Monthly Newsletter



September Beekeeping Tips


In the Hive

The queen's rate of egg laying slows and the brood area continues to contract. 

Little drone brood is laid.  This is the end of the 2nd swarm season that is smaller.

Resin Propolis collection continues but nectar sources will keep diminishing.  

If left untreated, the Varroa mite population peaks this time of year.

The bees may be more defensive, protecting their hive and robbing other colonies. 



Queen's egg laying slows dramatically by the end of this month, so the brood pattern may be difficult to evaluate accurately. 

You should have kept records for the entire season, but it is very important now as you prepare your hive for the winter.  Take note of the number of bees/size of cluster, the amount/weight and position of honey store they have.

Bees may rob hives left open during a long inspection.  Be thorough but efficient. 


A full-sized colony should have at least 70-90 pounds of honey to eat by the beginning of October or more than one full deep. Estimate weight by slightly tipping and hefting the hive.

If you feed the bees sugar syrup, it should be a 2:1 ratio and thicker than the spring feed.  The bees will need at least two double-sided frames of pollen/bee bread by late winter/early spring.

If the weather is dry this fall an you have limited water source near the hive, make sure to provide one.


Pests, parasites, and disease

Monitor Varroa mite levels and treat where needed. We have treatment at Let It Bee Inc.

Remove drone comb foundation for the remainder of the year.



Removing bees from honey supers may require a fume board, bee escape, bee brush or other tools ( 

They each have advantages and disadvantages. 



Let us know of any questions as you navigate your bee journey!

September is National Honey Month 

Who doesn't like Honey? This month we get to celebrate it all month long.  We have many types of Honey at Let It Bee Inc. 

Check out our selection:

Follow the links below to learn more about Honey and how to celebrate!

Honey Bottles 

We have all the bottles you need for you honey!  Check out our selection online or stop by the store. 


We have extractors!!!  

4-Frame Honey Stainless Steal Hand 

4-Frame Stainless Steal Electric 

2-Frame Stainless Steal Hand 

2-Frame Stainless Steal Electric 

Upcoming Events

Fox Valley Bee Keepers

The September Fox Valley Beekeepers Club Meeting is


Meeting starts at 7pm

Faith Community United Methodist Church

N1966 Julius Drive & Hwy 15

Greenville Wisconsin

Come and learn the Art of Beekeeping.


Brown County Beekeepers Association

This month's meeting is September 21st at

6:30 PM at The Green Bay Botanical Gardens. No MBM

Swarm Catching with Dave Elsen and Wayne Steigelman

Questions contact current President



Volunteer(s) needed: “The Botanical Gardens is having their Fall Festival on Sept 24th. If anyone is interested in working for all or part of the day with Tom Cashman to educate attendees on Honeybees and it’s a good chance to sell your honey (if you wish). Please contact us at if interested.”

Check the website for more monthly activities:

The Let It Bee Family!

Let us know of any questions you may have!
Let It Bee Inc.
Your Bee Resource in the Fox Valley

Bee Lovers, for Bee Lovers.
The Let It Bee Family!

Have great week!


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