (scratching his head) trying to get the lights to communicate to the program. Nothing is ever simple!

Thanks again to Pete, Louis, Brad, and Sam.


How to view our worship service online

1-go to our website at www.graceumcpequotlakes.org

2-Along the top of the page, you will see a tab of options.

--on the right is a tab that says "Sundays"

--choose the "Grace Church Livestream" option

--this will take you to a collection of our services by date, where you can choose the most recent service, or others that you may have missed; when you have clicked the one that you want to view, you should see an arrow to click to make it play. It may be necessary to adjust your volume, based on your own computer system.


The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am until noon. The building and office are closed on Fridays and Saturdays.

Church office phone: 218-568-5755

-- Church office (for all general inquiries and administrative/clerical duties)


 -- Pastor Jen Matthees – jenmatt20@gmail.com

-- Ann Hutchings-Congregational Care Assistant- graceumccare@gmail.com

If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at jenmatt20@gmail.com. The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be received by Thursday 10am at the very latest.

If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am generally in the church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from at least 10-1, call the office to be sure, as my weeks may vary. I check my emails frequently throughout the day, and this is the best way to contact me. Friday is my day off as needs allow.

-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note

If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.

P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Visit our website
Contact Information

 Grace United Methodist Church 

29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-5755

Email: graceumcpequotlakes@gmail.com

Website: www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
