September 1, 2023

Town of Bermuda Run 
120 Kinderton Blvd, Suite 100 
Bermuda Run, NC 27006 

Town Hall Hours: M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 

Town Hall Calendar - September

9/4- Town Hall Closed - Labor Day

9/12 - Town Council Meeting ~ 6 pm

9/20 - Vision Committee Meeting ~ 9 am

9/20- Planning Board Meeting ~ 6 pm

9/26 - Council Agenda Meeting ~ 8:30 am

9/25- Brush/Limb Pickup

Message from Mayor Rick Cross

The summer has flown by. It seems as if we were just speaking about pools opening, concerts getting started, and gathering together for various summer activities. Now, we are in the midst of back-to-school time and the coming fall season. As we look to the end of summer, we are preparing for the upcoming Labor Day holiday. We are also getting ready for another Food Truck Friday on Sept. 8, and our final concert of the season on Saturday, Sept. 16. Both of these events will take place in our Town Square.

In my message this month, I want to focus three key topics:

•  Our recent Town Hall Session on August 22 at WinMock

•  Upcoming Municipal Elections

•  Highway 801/158 Intersection Improvement


In last month’s message, I announced a plan to hold a Town Hall Session at WinMock on August 22, with the goal of sharing information regarding the following topics:

•  Zoning for our Town/ETJ - What is it? Why does it exist? What is the process when an individual/developer seeks to purchase land and build/develop within our town or the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)? •  Annexation - What is it? How does annexation work? What is the impact on our town and surrounding areas?

•  10/70 process - This is a technical process. What is this? How is it applied? What is its impact on development?

•  Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use - Updating our progress on the output from the Comprehensive Plan and our current work on future land use across our town and ETJ.

Our intent for the session was to respond to what we have been hearing around the process relating to the above topics. We wanted to create an opportunity for people to more fully understand the various processes we must abide by as we, your town representatives, are managing our town’s business. 

During the meeting, we committed to a series of actions that we would undertake. Next Steps from August 22 Session:

•  Earlier this week, we made the PRESENTATION from the WinMock Session available on the town’s website.

•  We are consolidating all questions provided prior to the session, questions and comments made during the session, and any we have received since. In the near future, we will publish questions in the form of a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

I am pleased that we had almost 300 attendees at the August 22 Session. I am also somewhat disheartened that a number of attendees indicated they were there because they understood through social media and signs posted around the community that this would be a public hearing where they would be able to express their thoughts on a specific project, or residential types.

As I explained at the outset of the session, as the town’s elected representatives, we are governed by state laws and statutes in how we are to conduct meetings. Since I had asked for this meeting, and it was considered a Special Called Meeting, we were obligated to a) Post the intent of the meeting in advance (topics), and; b) Faithfully adhere to those topics, and only those topics.

A few key points about Town Council Meetings:

•  All Town Council Meetings are open to the public, are scheduled in advance, and are noticed in accordance with state statutes.

•  All decisions made by the Town Council are made during these meetings as required by state statutes.

•  All decisions made by the Town Council strictly adhere to the NC statutes regarding ethics and conflict of interest.

At times, information travels through social media and signs placed around the community very quickly and independent of our requirements as a town. In some cases, the information may be incomplete, out of proper context, or even incorrect. We are always working to improve our communications - I will also ask that you, residents of our community, also work to engage. Ask questions, share thoughts and concerns, and if you see or hear something that makes you wonder, reach out to me, our Town Council members, or our town staff.


Our Municipal Elections are coming up in the near future. As part of our ongoing effort toward communication and engagement, we have had a group of residents coordinate a series of Candidate Forums so residents have an opportunity to get to know their candidates, and so candidates are able to share thoughts and ideas about their vision for our community. See specific information about these events in today’s newsletter. As time draws near, we will also be reminding you via Facebook and Instagram.

I want to say a special thanks to Angel Jackson, Gary LeBlanc, Carol Quinn, Cathy Ring, and Laurie Venuto for their leadership in making these Candidate Forums happen. These will truly be community events led by the community.

I also want to thank Town Council candidates David Gilpin, Rod Guthrie, Rae Nelson, Jeff Tedder, Marty Wilson, and Mayor candidate Mike Brannon for their desire to participate in these important events.

As a reminder, a primary election will be held for Town Council candidates on October 10, and the general election will be held on November 7.  


Some time ago, we began telling you that there would be an additional lane installed on northbound Highway 801 at the Highway 158 intersection (in front of Walgreens). This is an intial step in helping better manage traffic through that busy intersection. That work has begun. This will provide for two through-lanes in addition to the current left-turn and right-turn lanes, and is intended to help with traffic flow. See an overview of the plan and timeline from Town Manager Andrew Meadwell in today’s newsletter.

As we have previously stated, this is a short-term measure. We continue to work with NCDOT on longer-term solutions - including the Highways 801 and 158 corridors - and will keep you up to date as we make progress on those projects.


I continue to have the opportunity to meet with residents, businesses, and organizations - one-on-one, in small groups, and even in large groups. In my role, I am very appreciative to have this opportunity to engage, hopefully to share some information, and most importantly to learn. Thanks to all who have helped make this happen.

As I have signed off each of my messages over these past four years, I appreciate all with whom I have been in contact - phone, text, email, and in-person. Thank you for your time and willingness to engage. I ask that you continue to reach out to me.

My phone/text is 336.391.1992 and my email address is

I look forward to seeing everyone soon. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Rick Cross

Updates from Town Manager

RISE and Truist Sports Park

In a continued effort to address potential impacts and disruptions from sporting venues, the Town has continued to monitor the progress that RISE and NC Fusion have made on facility operations with implementing the following action steps:

  • Guidelines for Staffing and Traffic Control – We’ve worked closely with Rise and Davie Sherriff’s office throughout the summer to ensure adequate staff are secured for events. There were several events that we utilized 3-4 officers to manage the round-a-bout, which proved to be a good traffic measure to get folks in and out of the park in a reasonable time.
  • Communicate event schedules – I’m attaching our current schedule for the fall that we have locked in as of now.
  • Rise/Fusion Meet Weekly – We have continued our weekly meeting to communicate and coordinate schedules at our facilities throughout the summer and had a meeting earlier this week to look ahead to the fall to determine any potential dates that the park would be busier than normal.
  • Emergency Action Plan (EAPs) – We submitted and received feedback on our EAP from both Davie County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management as well as from the Davie County Sherriff’s office. We’ve made the requested edits and will continue to update our EAP as necessary.
  • NC Department of Insurance Office of State Fire Marshal Crowd Manager Certification – We’ve had over 25 full-time Fusion staff members (coaches, operations, and administration) complete this certification over the summer, and this will continue to be a priority for Fusion staff to complete.
  • Include Davie County Sherriff and Davie County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management personnel in all future conversations around design and improvements at the park – This will occur as improvements are made.
  • In addition to these items above, we’ve continued to work with event organizers and provide regular feedback on how events are scheduled, number of fields used, and expected number of visitors to the park. 

NC Fusion RISE Indoor Sports

NC DOT - Right Turn Lane

Hwy 801/158 Intersection

The construction project for a new right turn lane in front of Walgreens at the Hwy. 801/158 intersection should be completed by the end of September. This is an aggressive timeline and will be subject to weather conditions; however, all other impediments (utilities, rights of way, etc..) have been addressed and it should be a straightforward project.

  • Construction activity will tentatively be scheduled between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm to avoid peak traffic flows.
  • They will minimize the need for lane closures; only during construction activity and reopen at the end of each day.

Tentative Schedule:

  • Week of 8/30-9/8- remove existing and install new storm drainage systems, remove concrete curb, and install asphalt base.
  • Week of 9/11 reinstall concrete curbing.
  • Week of 9/18- Paving
  • Week of 9/25-Lane Stripping and installation of sidewalk

Andrew Meadwell, Town Manager

Bermuda Run Vision Committee


Candidate Forums - Town of Bermuda Run

We are pleased to announce Candidate Forums to meet those running for two Town Council seats and Mayor. These Forums are organized by residents of the Town of Bermuda Run to be held prior to the Primary Election on October 10th. There are currently 5 candidates running for 2 seats, which by the Bermuda Run Town Charter, forces a primary election. The top 4 candidates will appear on the November 7th ballot.


Forum 1 - Thursday, September 21 - 6:00 pm 

Kinderton Pool Club House  

Forum 1 is restricted to Kinderton residents only due to space limitations


Forum 2 - Wednesday, September 27 - 7:00 pm

Bermuda Village Dining Hall

Forum 2 is restricted to Bermuda Village residents due to space limitations 


Forum 3 - Tuesday, October 3 - 6:00 pm

Bermuda Run Country Club Ballroom

Forum 3 is open to the public


Running for Town Council are neighbors:

David Gilpin

Jeff Tedder

Marty Wilson

Rae Nelson

Rod Guthrie


Running for Mayor is current Town Council member and neighbor:

Mike Brannon


Please come and meet the candidates who will shape the policies that govern the Town of Bermuda Run. There will be a sign-up sheet to ask questions at the event. If you are not able to make the meeting, please submit your questions to

Resident Gary LeBlanc will be moderating the events.


Candidate Forum Committee Members:

Gary LeBlanc

Angel Jackson

Cathy Ring

Carol Quinn

Laurie Venuto


Important Election Dates:

*Friday, September 8 - Absentee by-mail ballots to be mailed for the Municipal Primary.

*Thursday, September 21, One-Stop early voting begins at the Election Board office

(Behind the Brock Center next to the DMV office)

*Saturday, October 7, One-Stop early voting ends at 3:00 pm

*Tuesday, October 10, Primary Election Day (Hillsdale Baptist Church for Bermuda Run residents)

Davie County Board of Elections

Save the Date

Bermuda Run Garden Club

Shredding Event

Saturday, Oct. 14

 9 am - Noon

Town Hall Parking Lot

Mayor: Rick Cross

Town Manager: Andrew Meadwell

Town Clerk: Cindy Poe
Finance Director: Dora Robertson

Town Council:  Mike Brannon, Curtis Capps, Heather Coleman, Mike Ernst, and Melinda Szeliga