English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

God in All Things - Without Borders

Servant to Servant


May 5, 2023

Assistant to the Bishop's Visit

Rev. Derek Mathers says "visiting English District congregations is always a joy. I learn so much about ministry and mission being accomplished in different contexts." Sunday, April 23, Rev. Mathers was honoured to visit the Church of St. Mark - Lutheran, Mississauga, ON. Pictured are members of the Church Council and the Board of Elders.

Divine Calls

Call Received

The Rev. Joseman T. Hoem (Indiana District) has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Redeemer, Oakmont, PA.

The Rev. Jeffrey S. Teeple has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Holy Cross, Flushing, MI (Michigan District).

The Rev. Curtis D. Stephens (SELC District) has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Trinity, Scarsdale, NY.

The Rev. Rodney C. Parker (Lutheran Church - Canada) has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Gethsemane, Windsor, ON, Canada.

Calls Received and Returned

Mrs. Hailey Jo Miller (South Dakota District) received and returned a Divine Call to serve as Director of Christian Education at Prince of Peace, Medina, OH.

The Rev. Dr. Edward A. Naumann received and returned a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Faith, Fairfield Bay, AR (Mid-South District).

Call Returned

The Rev. Stewart D. Crown has returned the Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Peace of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA.

Professional Church Workers Conference Worship Livestream

Click here for the livestream of the Professional Church Workers Conference worship service at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10th.

The Gift of Children by Deaconess Jeni Miller

I was late to the party.

My husband and I both, we missed out on some of the fun. The laughter, the beauty, even the cringe-worthy moments – we wish we’d arrived earlier. The sad thing is, you can’t go back and change it. But by the grace of God, we didn’t ultimately miss out on the gifts.

Of course, I’m speaking of accepting God’s gift of children. Like I said, we were late in arriving. As young twenty-somethings, newly married, we chose to focus on school and careers, at least at first. Children are something that you drum up after you’ve gotten everything else in order, we thought. We should enjoy our marriage first, perhaps get established in life, go to seminary, buy a house.

A few years went by, then a couple more. No children. Around our fifth anniversary we finally decided it was time. To our surprise, we found out on Christmas Eve in 2010 that we were expecting a baby. We told our parents right away, and they were thrilled. The first grandbaby on both sides of the family. I knew in particular that my mother-in-law was looking forward to becoming a grandmother more than anything. What a gift this child would be!

Click here to continue reading.

A Message from the Kreys

For 14 years now, as of January 19, 2023, the Dominican Republic has been our home. We are blessed to see many good initiatives continue and thrive. This past year, one of the highlights was rejoicing with the graduation of 99 deaconesses from five countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic) through our first seminary cohort. A second cohort of deaconesses enrolled in our three-year program began their studies in January 2023 with over 80 new students in nine countries. This May, 10 men will graduate from our seminary: five from our residential program, and five from our online pastoral program. The residential students will return to serve in their home countries of Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, and Venezuela. Thanks be to God! 

Click here to read more from the Kreys.

Start Your Doctor of Business Administration Journey

Concordia University Wisconsin provides the opportunity to earn a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in a Lutheran community. Our program develops ethical and respected leaders that inspire growth and change in their organizations, communities, and congregations.

Our scholar-practitioner curriculum is applicable to the needs, issues, and demands facing today’s church leaders. As a DBA student, you will enhance your skills and expertise to implement new practices that can make a true difference in your congregation and the lives of its members.

The online DBA program at Concordia is truly focused on flexibility and work-life balance. We understand that your role as a pastor will need to be the priority over your academics during certain times of this three-year program. Our program includes online courses and group discussions, along with easy accessibility to faculty. This all makes for a feasible program for pastors actively engaged in their church communities.

The next DBA cohort, or group of students, will start their DBA journey in July 2023. And it begins with an in-person residency on Concordia’s campus in Mequon, WI. Engage in an enlightening experience where you will meet current DBA students, our dedicated faculty, and support staff that will be with you every step of the way.

Apply by June 1 to be in the next DBA cohort.

We understand you need all the information you can get when making a life-changing decision to pursue your DBA. Here are a few options to get the answers you need.

Email Dr. Matthew Hurtienne, Dean and DBA Program Director, who will provide further insight on this doctorate program.

Schedule a 1-on-1 call with one of our Concordia experts to discuss everything from admissions, requirements, cost, and more!

Visit the DBA website.

Pastoral Leadership: Shepherding and Caring for God's People

A book for pastors and church leaders, Pastoral Leadership: Shepherding and Caring for God's People uses the context of biblical accounts and figures to offer practical advice and counsel on aspects of pastoral leadership.

The author, Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy, draws from more than 20 years of experience as a pastor and bishop to encourage pastors to be actively engaged in what is going on throughout the life of the parish and lead their congregations instead of passively following them.


Publishing Date: June 20, 2023

Pre-orders and Kindle downloads are available by clicking on this link: Pastoral Leadership

The Due Date for End-of-Year Statistics Has Been Extended to May 31

The deadline to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update your lay leaders at lc.lcms.org has been extended to Wednesday, May 31st. Up-to-date statistical information is critical for determining proper voting representation at conventions. Emails for lay leaders will be increasingly important as channels for critical convention communications. If you do not have your congregation’s login information, contact rosters.stats@lcms.org, or the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-843-5267. 

LPNI Study Tour of Romania 2023

The schedule has been finalized for the 2023 LPNI Study tour to Bucharest and Brasov Romania. This will be an exciting, educational, and unique tour. There will be a visit to a pastor that served in the LCMS English District at First Lutheran Church, El Cajon, CA. He is presently a missionary/theological educator in Bucharest, Romania and surrounding countries. We will not only learn of the rich Lutheran history in the area of Transylvania, Romania, but will also be able to learn about the Lutheran impact today in this country. Click here for the registration form; please prayerfully consider if this is a journey for you.

Contact Sue Neff, RN, tour coordinator, for general information and registration.

Campus Ministry Summit May 22-23, 2023

Martin Luther Chapel at Michigan State University is hosting a Campus Ministry Summit where you can join other campus ministry professionals for two days of sharing, encouragement, and conversation around the task of making disciples on college campuses.

Speakers include:

  • Trevor Sutton - Technology and Campus Ministry
  • Brad Urlaub - Church Planting Lessons for Campus Ministry
  • James Wetzstein - "Inspiring Comfort" - Peer Ministry training
  • Craig Oldenburg - NLOMA/College Students at Summer Camp
  • Dan Winter - Outreach with International Students

Representatives from LCMS Youth Ministry/LCMS-U, National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association, and Lutheran Campus Mission Association will be in attendance.

There is no registration fee for this event. Both Monday dinner and Tuesday breakfast will be provided. Transportation and housing are not included.

Click here to register.

Prayer Requests

The Bible's promise is true: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14.

District daily prayers for May are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.

LCMS Foundation

Contact Ron Grimm, English District Planning Counselor, 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.
Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund, for more information at 317-402-9401.

In Our Churches

West Portal, San Francisco, CA

West Portal Lutheran Church celebrated the confirmation of 8th graders Michael, Lucas, Kestrel, and Kendall on Sunday, April 23.

Nora was baptized at West Portal Lutheran Church on April 22.

Gethsemane, Windsor, ON

On Good Shepherd Sunday, Gethsemane Lutheran Church was pleased to receive into membership by Confirmation a recently arrived family from Egypt that had been sponsored by the church. The Confirmation was done both in English by Vacancy Pastor Rev. Dr. Roger Ellis and in the Nuer language by Rev. Jordan Simon. 

Shepherd of the Coast, Palm Coast, FL

Last Sunday two brothers (ages 4 & 6 months) received the new birth in Holy Baptism at Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church. Rev. Greg Michel officiated.

Crosspoint, Sahuarita, AZ

Abigail, Jacob and Keller (pictured with Vacancy Pastor John Stieve) gave spirit-filled professions of faith on Confirmation Day at Crosspoint Lutheran Church.

Hope, Kitchener, ON

Hope Lutheran Church hosted "Homemade Pizza and Games Night" on April 29th which was a huge success! The neighbourhood was invited and many came to munch delicious homemade pizza and make new friends. "The attraction of a games night surprised me", one member said. "We will definitely do it again!"

Holy Spirit, Elk Grove Village, IL

Rev. Daniel Greg of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit confirmed the catechumens on Good Shepherd Sunday, 2023.

April 30th, the English District LWML Chicago Zone Spring Rally was hosted at the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit. After Matins led by Rev. Daniel Greg, Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries and Voice of Care Ministries talked about how they are ministering to their neighbors and how all can become involved. Thank you to Danya Rogers of Trinity, Villa Park, IL for organizing.

In Our Schools

Hales Corners, Hales Corners, WI

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Moana Jr.! These 66 middle school students used their gifts and talents to put on a great show! To God be the Glory!

Shepherd King, West Bloomfield, MI

The preschoolers did a lot of building and fixing during the week focusing on construction!

Bethesda International Academy, Chicago, IL

Readers are Leaders and Mrs. Hernandez's class sure is on their way to becoming some outstanding leaders! Last Friday they showcased their recent book reports by dressing up as a favorite character and telling their classmates about their book. They had Flat Stanley, Magic Treehouse, Katie Woo, Stink, Captain Awesome, and more! Great job, 1st and 2nd grade!

Please share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.

  • All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication.
  • Forward the newsletter to members of your church.
  • They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.

Thanks for spreading the word!

Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.





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