A Note from Raymon
Howdy Folks

I like to put some variety and useful information in my newsletters, so this one is a bit different. First is a note from a mom who asked me to work with her daughter.

"I wanted to share my experience with you. My daughter is a 18 year old wonderful young woman who struggled with an eating disorder for the past 8-10 years and memories of bad experiences with a couple of young men who were forceful with her. She struggled with panic attacks when reminded of those experiences until very recently. 

Raymon spent some time with her. He cut those experiences out of her life and went back in time to cut out her first time she was ever introduced to the idea of an eating disorder by her adolescent friend. For the first time since Raymon did that, she experienced no pain with swallowing and she has no longer had any panic attacks even when thinking about those guys. She has been talking about her eating disorder past very openly, and she has never done that.

So far she has been doing beautifully. Years of treatment have not done what he accomplished in one day. Simply amazing. I will be forever be grateful to him and am so blessed to have him in my life
A mom"

"I just wanted to tell you again that your class was great. I always learn something new. Also thank you for healing my shoulders. Who would have thought that I would be free of that pain after over 50 years! I always believe, and I can honestly say 100%, that when you do something to help me, it will work. My shoulder pain is gone forever! I forgot to mention that the water at my house has been great for almost 6 years, and I know it will stay that way."

Another note the next day.

"I guess for most people this wouldn’t be a big deal, but it is for me. For the first time in 50 years I could dry my hair without getting shoulder pain so bad that I felt like I needed to lay in the floor for relief!!!" 
I am proud and grateful to have you as my teacher, healer, and friend. 
Many thanks!"

People are different, some respond and some don’t. I am very thankful to help these women but it doesn’t mean that all will respond equally. The person’s belief system is a major factor. 

Here is something else that might be of interest to some of you. 

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com

Ozark Research Institute asked me to make a short film for their virtual conference. 
After their conference it will be available on my You Tube channel. It is a short film showing you how to keep your energy up and protect yourself from various forms of negativity.

The date of the conference is Oct. 17 & 18 and here is the website for more information.www.ozarkresearch.org

Enjoy the Fall season

Upcoming Classes
Oct. 17-18
  • Ozark Research Institute Virtual Conference
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