Provincial Update - September 2017
"Sorrow and scarlet leaf,
Sad thoughts and sunny weather.
Ah me, this glory and this grief
Agree not well together!"
Thomas Parsons - A Song for September
Dear Brothers,
"Greetings in the Lord, and Peace!"
On Friday, September 22nd, we said farewell to summer and welcomed the season of autumn. A new season has begun and the month of September is now closing. Like the quote above, this month has had both "
sad thoughts and sunny weather!"
Early in this month, September 5th, our brother Fr. Michael brought his mother, Winifred Ledoux, to her final place of rest following her Mass of Christian Burial at St. Florence Church in Wakefield, Massachusetts. The loss of a parent is difficult enough, but this loss was compounded by the loss of Michael's niece, Kelly Ledoux-Walsh, on July 24th. Kelly was only twenty-one years of age, and the epileptic seizure that claimed her life was more then her grandmother Winifred could bear. The news of her granddaughter's passing, triggered a physical downward spiral that saw her hospitalized and then on August 31st,
'Sister Death' welcomed her home. Michael, his sister, Kathy, and her family, with the support of so many friends, college classmates, and family members, addressed the emotions that accompany such losses. Please continue to hold Michael and his family in your prayers.
As the month of September continued on,
"sad thoughts" gave way to
"sunny" moments. On Sunday, September 17th, the traditional observance of the Franciscan Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis, we welcomed six young men into our Postulancy program at a ceremony at Saint Anthony of Padua Church in New York City. It was witnessed by forty-two friars, religious sisters and friends. Following a year when we saw our postulancy program void of candidates, this was truly an uplifting, hopeful and inspiring celebration. Again I would ask for your prayers. Please hold the Formation Team:
Friars Ronald Gliatta, Bruce Czapla, Antonio Nardoianni, along with the six postulants entrusted to their care, in your prayers.
On a more practical matter, but nonetheless important, our Provincial Board met on September 18th, 19th & 20th and part of the agenda was an update and yearend review of our finances. On a
"sunny" note, following the completion of our first fiscal year, we were pleased to hear the report given by Roger Griesmeyer and Associates. As many of you were aware, our financial situation was
"fragile" at best a year ago. I asked all our friars and especially those units dependent on support from the Province to tighten their belts and to be aware of their finances. At the Provincial Curia we too did our part in setting an example. In the past year, we were able to reduce the operational and administrative costs for the Provincial Curia and Friary by 57%. Also during the time of our Provincial Board Meetings, we met with the Director of our Franciscan Mission Associates,
Madeline Bonnici, OFM, her Advisory Board and Staff for their annual financial review and report. Through their efforts, we were able to increase our world missions support by 37%. We continue to be hopeful for the future, and I offer my prayers in gratitude to all who made an effort to address our financial needs.
As timely as these financials reports were made, they enabled us to address the
"sorrow" of our brothers and sisters who endured the severe natural disasters that hit Mexico, Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico this month. We were able, in the name of our beloved Province, to send financial assistance through Catholic Charities in Texas and Florida. Supportive donations are also being sent to Mexico and Puerto Rico. Might we hold in prayer all those affected by these natural disasters.
And on one final
"sunny" moment, as summer gave way to autumn, we welcomed to our Curia,
Friar Algirdas Malakauskis,OFM, the Provincial of the Lithuanian Province of St. Casimir, along with his Vicar and Provincial Board, for a week's stay as they made their way to Kennebunkport, Maine for the 70th Anniversary celebration of their community's presence in Maine. Our Vicar Provincial,
Friar Patrick Boyle, and I will travel to Maine to join them in prayer at their celebration on Sunday, October 1st.
As September now gives way to October, and images of a bountiful harvest are before us, may I ask your prayer for one more intention:
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." Let us continue to pray for vocations to our Order and especially to our Province.
Fr. Robert M. Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister
"Congratulations" and "Welcome!"
On Sunday, September 17th, friars of our Province gathered at St. Anthony of Padua Church in New York City to welcome six candidates into our Postulancy program. The fraternal gathering included local area friars, the formation team, as well as friars of the Province from Canada, Italy, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Celebrated during the Liturgy of the Hours in honor of the Stigmata of St. Francis, the ceremony saw the postulants invested with a Tau cross to symbolize the beginning of the postulancy program. Provincial Minister Friar Robert Campagna presided and preached, welcoming the men into the fraternity for their first year of formal discernment of life with the Friars Minor.
(Above) The Formation Staff
(from right to left) Friars Antonio Nardoianni, Bruce Czapla & Ronald Gliatta during the entrance procession.
(At right) Postulant-elect, Mr. Daniel Michael Cavalieri, proclaiming a passage from
'The Legend of the Three Companions.'
Provincial Administration from the
Province of St. Casimir, Lithuania, P
ays Visit to the Provincial Curia
During the last week of September, Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM, Provincial Minister, along with the Staff of the Provincial Curia, welcomed Friar Algirdas Malakauskis, OFM Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Casimir, Lithuania, his vicar Friar Andrius Nenenas, OFM and the members of his Provincial Board, Friars Andrius Dobrovolskas,OFM, Gediminas Numgaudis,OFM, Julius Sasnauskas,OFM, and Evaldas Darulis, OFM to the Provincial Curia. Traveling from Florida to Maine, they made time to visit New York City (for most of the Administration, this was their first visit to New York).Their journey would end in Maine to celebrate, on October 1st, the 70th Anniversary of their friary in Kennebunkport, Maine.
Pictured here with Fr. Robert Campagna (center) and Fr. Antonio Riccio (far left) are the members of the Administration of St. Casimir Province, Lithuania. (From left to right) Friars Julius Sasnauskas, Gediminas Numgaudis, Andrius Nenenas (Provincial Vicar), Algirdas Malakauskis (Provincial Minister), Andriius Dobrovolskas and Evaldas Darulis. |
Renovations of St. Leonard Church nearing completion.
Friar Antonio Nardoianni,OFM, pastor of St. Leonard Church in the North End of Boston, has been involved for months now with a complete renovation of the interior the church. As that project is fast approaching its completion by mid-November, a dedication celebration is scheduled for the 12 o'clock noon mass on Sunday, December 17th, with Sean Cardinal O'Malley presiding at the liturgy and dedication. Pictured here is Friar Antonio showing the 'work in progress' to the Provincial Minister.
(Pictured, below right, workmen meticulously disassemble the original marble altar from the lower church for use in the newly renovated upper church.)
Immaculate Conception Province & Provincial Minister
Receive the Order of Santo Hermano Pedro
On September 11th, the Province of the Immaculate Conception and Provincial Minister Friar Robert Campagna, OFM were awarded the Order of Santo Hermano Pedro by the Associacion Obra Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro (Association of Social Works of Santo Hermano Pedro). Presenting the award were Friars German Tax, OFM, the Director for the Association of Hermano Pedro and a member of the definitorium for the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Jesus Gomez, OFM, Assistant Director and Provincial Vicar of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This award acknowledges the long-time support and collaboration of the Province of the Immaculate Conception (USA) with the Associacion Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro and the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Central America.
"Congratulations" Friar Joaquin Mejia
On Thursday, September 28th, Friar Joaquin Mejia, OFM, became an American citizen! Born in 1967 in El Salvador, Central America, Friar Joaquin, along with his parents and nine brothers and sisters, escaped from El Salvador and was granted political asylum in the United States of America in 1988. He entered the Franciscan Order in 2001, made his Solemn Profession of Vows in 2012 and was ordained to the priesthood in April 2013 Having studied in Rome, Friar Joaquin speaks Spanish, English and Italian and is presently putting his language skills to use in his ministry as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Peace Church in Brooklyn, New York.
Congratulations, Joaquin!"
Pictured from left to right:
Friar Victor Ernaldo Treminio Trujillo (simply professed), Friar Joaquin Mejia
and Friar Orlando Ruiz, pastor of Our Lady of Peace Church
Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Immigrants Facing Deportation
On September 5th,
Friar John Bucchino, OFM, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church, Manchester, NH, participated in an interfaith prayer vigil for immigrants who are facing deportation in the greater New Hampshire area. The Prayer Vigil was held at the Federal Building in Manchester, while
ICE agents were guarding the entrance to the building.
The peaceful prayer service included a
'Jericho Walk' (walking 7 times around the building recalling the Old Testament event at which the walls were torn down) by all the clergy and laity. On this particular day the Indonesian people were being singled out and facing deportation. As Friar John encouraged,
"In line with our USCC Bishops and the 7 Provincials of the United States, let us continue to advocate for the immigrants and their children (DACA)."
Request from Cardinal Dolan, 'REVIVE MISSIONS'
The Adult Faith Formation Office for the Archdiocese of New York would like to collaborate with the Religious Orders schedule missions throughout the Archdiocese. The missions are called
'Revive: Faith Every Day!' and would consist of three consecutive weeknights, usually a Monday-Wednesday evening for an hour, starting at 7:00 p.m., and would include music and a lay witness talk along with the preacher who would need to speak for about 20 - 30 minutes. They would like to hold the missions throughout the weeks of Lent and during Eastertime. If any of the friars of our Province are interested in participating, please contact:
Elizabeth Guevar
Archdiocese of New York / Adult Faith Formation
Phone: (646) 794-2579
E-mail: Elizabeth.guevara@archny.org
Changes to the 'New' Directory!
The ink is barely dry on the 'new' Provincial Directory that was recently mailed to all the friars, and already there are changes to be made. Please note the following:
Friar Joseph Powell, OFM - address change: 175 South Street, Granby, MA 01033
(413) 467-3617
Friar Aziz Eissa, OFM - newly appointed parochial vicar, St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church, 2747 Jane Street, North York, ON M3L 2E8 - Canada
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM - Padua Friary, NYC - new telephone
extension: 1405
Friar Paul Rotondi, OFM - email address:
Friar Michael Travaglione, OFM -
(address corrections) 1301 Frasier Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28303
Daniel Cavalieri (Postulant) - correct spelling of last name (page 10 and index)
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM - Directory change - not transferred to St. Francis Centre, Caledon, will remain at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 72 Mansfield Avenue, Toronto, ON M6J 2B2 - Canada
8) Add emails:
Friar Albert Micallef, OFM -
Friar Aziz Eissa, OFM -
Prayers Requested
Infirm Friars:
- Friar Romano Almagno
- Friar Robert Artman
- Friar Francis de Sales Paolo
- Friar Mark Brown
- Friar Flavian Mucci
- Friar Clement Procopio
For our Friars in 'Skilled Nursing Facilities':
- Friar Philip Adamo
- Friar Lucius Annese
- Friar Giles Barreda
- Friar Louis De Tommaso
- Friar Francis Hanudel
- Friar Lawrence Stumpo
Infirm Family and Friends:
- Joseph Almagno (brother of Friar Romano Almagno)
- Richard A. Caprio (brother of Friar Robert Caprio)
- Astra Fernandes (mother of Friar Conrad Fernandes)
- Guillermo Ruiz (father of Friar Orlando Ruiz)
- Gloria Salinas (mother of Friar Octavio Salinas)
- Marie Caprio Sicuso (sister of Friar Robert Caprio)
- Sheila Washburn (mother of Friar Thomas Washburn)
- Matilde & Joseph Zammit (parents of Friar Jimmy Zammit)
Recently Deceased Friars:
Fr. Norbert (Joseph) DeAmato, OFM -
January 3, 1922 - July 29, 2017
Fr. Norbert De Amato, OFM, age 95, passed into eternal life in the early hours of Saturday, July 29th, while a resident at the Don Orione Nursing Home in East Boston, Massachusetts. At the time of his passing he was affiliated with the community of St. Christopher Friary in the North End of Boston.
Fr. Norbert was received into the Order on August 14, 1941; made his Solemn Profession of Vows on August 15, 1945, and was ordained to the priesthood on February 21, 1948.
A wake and mass of Christian Burial were conducted at Sacred Heart Church in the North End of Boston on August 1st and 2nd, with interment at St. Francis Cemetery in Andover, Massachusetts. The Minister Provincial,
Fr. Robert Campagna, was the celebrant and homilist at the funeral.
Fr. Louis Michael Pintye, OFM
February 16, 1955 - August 20, 2017
Fr. Louis Pintye, OFM, age 62, passed into eternal life in the early hours of August 20th while a resident at the Camelot Arms Nursing Home, Youngstown, Ohio. At the time of his passing he was affiliated with the community of Mount Alverna Friary - Shrine of Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted, Youngstown, Ohio.
Originally a member of the Hungarian Custody of St. John Capistran, Fr. Louis was received into the Order on June 23, 1984; made his Solemn Profession of Vows on May 21, 1989, and was ordained to the priesthood on October 6, 1990.
A wake and mass of Christian Burial were conducted at St. Anthony of Padua Church, New York City on August 23rd, with interment on Thursday, August 24th, at St. Nicholas Byzantine Hungarian Cemetery in Hamilton Township, New Jersey. The Minister Provincial,
Fr. Robert Campagna, was the celebrant for the funeral and
Fr. Capistran Polgar was the homilist.
Recent Deceased Family Members:
Winifred Ledoux, 81 years of age, mother of
Friar Michael Ledoux, passed into eternal life on
Thursday, August 31, 2017.
John Distefano, brother of Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM, passed into eternal at midnight
, July 27, 2017
Kelly Ledoux-Walsh, 21 years of age, niece of Fr. Michael Ledoux,
passed into eternal life on Monday, July 24th.
Debra DeCamillis, niece of
Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM, who passed into eternal life on
Saturday, June 24, 2017.
Please pray for all friars, families, friends and benefactors,
living and deceased.
Upcoming Dates:
- October 1st - 70th Anniversary celebration of the Lithuanian Franciscans at Kennebunkport, Maine
- October 3rd - The Transitus of St. Francis
- October 4th - Feast of St. Francis
- October 9th - 13th - English Speaking Conference - hosted by the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- November 13th, 14th & 15th - Provincial Board Meeting at St. Christopher Friary, Boston, Massachusetts. Agenda will include a gathering with the friars of the New England Region; an evening liturgy commemorating the deceased members of the Province; blessing of the graves, St. Francis Cemetery, Andover, Massachusetts