September 15th, 2020

Your monthly e-news from TVAMP
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Happy Tuesday!
The pace of life is picking back up... Does this alarm schedule look familiar? We help you plan for the days when you don't have so many obligations. Until then, plan for your future and enjoy the present!
If it's been over a year since you had a complete financial review, let us know what's new in your life + what you want to talk about by filling this out this form.
Hi all,

How is September treating you? Are you ready to slip into fall? Or will you have a hard time saying goodbye to summer? We're a mixture... If you have kids, work, or both, the pace of life probably picked back up within the past month. We know this can make it hard to take care of yourself and your financial goals. We encourage you to establish a routine, reward yourself along the way, and make time for family and friends. Remember: you can't pour from an empty cup.

A few ways our team is Living Invested right now:


🤓 Do less, then obsess...
I'm focusing on the things I have going on and not adding more to my plate right now. I heard a good quote recently, "Do less, then obsess." I'll miss summer, but I'm ready for fall. - Kallee Botkin, Brand Manager

💭 It doesn't hurt to give yourself something to look forward to...
I just planned a hunting trip for December. Also, I'm exercising outside a lot more (running). I love fall. - Andrew Cochran, MBA, AAMS® Wealth Advisor

🙏 Be present in the moment...
I'm getting to spend a lot of quality time with my son and his family (and my sweet, precious grand kids) right now... They're building a home and will be living with me a few more months. I'm choosing to soak it in! I've also been doing a Bible study once a week with a small group. I love fall. - Cindy Card, Client Care Coordinator

📚 Hit the books...
I'm reading more often. Right now, I'm reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. I'll definitely miss summer. - Josh Klinger, JD, AAMS®, Wealth Advisor

🌻 Leave yesterday's worries in the past & plan for the future...
Each morning, I think to myself, "It's a new day!" It's a small ritual but it really improves my entire day. Also, I'm saving for my kids' college education, so it helps me feel good about their futures... I'll really miss summertime. - Allyson Phillips, Executive Office Administrator

🏕️ The great outdoors...
Creating memories with my grand kids is important to me. This summer, I've been camping as much as possible with my family. I love cooking big meals for them at our camp site on my flattop grill. I can't wait for fall! - Burt Peake, Wealth Advisor

Sip coffee at sunrise...
You never know when it could be your last day here on earth. I've been spending more time with my family. I'm also setting clear goals for my life (retirement savings, home renovations, etc.) and working toward them each month. Also, I love sipping coffee during sunrises a few times a week. I'm excited for fall. - Lisa Wyrick, Executive Office Administrator


Keep Living Invested,

(865) 226-9982
September Spotlight: Long Term Care
Long Term Care (LTC) is not a fun thing to think about... But not having it could be devastating to your finances and quality of life if you end up needing it.

Be aware:

  • At least 70% of people age 65 or older will require some form of LTC: nursing home care, adult day care, visiting nurses, assisted living, in-home assistance

  • Most LTC premiums and paid out-of-pocket expenses are typically tax deductible

  • LTC benefits, in general, are not taxed as income

  • Women may need more because typically they live longer

  • Median costs for a home health aide is $135* per day

  • Median costs for a private room in a nursing home $267* per day

If you're interested in Long Term Care planning, we would be happy to talk to you about it.

*Genworth, 2017 Cost of Care survey
A one minute video on how you can plan for Long Term Care.
Our new intern!

Madison Holbrook is our new financial planning intern. He is finishing his final semester at University of Tennessee Knoxville, studying Finance. In the picture below, he is rocking one of our new Live Invested hats (ask about getting one for yourself)!

He'll be helping us answer phone calls, process client documents, and see first hand how we develop a financial strategy based on our clients' goals.
Watch This:
The Recession is Likely Over

LPL Financial Research Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick highlights improving economic data that suggests the recession may be over.

Read This:
Monthly Article Round Up

Amid this deep recession, outdoor equipment is flying off the shelves
Sales of bicycles jumped 63% in June from a year earlier, data from the NPD Group shows. Spending on paddle sports such as kayaking, which had faced declines before the pandemic, bounced up 56%. There were similarly big gains in sales of golf equipment, camping equipment and binoculars, as more people go bird-watching.

Talking robots could be used to combat loneliness and boost mental health in care homes
Talking robots that interact with older people could be introduced into care homes to help fight loneliness and poor mental health. Pepper, a "culturally competent robot," was tested on care home residents in Britain and Japan -- those who interacted with it for up to 18 hours over the course of two weeks "saw a significant improvement in their mental health," researchers found.

6 signs it time to retire
"There are signs and targets that can signal that you are prepared to retire, but they're not all about your age and how much money you've saved. "Getting ready to retire isn't just about finances, it's about being emotionally ready as well..."

September Office Update

Even when we can't be together in person:

* You can become a client of ours completely online and/or over the phone

* Most paperwork can be filled out online

* You can view your accounts online

* We're only a phone call or email away

* We have video chat and screen sharing capability

* We have a secure online file sharing solution (for when you need to send us confidential documents)

Call us if you need to do any of these things (865) 226-9982.

As a quick financial check-in during these crazy times, we put together this short questionnaire. Your answers will be sent securely to us and then we'll respond with some helpful information.
We're open:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday

Have an idea or something you'd like to see us talk about next month? Email
One of the greatest compliments you could give us would be to forward this email to a friend.

If you'd like to schedule a time to talk with one of our advisors, please send an email to or call us at (865) 226-9982.
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