A Note From April 

Hello Friends, 

I had an experience that I wanted to share with you. Both of my daughters take dance classes at my studio (of course) and they also like to take gymnastics. Our local gymnastics facility is very popular and if you don't sign up early you don't get a spot. Well I, of course, waited too late and they were put on a waiting list. Due to our busy schedules I have to have them go at the same time, but they are in two different. classes. I was told by the owner that the chance of a spot opening up for both girls at the same time was pretty much nil. 

I totally understood that but.... It would have been so nice to have them start at the same time. So I sat down and closed my eyes and visualized them calling me saying "guess what we have a spot open for both of your girls!" .... and do you know a couple of weeks later I got an email telling me just that. Both girls got to start classes at the same time. 

Now did I make it happen? I don't know... maybe . But it certainly won't hurt to visualize what you want. 

I am aware that my girls gymnastics class has no effect on anyone else or the betterment of the world but if we can use our minds to make our lives easier then I say do it! Of course try to make the world better when you can. 

Happy visualizing, 

April Grace

Director of Communications

Raymon Grace Foundation 

A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks

THANK YOU for your interest in the local classes and your support of the daily Energy Clearing Project. 

My goal is to help people have a better life~~So THANK YOU for your testimonials of improvements in your world.

You have responded well to the local classes in October. If those dates didn’t work for you, we can do another class in early November. Just let me know if you are interested and will send you the information and hopefully arrange another class for you.

My friend Tom McCarty, author of ‘The Breakthrough Code’ wrote the following and want to share it with you.

Tom and I use similar techniques but we write a bit differently, so am sharing his description of how to WIN.

Here is Tom’s email to me. 


Hi Raymon, 

How does an absolute beginner, who barely knows the game, beat out poker stars and champions?

AND…do it without using: Card counting (I didn’t cheat in any way)

If you are interested in the technique I deployed to beat out the competition, who had DECADES of experience on me…Read on

Everything is created twice. First on the inside, then in the outer world

To create on the outside, start by first, programming your subconscious 

Here’s how:

Get into an alpha state, you do this by quieting your mind and looking upwards

The subconscious mind is programmed by emotions…

So, envision your goal and add in the emotions: gratitude for already accomplishing it, certainty you achieved it

And you’re almost there, now follow through with action

How did I win that poker tournament?

I believed and said over and over "I always make the right decisions"

And sure enough, I did and I WON!

Live Your Life Without Limits!


P.S: If you like to learn the entire breakthrough code and get massive results, grab your copy here https://www.thebreakthroughcode.com/book2

Raymon's Website

The Tucson Dowsers have invited me to be a speaker again this year and here is how you can attend without leaving home.

  • Saturday, November 5th 2022
  • 1:30 pm Pacific Time

Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:


Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993


Zoom room opens at 1:10PM Pacific Time.  Please join early! 

We want to answer some of your dowsing questions ~~ To be time efficient, we are giving you the opportunity to send your questions to tucsondowsers@gmail.com  BEFORE the interview. A chat room takes too much time and we don’t know what type of questions will be asked. 

This allows me to choose the questions I can answer best. No need to waste time on questions I don't know how to answer.

We will choose the questions that will help you become a better dowser and help you solve problems. 

Will disregard the following type of questions~~ Covid/vaccination—politics & government—noisy neighbors, bad in-laws, lost items, stray dogs and lost cats.

Enjoy the changing seasons


Class Calendar 

  • October 1-2 - Abingdon, VA - FULL
  • October 8-9 - Abingdon, VA - FULL
  • October 15-16 - Abingdon, VA - FULL 
  • November 5 - Online - Tucson Dowsers 

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • Dear Mr. Grace, 

I wanted to thank you for your generous gifts of teachings and wonders that you worked for me at the last class.

My life has shifted already in many ways and I am in wonder. It's like life was uncorked and the magic of it is flowing, something I have not experienced in a very long time. I am not sure how else to put it :). I feel like some invisible chains have been broken, I am lighter, and I am finally having a proper laugh. I even got a free pizza unexpectedly!

Thank you from the heart for everything and for your service to mankind. 

I am looking forward to seeing you at another event again!

Kind regards, E.

Raymon Grace Foundation

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com