English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Servant to Servant
June 17, 2022
Convention Prayer Partners
Please encourage your congregation members, family and friends to sign up to be prayer partners for the Convention. We are seeking prayers for all aspects of the convention: safe travel, the business of the English District, elections, activities, discussions, theological presentations, fellowship and to celebrate the English District’s ministries and missions. Click here for sign up. Scroll down to choose a time slot and then lift the needs of our delegates, staff, clergy and convention in prayer.
Convention Offering
The Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC) is blessed to have 45 missionaries serving in 10 different countries and working alongside 10 more. The LAC regional missionaries are comprised of church planters, theological educators, deaconesses, and a multitude of support staff serving in areas of business, communications, life and human care. Each LAC missionary works toward spreading the Gospel, planting Lutheran churches, and showing mercy. They work as the body of Christ, each having their own God-given gifts and talents and using them for the glory of our Lord. Once a year, these 45 missionaries and their families come together for a conference in the Dominican Republic for a time of rest, fellowship, and intentional time in the Word with one another.

The English District Convention offering this year will benefit these missionaries to show our appreciation for them and to give thanks to God for the work they do in His kingdom. Please consider taking up a special offering in your congregation and send it with your delegate to the convention.

If you are not coming to convention but wish to participate in this offering, please mail a check to the English District LCMS, 33100 Freedom Road, Farmington, MI 48336-4030 with “Convention Offering” in the memo line, or give online.

To learn more about the LAC region, visit: LCMS Missions in Latin America & the Caribbean | Facebook.
Convention Workbook and Daily Business
The Convention Workbook is available on the District website. For those of you attending the convention, please carefully read the reports, biographical forms of those nominated, and proposed overtures presented in the Workbook. If you wish to print any part of the Workbook, you will need to do that before arriving at the convention. Electronic devices and laptop computers will be permitted in the delegate section and may only be used for convention business. There will be limited power outlets available in the convention hall.

A link to the convention minutes and addendum will be available on the website each day under “What’s New?”
Lumen Christi Award Presented to Krissy Adcock
Our gracious Lord blesses our English District by providing dedicated and talented professional and volunteer leaders/teachers in child, youth, adult, and family ministry areas. These servants of our Lord exercise their God-given gifts in many creative and unique ways to bless those they serve. The Lumen Christi award is presented to publicly recognize the service of educators, to further promote and encourage all professional and volunteer leaders/teachers who are active members of an English District – LCMS congregation.
Mrs. Krissy Adcock of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School of Hannibal, MO was nominated by her school board chairman to be the 2022 recipient of the Lumen Christi Award. She was recently selected from a list of nominees for this award. Krissy was selected because she exemplifies the mission and ministry of St. John’s, Carry, Grow, Serve, Build. As a Kindergarten and music teacher, she is committed to ensuring her students' success in and out of the classroom. She incorporates Jesus into all that she does. She is a shining example of all the many men and women who serve our Lord in the English District! Congratulations Krissy!
Rooted in Christ Gala Update
Thanks be to God for the 2022 “Rooted In Christ” English District Virtual Gala

We are excited to announce that our Gala aired this past Sunday evening and donations have begun coming in from all over North America! There are still some congregations airing the Gala in the coming weeks but so far we have approximately $15,000.00 pledged/donated for our Endowment Fund. 

You can still watch the Gala yourself by clicking here.

You can also make your donation directly to the English District by going to the English District website.

We want to give thanks to God for:
  • The 3 Missions that put together such excellent videos
  • The 2 recipients of the Lumen Christi Award that fearlessly shared their inspirational stories
  • The faithful "Christ-centered" message from our speaker Rev. Greg Seltz
  • The gifts of our MC – Pastor Leon Jameson
  • The Gala committee members for their devotion and work to promote and organize the Gala and the auction
  • The pastors and lay people who organized watch parties and promoted the Gala in their congregations
  • Those who donated to the Endowment Fund
  • Those who bought auction items

Glory be to God for the Body of Christ! 
Mission Grant Application Available
Download the Mission Grant Application 2023-2024 to fill out a congregational evaluation and apply for a grant. 

Mission grant applications are due by August 1, 2022. Please return the application to the district office by fax (248-476-0188), email or mail: 33100 Freedom Road, Farmington, MI 48336-4030. 
Prayer Requests
The Bible's promise is true: "If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us" (1 John 5:14).

District daily prayers for July are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.
LCMS Foundation
Contact Ron Grimm, English District Planning Counselor 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.
Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund for more information at 317-402-9401.
In Our Churches
St. Mark, Janesville, WI

Pastor Mark Renner was installed as Associate Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church on Sunday, May 29 by Rev. Guy Vogel. The congregation welcomed their first associate pastor in almost 40 years.
Redeemer, Oakmont, PA

Molly Hagey was confirmed at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Trinity Sunday. She just finished 8th grade at Redeemer Lutheran School and is the first member of the 6th generation of the Buttgereit family at Redeemer to be confirmed.
First, Kingsville, ON

On June 3-6, First Lutheran Church organized an unique youth trip to Bruce Peninsula, ON for 151 teenagers from Kingsville and Leamington High Schools. Many of these young people have never been exposed to the Word of God and Christian faith. But during those busy four days full of activities focused on leadership skills, they were exposed to the Biblical message how God, through his grace, works in our lives. Each morning we asked the group to reflect on how God works in their lives and then opened and closed the day around the campfire with prayer. The most rewarding was to hear two grade 9 boys saying; “ I think I am going to start wearing my cross again” with the other boy responding “I'm going to ask for one”. We are grateful to our Lord that He allowed us to reach out to our community and prepare the hearts of these young people for the work of the Holy Spirit.
Ascension, Tucson, AZ

At their weekend worship services on June 11-12, Ascension Lutheran Church celebrated the 40th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Thomas Braun, Senior Pastor. Rev. Dr. Peter Meier, Executive Director of Missions and Outreach for the Florida/Georgia District, seminary class mate, and close friend of Tom, delivered the sermon based on Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." To God be all honor, praise and glory!
(L-R: Tom Braun, Peter Meier)
Greenfield Park, West Allis, WI

Greenfield Park Lutheran Church has been celebrating the growth of God’s family through infant baptism.
Charli, daughter of Jim and Lindsey
Emory, son of Dan and Caitlyn, became part of God’s family in Grandpa and Grandma's kitchen.
Grace, Elyria, OH

Grace Lutheran Church celebrated the 60+ years in ministry of Emeritus Rev. Dr. Peter Mealwitz on June 12. Even his daughter, who lives in Italy, was able to watch via livestream. A reception was held after the service to celebrate his ministry.
Holy Spirit, Elk Grove Village, IL

Sunday, June 12th, Pastor Dan Greg baptized a new sister in Christ into God’s Kingdom. Thank you, Jesus! Pray that she would be raised and instructed to full maturity in Christ.
Trinity, Villa Park, IL

Trinity Lutheran Church celebrated the Gala with a watch party. Hors d’oeuvres were served in the prayer garden and dinner was served in the Trinity Center while we watched the Gala. It was a great time and many people commented on how much they learned about their district.
In Our Schools
Shepherd King, West Bloomfield, MI

Congratulations to the 2022 Pre-K graduates! These children are so smart and creative. They are off to do amazing things!
Lutheran Benefits Group Job Opportunity
Account Service Representative

Lutheran Benefits Group in Sterling Heights is seeking an account service representative to work closely with church and school clients to help them with their health care needs and answer their questions. Ultimately, the duties of an ASR are to give excellent customer support and to help in the growth of the agency. Download the job description here. If interested, please contact Keith Mueller at 586.739.5700 or keith@luthben.com.
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  • They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.
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Also, please share your congregation's or school's unique ministries with the rest of the District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET. We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.
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