Our Mission Statement

As a welcoming congregation, we work and worship together to become people of open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands.

We honor the transformative power of love in our individual lives and broader communities.


September 1

"This Little Light of Mine"

Clint Tawes

As Unitarian Universalists, our faith is one of deeds, not creeds. In this sermon, we will reflect on how Unitarian Universalists share our values not by proselytizing, but by embodying them in our daily lives. We’ll consider what it means to let our light shine, offering our truth to the world without imposing it on others.

September 8

"Growing Our Self-Compassion"

Beth Butterfield

In this service, we will connect with an experience of our authentic centered self, and from this place, we will explore radical self-acceptance. "I love and accept myself, radically, profoundly, completely, exactly as I am. All of my parts are welcome. All of my parts are loved."

September 15

"Sacred Activism: Finding Courage to Move through Despair to Empowerment"

Beth Remmes

Beth is the Coastal Representative of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light. Based on Joanna Macy's The Work that Reconnects, we will explore how to meet our current challenges with an open and resilient heart and how to be in service to the web of life.

September 22

"Money Makes the World Go Around"

Randy Blasch

Once again it is time for our stewardship kick off. Is it about the community and people, or is it just really all about the money?

September 29

"Wisdom Teachers and Interdependence: Rachel Carson and Greta Thunberg"

UUCG member Carolyn Wallace

Carolyn will share the unique contributions of these two women to our understandings of ecology, environmental health, and the dire consequences of human actions on the earth. Vignettes of their lives and work will be shared, along with some inspiration for contributing to the cause.


We are now livestreaming our service on our Facebook page.

You will be able to access our service online here at: https://www.facebook.com/UUStatesboro/.

NOTE: If a box pops up requesting that you log into Facebook and you do not want to log in, you can click the X in the top right corner of the box. You will then be able to access the live stream without logging into Facebook.

We will no longer be offering online services using the UUFS Zoom room. Please bear with us as we fine-tune this transition. 


Also, this link is available on the UUFS website on both the HOME page and THIS MONTH'S SERVICES page.

In a sermon that I provided to both congregations in August I shared how, like Jacob, I had spent many nights "wrestling with God." Then, I acknowledged that I preferred "Dancing with God" and shared a poem I wrote about that and other activities with the Divine. Some folks have asked that I share that poem, so here it is!

Dancing (and More) with God!

Jane Page

We have waltzed and done the foxtrot too,

But more often it was the twist or the boogaloo.


And I’ve walked with God and talked with God,

I’ve yelled at God and raised hell with God.

I’ve raved at God and been saved by God.

I’ve shoved God and loved God.


My God has been multiplied and unified

My God has revolved and evolved time after time.

Especially after a glass of red wine.


Through laughter and tears of these 73 years,

I’ve changed God’s demeanor from angry to kind,

And at times I believe that I’ve changed God’s mind.

Yes, I’ve changed God’s face and changed God’s place.

And I made HIM surrender when I changed God’s gender.


I’ve hated and rejected God.

Then translated and reflected God.


My God’s now Pure LOVE empowering us all

And I’m blessed to attempt to answer Love’s call!


Yes, my God has changed and I have too

And that can continue, thanks to UU!



Have you been thinking about becoming a member of our congregation?

Please join us on Sunday, September 8, for our brief "joining ceremony" during the service. It will be a time to celebrate our growth and commitment. All are welcome! 

Please contact Martha Hughes (mhughes@georgiasouthern.edu) if you have any questions.

Shari Barr, THANK YOU for always providing such great photos!

Need a ride to Medical Appointment? Georgia Southern’s Trusted Rider Program offers transportation services to older adults, assisting them in reaching their non-emergency medical appointments and back home after the completion of their visit. The program is run by student volunteers who have undergone background checks and training to ensure they provide the best possible service to the clients involved.

Chiamaka Ogwara is the program’s community liaison and reached out to raise awareness about the program with hopes to get referrals from older adults who may be interested in the program or may have the need for it.

If you have any questions of would like to learn more about the program, contact them via phone at: 912-478-0712 (office phone) and email co06587-sw@georgiasouthern.edu


Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

MindBody Center at UUFS

Join us for meditation on Friday mornings. Newcomers and experienced practitioners are welcome. Come join us in person or join us via Zoom.

For the Zoom link or more information send an email to Laura Milner at lamilner@georgiasouthern.edu

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

of Statesboro

We are located at 6762 Cypress Lake Road

Statesboro, Georgia

Please send mail to:


PO Box 2453

Statesboro GA 30459


Email: StatesboroUU@gmail.com

UUFS now has Sunday services LIVE STREAMING

on our Facebook page.

President: Abby Thompson

Vice President: Martha Hughes

Secretary: Kathy Smith

Treasurer: Teresa Winn

Immediate Past President: Dee Liston


You may contact board members by emailing StatesboroUU@gmail.com

and please put the board member's name in the subject line.


Shari Barr

Home: 912.764.7300

Cell: 912.687.3899

Email: ShariRB@aol.com



Chair: Barb Hendry

Email: anthrobarb@gmail.com

Members: Adrienne Cohen and

Relinda Walker



Elaine Deaver

Email: elaine@elainedeaver.com

Cell: 912.230.2675

Visit our Website


Mike Montagne



Shari Barr



Abby Thompson



Teresa Winn 



Adrienne Cohen


EMAIL: StatesboroUU@gmail.com

Phone: 912.682.3566