Region 5 Suicide Advisory Board
September Newsletter

Content warning: this newsletter discusses suicide and suicide statistics.
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide:
In CT, call 800-HOPE-135 or 211 (press 1 for crisis, 2 for adults), Call/Text – 988 
Region 5 Suicide Advisory Board

This advisory board includes local prevention council representatives, clinicians, people with lived experience, prevention professionals, school social workers and psychologists, healthcare, crisis intervention specialists and law enforcement.

R5SAB meetings are an opportunity to discuss:
  • emerging trends & high-risk populations
  • resources, training and funding 
  • training needs
  • and create connections with regional partners
Next meeting: Sep. 28 at 10:00AM on Zoom
Sign up for the R5 Suicide Advisory Board here
CT Suicide Advisory Board
Mission: The CTSAB is a network of diverse advocates, educators and leaders concerned with addressing the problem of suicide with a focus on prevention, intervention, and health and wellness promotion.

Vision: The CTSAB seeks to eliminate suicide by instilling hope across the lifespan.

If you are interested in joining the CTSAB and listserv, sign up here.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

#BeThe1To is the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, which helps spread the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide and promote healing, help and give hope.
We can all #BeThe1To...
  • Ask - Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks them in a caring way.
  • Be There - Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful after speaking to someone who listens without judgment.
  • Keep Them Safe - A number of studies have indicated that when lethal means are made less available or less deadly, suicide rates by that method decline, and suicide rates overall decline.
  • Help Them Stay Connected - Studies indicate that helping someone at risk create a network of resources and individuals for support and safety can help them take positive action and reduce feelings of hopelessness.
  • Follow Up - Studies show that brief, low-cost intervention and ongoing, supportive contact may be an important part of suicide prevention, especially for those discharged from hospitals or care services.

Learn more here.
Out of the Darkness

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walks have bring friends, neighbors, family members and colleagues together to walk through their communities to raise public awareness and funds to support suicide prevention, including
  • support for those who’ve lost loved ones
  • education in schools and workplaces
  • advocacy for critical mental health and suicide prevention legislation
  • scientific research that helps us learn more how we can save more lives

Learn more about upcoming walks in CT here.
Connecticut State Suicide Prevention Plan 2025
The Connecticut State Suicide Prevention Plan 2025 (PLAN 2025) is designed to frame, organize, prioritize, and direct established and emerging suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention response efforts throughout the state through 2025.

Goal 2: Develop, implement, and monitor effective programs that promote wellness and prevent suicide and related behaviors. 

  1. Strengthen the coordination, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive state/ territorial, tribal, and local suicide prevention programming.
  2. Encourage community-based settings to implement effective programs and provide education that promotes wellness and prevents suicide and related behaviors.
  3. Intervene to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors in populations at heightened risk.

What the R5SAB is Doing to Work Towards Goal 2
  • Helping to identify strengths and gaps in services among the mental health service system for the Regional Priority report.
  • Evaluating QPR trainings regularly to assess and improve impact.
  • Providing suicide prevention training and resources to student leaders and faculty at schools and institutions of higher education.
  • Supporting the development of suicide postvention plans at the school and community level.
  • Training those who interact with individuals in high-risk situations like law enforcement and crisis counselors in QPR.
Suicide Prevention by the Numbers
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
(formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among young people, and, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was the tenth-leading cause of death in the nation . Every year in the U.S., more people die by suicide than in car accidents or homicides (CDC, 2019).

For every one person who dies by suicide annually, 316 people seriously consider suicide, but do not kill themselves.
The Lifeline has received over 20 million people in distress looking for support when they needed it most.
Over 66% of crisis centers provide suicide prevention and other mental health training within their communities.
The average speed of answer for lifeline calls is approximately 45 seconds.
Less than 2% of Lifeline calls involve emergency services. When emergency services are involved, over half of these emergency dispatches occur with the caller's consent.
90.6% of callers reported that follow-up kept them safe.
34% of Lifeline calls are about mental health concerns other than suicide.

Learn more here.
Text CT to 741-741
Resource Highlight
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Upcoming Learning & Outreach Opportunities
Join the Regional Suicide Advisory Boards for this in-person event in recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!