Common Threads
This year’s Tapestry Program is focused on the connection between evangelization and stewardship. Those involved with stewardship understand that the most important goal of stewardship is deepening our relationship with Jesus so that we can live more faithfully as his disciples in the world. In other words, the ultimate goal of stewardship is evangelization. When our faith lives are alive and on fire, we cannot help but share our love of Jesus with others. 
We also understand that evangelization is central to the mission of all we do as a Church. Through evangelization, we come to know, and to share, the Good News of Jesus Christ. Evangelization, simply stated, is encountering Jesus, embracing his call to discipleship, and sharing that call with others.
Disciples who practice stewardship as a way of life recognize God as the source of all they have, are, and will be. Good stewards recognize the most precious gift given by our gracious and generous God is the gift of faith -- and they recognize that this gift must be shared with others in our faith community and the larger world.
My hope is that we as a parish will embrace our call to evangelization through stewardship. We need you and your families to become engaged and join us in parish life, by joining us at Mass, supporting the parish, and finding a way for you to share your time and talents. So many of our ministries and committees need you! We will be having a Ministry Fair September 17 and 18 after the Masses so you can personally explore opportunities to become a disciple and share the Good News with others.  

Thank you for your support of St. Brigid of Kildare.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
This Weekend: Ministry Fair
Coming Soon: 55+ Club Special Events
Are you age 55 or older and thinking about joining the most successful seniors’ social club in the diocese? Now’s the perfect time. The St. Brigid of Kildare 55+ Club has wonderful events for 55+ Club members and guests (explained below).

OCTOBERFEST: RSVP DEADLINE Wednesday, September 21
The 55+ Club will celebrate their annual Octoberfest party at Hendricks Hall on Wednesday, October 5, at 12:30 p.m. The Schmidt’s Sausage Haus buffet will feature three sausage selections, herb chicken breast, German potato salad, green beans and spätzle, hot sauerkraut, and Schmidt’s mini cream puffs. 
  • Action: To reserve (and pay the Club’s discounted buffet price) by the September 21 deadline or sooner, click here. You can also email the club’s Octoberfest coordinator at by the deadline.

This year, the 55+ Club’s annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, December 7, at Country Club of Muirfield Village, 8715 Muirfield Dr., Dublin 43017. Cocktails 11:30 p.m., Lunch at noon. Entertainment will feature holiday music by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO) strings ensemble (fully sponsored by the CSO’s community engagement fund). 
  • Action: To reserve and pay the Club’s discounted event price by the November 28 deadline or sooner, email the 55+ Club’s Christmas event coordinator at

Learn more about the 55+ Club at this link:
For details about free membership, contact their Member Services Coordinator Cathleen Wolf at (614) 376-0645. Get a copy of the 55+ Club’s schedule of events from September through December in the kiosk near the Church entrance.
Altar Server Training: Oct 23
All students in the Fifth grade and older are invited to become Altar Servers for the Weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Is the Lord calling upon your son or daughter to serve? Have them answer that call by becoming an Altar Server! St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in fifth the grade and above, to consider becoming an Altar Server. Attend one short training session, study one short section from the Liturgical training manual and they will be ready to serve the Lord as an Altar Server. What a wonderful, rewarding service!
Our next training session for Altar Servers is October 23, 2022, Sunday afternoon in the Church from 2:00 pm until 3:00 pm.       Please register at the link below by October 14th, so we can be prepared to welcome you. For more information please contact Joe Feehan at
Sunday, October 23, 2022 
St. Brigid of Kildare Church
Family of Faith Open House: Thank You!
A huge thank you to the many families who attended our Religious Education Open House on Monday in Hendricks Hall! Not only did our families pick up their Family of Faith boxes and enjoy an ice cream sundae bar, but we also met many families new to Religious Education as well as got reacquainted with many familiar faces.

We are excited for our first family event next Monday, September 19th -- a Biblical Scavenger Hunt at St. Brigid's field (behind the school). If you haven't signed up yet there is still time! Just go to your recent Faith inFormation email and look for the "Family of Faith Fall Event's Sign Up" section directly underneath the "Director's Desk" message. See you next week!

To learn more about Religious Education, click here.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9 am Mass. Children (non-communed children, preschool through grade 2), may join us in the Church basement to hear the Children's Liturgy of the Word from the Children's Lectionary as well as learn about the readings of the day. Children will be dismissed prior to the First Reading and return after the Homily, during the Presentation of the Gifts. 

We require two Shepherds and two volunteers to provide this opportunity for our families. The First Shepherd is the leader of the readings and lesson for the day and the Second Shepherd assists the First. Volunteers help the Shepherds with miscellaneous tasks, but do not teach the lessons. All volunteers (Shepherds and general volunteers) are required to be compliant volunteers in accordance of Safe Environment Policies. Those who sign up will have follow-up communications with the Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the Director of Religious Education.
If you have questions regarding this ministry, please contact the Religious Education Office at 614-761-1176.
Let's Have Dinner and Talk About Death
Thursday, November 10, 2022
6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Hendricks Hall
How we want to die represents the most important and costly conversation people aren’t having. We are inviting you to come to dinner so we can talk about death and the many decisions that often surround it. We want to make the right decisions and we want them to flow from our faith and values. The conversations at this dinner are meant to help with those decisions. Speakers will offer insights from the faith prospective, the medical prospective and the legal prospective to help answer the questions you might have. End of life decisions are challenging, and it is helpful to you and to those you love if you make those decisions ahead of time.
Dinner will be provided.
Watch for more information regarding registration.
Fall Parish Picnic: Oct 2
Join us Sunday, October 2 immediately following 11 am Mass for lunch, ice cream, a DJ, service activity + bake sale, fun and games and much more! The event will take place at Brigid's Green. 

To RSVP or sign up to volunteer, click the links below.
Sunday Socials 2022-23

We will be hosting *MONTHLY* Sunday Socials with breakfast refreshments immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. 

The 2022 - 2023 schedule is outlined in the Sign-Up Below. 

We need volunteers to help host with the monthly Sunday Socials. 

All the details are taken care of, we just need your helpful hands to set-up, serve and clean-up. Sign-up Below! Bring your family or coordinate with a group of friends and come share be a part of the St. Brigid Parish community in a super easy way.

If you've volunteered to help host a Sunday Social in the past, then you know just how simple it is to execute. If you've not yet volunteered to help host a Sunday Social, rest assured it is as easy as pressing a button to brew coffee, pouring juice, plating refreshments and greeting your fellow parishioners with a smile! Plus, as a volunteer, you get first dibs on the breakfast treats!

Additional details are provided in the sign-up link below.

Thank you for helping to make these socials possible! 
Catholic Social Teaching Guest Speaker Series
High School Youth Ministry small groups are focused on Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for this Generation. This engaging small group study and guest speaker series introduces sound Catholic teaching on creation, life, race, poverty, and the family. 

While small group ministry is reserved for high school students, our guest speaker events are open to all parishioners (8th grade and older)!

Mark your calendars and join us for these guest speakers !

All sessions will be held in Hendricks Hall at 7:15 PM. 
  • Shepherd's Corner - September 28
  • Join us to hear about what Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center does, how their mission statement is lived out, and ways we can begin to experience the joys and responsibilities of caring for land, life, and spirit in our day-to-day lives.
  • Mommies Matter - October 19
  • Kindway - October 26
  • Catholic Social Services - November 16
  • Habitat for Humanity Mid Ohio - February 1, 2023 
Jubilee of Anniversaries: Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help with the Jubilee of Anniversaries Mass and Reception with Bishop Fernandes on Sunday, September 25th at 2:30 pm.

To view volunteer needs or sign up to help, click the link below.
SPiCE Committee Meeting: All Are Welcome
All are welcome to join the next SPiCE committee meeting.

SPiCE Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 20 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, Kelty Library
The Safe School Helpline
This year St. Brigid of Kildare School will be adding yet another layer of protection for our students, families and community: The Safe School Helpline. We are constantly encouraging students to speak with an adult -- be that a parent, teacher, counselor, family member, etc. However, there may be an occasion that a student would prefer a different way to communicate their concerns anonymously. The Safe School Helpline will give students the ability to make a report either by phone, email or an app. For students under the age of 13 they must have parental permission in order to make a report. Reports may be made by anyone -- students, parents, or community members, and all reports remain anonymous.

Flyers will be distributed to families in the next Friday folder. Over the next few weeks the help line will be introduced to students as well. To learn more about the Safe School Helpline, including the number to make a report, information will always be listed at
Upcoming PGC Sessions
PGC sessions at St Brigid of Kildare Hendricks Hall in the Carr Childcare Center. 
  • Sept 22, 2022 @ 8:30 am
  • Sept 28, 2022 @ 12:30 pm
  • Oct 4, 2022 @ 6:30 pm

Limited space so register early.
Registration is at Additional sessions listed at
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit a signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check.
Full details and forms can be found at or contact John Denzel, Safe Environment Manager at
Family First Fall Events
Family First is a parish ministry that seeks to empower parents as leaders in the domestic church. Throughout the year, we offer various activities that promote and support the family!

This fall Kim VanHuffel will lead discussion based on The Handbook for Catholic Mom’s by Lisa Henley. In this book author Lisa Hendey coaches Catholic moms how to care for themselves -heart, mind, body, and soul - so that they can better love and care for their families, their neighbors, and their Church. 

Mom to Mom meets on Tuesdays at 9:45 am in the Church Basement, childcare is provided in the Carr Nursery, feel free to sign up ahead of time on the Family First webpage. Questions about Mom to Mom reach out to Erin Heise at or Gracie Dziewiatkowski

This fall join Sisters in Christ as they discuss the “Who am I to Judge?” series by Edward Sri. In this series, you will explore how to respond to relativism with logic and love. Topics include: real love, sharing truth with compassion, and why “I disagree” doesn’t mean “I hate you.”

Sisters in Christ meets on Wednesdays 1:15-2:30pm in the Deacon’s room. Questions about Sisters in Christ, please reach out to Mandy Skinner at or Cheryl Hohlefelder at

No preparation is needed to attend meetings. We hope you will join us!
Music Ministry: Join Us
The Music Ministry groups at St. Brigid are ready to begin another year! We invite you to consider joining one of our groups! We welcome all ages and skill levels who wish to share their musical talents with the parish, as we help add to the prayer of our weekend Masses. We are also excited to announce that will be presenting a Music Ministry Concert in February featuring all our groups listed below!

Adult Choir 
  • Sings primarily traditional music
  • Rehearses Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm in the church choir loft, from September through May
  • Leads the music at the 9:00 Mass three Sundays a month, as well as Holy Days and special occasions including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Confirmation.
  • First rehearsal is Wednesday, September 7th

Brigid’s Gael
  • Sings/plays primarily contemporary music
  • Rehearses Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm in the church choir loft
  • Leads the music at the 11:00am Mass three Sundays a month 
  • Join us for rehearsal as we start our fall season on Tuesday, Sept. 6th

Children’s Choir
  • Open to Grades 1-8
  • Rehearses Sundays from 10:00-10:45am September through May in Enke Hall
  • Sings at the 9:00am Mass one Sunday a month, as well as on Christmas Eve
  • First rehearsal is Sunday, September 25th 

Youth Ensemble 
  • Open to 6th-12 graders who love to sing or play an instrument *instrumentalists must have studied for 3 years
  • Rehearses Sundays from 12-1pm (note time change from last year) in the church choir loft 
  • Sings at the 5:00 Mass one Saturday a month
  • First rehearsal is Sunday, September 25th 

To find out more about any of the above groups, contact Katherine Florian, Director of Music: 614-761-3734 ext. 248
Care Packages for College Students & Young Adults Serving in the Military
Wednesday, October 5, 7:30-8:30 PM in Hendricks Hall
Moms, Dads, and Grandparents! Please join us on Wednesday, October 5 in Hendricks Hall to assemble care packages for your college students and children serving in the military. This fun event is a great way to gather with others from church who have similar age children and encourage your child from a distance. 
Our goal is to keep our young adults encouraged in and connected to our faith. 
Wear a shirt from your child's school or branch of service and bring some care package goodies to share (see the sign-up link).
St. Brigid will provide a variety of care package box sizes, prayer cards, books/ devotionals, and stationary for adding a note!
Parents will be responsible for mailing their box(es).
To help us prepare, please sign up for one or a combination of items to bring for care package creation. Feel free to bring items not listed here. These are simply suggestions. In addition, please let other "new college parents" know about this event and share the material sign-up link!
There is no limit to how many can participate, but this sign-up will close on Monday, October 3.
Taize: Sept 29
Come enjoy a service of prayer, song and contemplation on Thursday, September 29 at 6:30 PM in St. Brigid of Kildare Church.
Lecture Series at Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace is beginning a Lecture Series to cover a broad range of topics and enhance our understanding of the world around us. This series will cover political issues, art, literature, Bible, demographics, church concerns, neighborhoods, community outreach and a host of other topics.
Please come to our first installment of the Lecture Series: 
Sunday, September 18, 2022, 7 pm, Sanctuary            
Featured Speaker: Michael Wilkos
Topic: How the Columbus Area is Growing and Changing
Have You Thought About Becoming Catholic?
Do you think you might like to look into the Catholic way of Life?

Do you know someone interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?

You are invited to join us!

Our first meeting will be an orientation on October 11. All classes are held on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Church basement. The calendar for this coming year is on our website at For more information contact Kim VanHuffel at or complete the form on the website below.
Save the Date: Women's Retreat
We are grateful for the opportunity to reconnect for the 2023 St. Brigid of Kildare Women’s Retreat at The Spiritual Center of Maria Stein! 

For most of us, the pace of daily life is pretty hectic. Because we’re always on the go, there isn’t much time to think about the things that are truly important in life. At The Spiritual Center of Maria Stein, the peace and solitude provide a chance for you to get away – to take time to reflect, refresh, and renew. We are also grateful for the opportunity to reconnect after not having a parish retreat for three years.

Save the date: 5 PM on Friday, March 3, 2023 – 12 NOON on Sunday, March 5, 2023
Upcoming Bible Studies
Women's Bible Study
Have you ever thought that being a good follower of Jesus you had to follow a set of rules and measure up? That by doing these two things you would then be worthy to follow Jesus? Even the believers in the early church struggled to find a balance between observation and acceptance of God’s gift of grace. For our fall Women’s Bible Study and Sharing, we will take a close look at Paul’s Letter to the Galatians as well as the material found in the book that we will be using. The book is Breakthrough: A Study of Galatians by Barb Roose. The book is available on Kindle and paperback through Amazon and other booksellers. We will meet on Wednesday Evenings starting on September 21st until November 9th at 7:00 PM in the Berry Room of Hendrick’s Hall. Please register by September 1st, so that I know how to set up the small groups. Email Sr. Teresa at to register or for additional information.

Mystery of the Incarnation
In this video course – An Astonishing Secret: Glimpses of Incarnation, we offer precious and life-changing insights about Creation, Incarnation, and our own divine hearts. We take a fresh look at all we treasure and hold dear. As theology, new scientific discoveries and spirituality dialog amazing things happen. Radical new light is today being shed on that moment of divine love 2000 years ago – the Incarnation – when God was revealed at the center of humanity in the person of Jesus. And, long before that, on a much earlier astonishing moment when God first became incarnate in Creation itself. In ten episodes we try to glimpse the dynamic meaning of those two moments of the revelation of God, and to reveal their implications for us – personally and universally. A deeper understanding of this central heart of Christianity may transform our self-understanding and our understanding of our planet Earth. This is the revolutionary change in Catholic consciousness that is beginning to transform Christianity from within. This is the ‘magnanimous’ horizon painted by Pope Francis – the re-framing of the story of Christ within our daily experiences, and within the wondrous story of our evolving universe. We will use the words of Pope Francis, especially from Laudato Si and a book and videos written by Daniel O’Leary: An Astonishing Secret: The Love Story of Creation and the Wonder of You. (Book is available from Amazon).

Tuesday Mornings, September 13—November 15, (after 9 AM Mass) until 11:15 AM in the Berry Room or for women only from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM in the Carr Room. In order to have enough materials you do need to register by September 2nd. (Register:   --Sister Teresa

That Man Is You! Year 4
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! Seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.

At St. Brigid of Kildare, we are currently in year 4 of this program (for the 2022-23 year).

We began this year on Saturday, September 10. To learn more or to register, visit the link below.
High School Small Group Registration Open for Fall
Calling all 9th-12th grade students:
  • Are you wondering how our Catholic Faith fits with the bigger discussions happening in our culture right now? 
  • Are you wondering where you fit in? 
  • Do you want to have productive discussions and think more deeply about the tough topics of our time? 

We are excited to share that High School Youth Ministry small groups will focus on Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation this year! This engaging small group study and guest speaker series introduces sound Catholic teaching on creation, life, race, poverty, and the family. 

High school youth ministry small groups began on September 14 and will meet in Hendricks Hall from 7:15-8:30 PM. Visit to register.
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
  • Charlotte Elise Baltzell
  • Parker Ryan Derryberry
  • Teagan Marie Gernetzke
  • Maddyn Rose Holley
  • Katherine Olivia North
  • Catherine Christine Phelps
  • Summer Michele Schord
  • Jack Austin Scurria
  • Everett James Starr
  • Avery Marie Stelmach
  • Janie Elizabeth Zwick
  • Grace Laurel Joseph
  • Olivia Marilyn Kissell
  • Sloane Lynne Sarac

  • Kevin Richardson and Shannon Vinci
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Edward P. Finan
  • Martha “Marty” Kelley
  • Richard Vermillion
  • Gerda Stein
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017