News from Province V

September 2024

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  • Opening Prayer
  • Suicide Prevention Lunch-N-Learn
  • Province V Job Posting
  • Creation Care Retreat
  • Love God, Love God's World
  • Episcopal Church Summit on Truth-Telling and Reparations
  • Bake Pray Rest
  • Trafficking: Faithful Response and Support
  • Engaging Gender Complexity
  • A New Day Draws Near
  • Verger's Conference
  • Spirit & Truth
  • Bishop Gunter installation
  • Indigenous People's Justice Network Book Group
  • The Brood
  • Evangelist Leadership Training
  • Season of Creation 2024
  • Book Corner
  • Healthy Congregations
  • Agrarian Ministry Certificate Program
  • Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice
  • Episcopal Parish Network
  • TryTank Zoom meetings
  • Networking Conversations
  • Affiliated Organizations
  • Upcoming Events and Webinars

Opening Prayer

September is Suicide Prevention Month

Lord we confess…

  • We have been in trouble and yet told no one.
  • We have felt desperate and not asked for help. 
  • We have isolated ourselves in our pain instead of reaching out. 
  • We have suspected others are suffering but we did not ask. 
  • We have observed lives falling apart but we did not inquire. 
  • We have been nudged to invite conversation but we have feared the connection. 
  • We have been quick to speak and slow to listen. 
  • We have told our stories when others needed us to hear theirs. 
  • We have discouraged others from talking by our strong opinions and quick solutions. 
  • We have kept secrets we should not have kept. 
  • We have left people in danger that we should have offered sanctuary. 
  • We have allowed communities to form with many pathways to violence, but few pathways to peace. 

***This confession is an adaptation of Soul Shop™ material. Visit their website to learn more about this work.

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Featured Articles and Events


  • “The greatest mass of [people] lead lives of quiet desperation” – our goal is to move from quiet desperation to honest conversation. It’s estimated in a congregation of 200 adults that 12 are likely to be considering suicide and 3 out of 20 high school students at any time. 
  • As those who minister, we are well situated to be significant sources of hope and healing for those impacted by mental health illnesses and suicide. In this interactive Lunch-n-Learn workshop, we will discuss how hopelessness shows up in the world, how to build and cultivate a soul-safe community and you will learn ways to minister to those impacted by mental illness and suicide. Becoming Hope Incarnate!

Biography for our Speaker:

  • David Galvan (he/him) has been speaking, training, and facilitating conversations about whole-person health for nearly 15 years. 

Register here

Province V job posting!

Contact Heather with any questions. voice/text: 574.366.2288 or email


- Do you have a passion for connecting worshiping communities with nearby local institutions of higher learning?  

- Do you dream of a network of Episcopal worshiping communities who actively and confidently reach out to nearby local institutions of higher learning and who support each other in this work? Do you want to help make that a reality at a provincial level? 

- Would you enjoy coaching, mentoring, and advising leaders of worshiping communities, helping them to form cohorts and plan programming so as to share wisdom and strengthen an Episcopal presence to local institutions of higher learning? 

- Are you excited about organizing structures (databases and other digital resource centers) to help local communities connect with each other and find the support they need?

If you responded yes to those questions, we'd like to meet you! This new grant-funded position is designed for a clergy or lay leader residing in Province V with a target start date of Jan 1, 2025.

Full description at:

Apply to:

Creation Care Retreat

Spiritual Resilience in Days of Trouble

September 12-15, 2024

Nazareth, KY

Registration is technically closed, but HURRY and call Heather if you'd still like to attend. ​​574.366.2288

Schedule outline and retreat leader biographies are published here.

Margaret's book is available to participants of this retreat for just $10. THANK YOU to Church Periodical Club for subsidizing the cost of these books and providing some additional resources to our gathering!!! 

Love God, Love God's World - Fall 2024

ALL ARE WELCOME - AND - the target audience for this event are those who would like an overview of the program before leading a group themselves. Be ready - we will be going quickly through the curriculum so that we can get a good flavor of the content and flow of the sessions to help us prepare to lead future groups.

Mondays, 7-9 pm ET / 6-8 pm CT

Dates of the session are as follows:

Sept 23, Sept 30, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2

You do not have to attend all, but should plan for most.

To sign up for this group, contact Jeanette Ettin, Creation Care convener.

This page has all of the information about the program! See all of the details there, and register a group when you are ready to begin.

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.

Sessions have a similar structure to the popular Sacred Ground curriculum and include compelling films and readings, faith-based reflections, and discussion questions—each written by different contributors who draw from their own contexts and experiences. Participants will also discover ways to learn, pray, advocate, and conserve. 

We hope everyone who participates in the curriculum becomes:

  • Comfortable speaking about their faith, care of creation, and climate change
  • Personally transformed and invited into different levels of personal and collective engagement on creation care and eco-justice
  • Confident about where to find creation care resources and information

Episcopal Church Summit on Truth-Telling and Reparations

This event's registration is full, but you can sign up for the wait list.

September 19-21, 2024

Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA


This summit is a crucial gathering for Episcopal lay and clergy leaders engaged in reparations and truth-telling ministries to share strategy, best practices, resources, prayers, and encouragement with one another. 

This multi-day conversation will focus on how dioceses, congregations, and Episcopal organizations are engaged in the work of racial truth-telling and reparations, unearthing and naming historic racial injustices, reckoning with systemic harm, and discerning what constitutes healing and repair.

Click here for more information and to register for the waitlist.

For more information, contact Miguel Bustos at

Bake Pray Rest

A Camp for Formation Leaders

October 22-24 Noon to Noon

Proctor Center, London, Ohio

This "camp" retreat is for all formation leaders - lay and clergy- who would like to connect with other leaders, learn and share about formation resources and best practices, and who would love a time of rest and restoration at Procter.  Author, baker, and retreat leader Kendall Vanderslice, along with Procter's Co-Executive Director, Jerusalem Greer, will lead this camp-retreat, including the embodied spiritual practice of bread making. Kendell will also host a workshop on using the Bake with the Bible curriculum and Jerusalem will host conversations about reimagining formation programs and gatherings in a time of great change for the Church. Additionally, "campers" will have opportunities to rest and play together in true Camp Procter style.

Rates are all inclusive, space is limited:

DSO Formation Leader - FREE

NON-DSO Rate: - $350 per person

Register and learn more here:

Trafficking: Faithful Response and Support

Province V's new initiative to help inform people about and train people to fight trafficking is called "Trafficking: Faithful Support and Response" and is currently under development. We are looking for some team members to help with the development and sharing of this resource across the province and the church.

Here are some areas that we have identified:

- course creation - Total Life Wellness has the majority of the plan, but we will want some conversations with a team about things to make sure that we include

- document creation - what we need to have for handouts to church leaders

- “pilot” course - the first group to participate in a session - to help review and give feedback

Send an email to if you would like to help with any of these pieces. If not your area of ministry or you are unable to help yet, please pray for this program's development and watch for additional information. We hope to launch the first session in the fall.

Engaging Gender Complexity

Thanks to the United Thank Offering and the Constable Fund, this new program will be developed to help individuals and churches create welcoming space for all people.

You are invited to be part of the process of developing and launching this new initiative! Please review the various options below.

1) Send an email to with: 

  • helpful resources you hope we will consult regarding either understanding gender or supporting/ allying around gender
  • stories about churches already doing a good job of welcoming all people (what have you chosen to do as a parish? Or, what has a church done that made you and yours feel welcomed?)

2) Volunteer to be part of the program development process by joining one of the following:

  • curriculum development team
  • Resource curation committee
  • Proofreading / curriculum review

3) Volunteer yourself or recommend someone else to be interviewed on video. We are looking for people who can speak to the following issues:

  • Experience identifying outside of the gender binary
  • Experience as a trans adult at any stage of transition
  • Experience as a family member or friend of gender nonconforming persons 

4) Volunteer to be trained as a facilitator:  people trained to consult with worshipping communities to help them develop their local practices.

More information about this initiative will be included in upcoming newsletters!


Verger's Conference

October 10-13, 2024

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church to Host 2024 Annual Conference at Christ Church Cranbrook

Bloomfield Hills, MI—The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) is pleased to announce that its 2024 Annual Conference will take place from October 10-13 at Christ Church Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The event, gathering vergers from across the globe, is a time-honored tradition dedicated to education, fellowship, service, and community within the VGEC.

This year’s conference will feature a diverse array of sessions, including "Verger 101," "Meditation with Dr. Felix Rodgers," "Difficult Discussions," "The Episcopal Rosary," and more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a featured service project supporting Forgotten Harvest, an organization committed to alleviating hunger and reducing nutritious food waste in the community.

In addition to the educational sessions, the conference will offer several cultural excursions, including visits to the Detroit Institute of Art, the Cranbrook Institute, the Wright Museum, and the Detroit Riverwalk. Attendees can also enjoy an Oktoberfest Tailgate, live music, and other social events.

The conference will include multiple worship opportunities, culminating in a grand Procession of Vergers during the concluding Sunday morning Eucharist.

For more information and to register, please visit this page.

For questions, contact: Albie Bell (

Spirit & Truth Releases New Resources

Spirit & Truth Publishing recently introduced two new products: elementary-age Mini Lessons for both the Revised Common Lectionary and Narrative Lectionary. 


These shorter lessons are intended to support congregations who provide children’s faith formation time for a portion of a worship service, so we include three activities as opposed to the normal eight to ten activities in our full-size lessons. The RCL Mini Lessons curriculum is also our first RCL resource specifically for children beyond our intergenerational classroom curriculum. I have attached a PDF file that includes links to evaluation copies of each of our products, including these two new Mini Lessons.

See the flyer with more details.

Bishop Matthew Gunter to be Installed Bishop of Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter will be installed as the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin on Saturday, October 5, at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center in Stevens Point. The service of installation will take place as part of the first Annual Convention of the Diocese of Wisconsin since the reunion of the Episcopal dioceses of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee earlier this summer. Prior to the reunification, Bishop Gunter served as bishop of Fond du Lac and bishop provisional of Eau Claire, while also serving as assisting bishop in the Diocese of Milwaukee during its leadership transition. He was consecrated bishop on April 26, 2014.

On May 4, 2024, at a special joint convention in Baraboo, Wisconsin, the three dioceses voted to rejoin as one, after a nearly three-year process of discernment. On June 28, 2024, the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church voted to approve the reunion of the dioceses of Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, and Eau Claire.

The Diocese of Wisconsin was originally formed in 1847. In 1875, the Diocese of Fond du Lac was created to serve the northeastern 26 counties of the state, and the Diocese of Wisconsin was renamed the Diocese of Milwaukee in 1886. In 1928, the Diocese of Eau Claire was formed from parts of the Diocese of Fond du Lac and parts of the Diocese of Milwaukee to serve the northwestern part of Wisconsin.

In 2021, the dioceses of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee began the process to pursue reuniting as one diocese in Wisconsin. This process included widespread input from clergy and lay leaders in the state.

The reunited Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin includes over 100 congregations and ministries and more than 11,500 baptized members.

Bishop Matt Gunter serves as the Vice President of the Province V Executive Board.

Province I Hosts: Indigenous People's Justice Network 

Book Groups

The Province 1 Indigenous People's Justice network are holding two upcoming book groups this fall.

September 25, 7:00-8:30 PM: Healing Haunted Histories by Elaine Enns and Ched Myers.

Learn more at their website:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Register here.

Mark your calendar for the next book discussion on November 13, 2024.

The Brood: An Inclusive Ministry for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Families

In October 2021, with the support of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, "The Brood" launched. The Brood is a community of joyful belonging for foster, adoptive, and kinship families. We meet in-person and online, and families from anywhere and everywhere are invited to join us for our virtual caregiver support groups, book groups, and spiritual retreats. To learn more, contact Rev. Olivia Hamilton at or sign up for our newsletter here!

Evangelism Leadership Course

Oct 6 -Nov 11. 

Evangelism Leadership Training Course with Jerusalem Greer: This course is designed for those who seek to inspire, encourage, and lead the community toward a bolder proclamation of God’s Good News by leading Evangelism Ministries. Participants will explore evangelism leadership as a contextual story-sharing process from an Anglican/Episcopal framework. In addition to reflecting together on how one recognizes God’s presence, engages and interprets the stories of God’s action throughout history, and responds to God’s invitation to live in ways that demonstrate and teach the Good News, participants will engage a variety of media and techniques aimed at equipping them to develop and lead evangelism ministries within their congregation or diocese. This class is online and hosted by Bexley-Seabury's Pathways program. 

Visit this page for information and registration.

Season of Creation Coming soon!

Creation Season begins on September 1. It gives us, as people of faith, a unique opportunity to pray what we believe, to learn what can be done for the precious creation of which we are a part, to act to reduce our burden on the Earth, and to advocate for just solutions – all for the love of God. This year, we invite your participation in new ways. As you make your way through the four pillars of this work, I pray that you will see something that stirs your imagination and lifts your heart. We need the moral imagination and prophetic power of religious leaders and communities as we lend our faith to the fight. God's creation is at risk. Every day must include consciousness of our interdependence with the rest of the natural world. May this intentional linking of the work to liturgical time be a blessing for your congregation. May we be a blessing for God's creation.

Many Episcopal bishops have given permission to use the Season of Creation materials. Review the website and check with your bishop about using these materials this fall.

The Episcopal Church also has resources as you plan.

Book Corner

The definitive guide for congregations in transition, revised to reflect the needs of today's church.


Designed for the clergy and lay leadership in transition, this volume offers a quick start guide on topics such as defining mission to developing effective decision-making processes. This guide begins one month before a transition and continues for the first eighteen months of a new pastor, priest, or rector’s tenure. With this revision, author Neal Michell has updated the text throughout to reflect current concerns of church leaders, including more coverage of leadership in small congregations and approaches to empowering lay leaders.

Order from any Episcopal bookstore,  Amazon, Bookshop, or your favorite bookstore.

Paperback | 9781640657342 | List Price: $29.95

Scholarships are available to Diocese of Southern Ohio clergy and lay leaders. For more information please contact acting executive director Lynn Carter-Edmands at . Registration is still open. 

Agrarian Ministry Certificate Program 

Agrarian Ministry Certificate - Launching in 2025

Info Session: September 4, 7 p.m. Eastern 

The Agrarian Ministry Certificate will be a new, hybrid program with the Stevenson School of Ministry and the Procter Center. Its purpose is to prepare church leaders to teach, lead, and inspire their faith communities to steward the land in a way that is faithful to our call as disciples of Jesus.

Brian Sellers Petersen of the Faithful Agrarian and Jerusalem Greer of the Procter Center, co-founders of the Good News Garden Movement, will convene the certificate program.

This certificate combines online convenings, a directed final project, and an in-person retreat at the Procter Center. Learn more.

An informational session will be held on September 4 at 7 p.m. Eastern. Register online.

Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice

The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice is a voluntary association of Episcopal dioceses, parishes, organizations, and individuals dedicated to the work of becoming the beloved community. The Coalition welcomes participation from all groups and individuals at every level of the church who faithfully engage in the work of truth-telling, reckoning, and healing for racial equity, justice, and the dismantling of white supremacy.

Learn more and connect:

BPG Sponsor: EPN Upcoming


To see more information or register, visit the page with the full list of workshops.

  • Deacons: Expansive Ministry for this Moment, Tuesday, September 10 at 3:00pm ET
  • Compass Rose Society: Supporting the Anglican Communion and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Tuesday, September 17 at 3:00pm ET
  • Vote Faithfully: Episcopalians Engaging the U.S. Election, Wednesday, September 18 at 1:00pm ET
  • Break the Chains of Debt: 7 Steps to Financial Freedom, Monday, September 23 at 3:00pm ET
  • Our Buildings – Stewarding Assets for the Future, Wednesday, September 25 at 3:00pm ET
  • Painless Ministry Scheduling for Episcopal Churches, Monday, September 30 at 3:00pm ET

Thanks to EPN for sponsoring Big Provincial Gathering 2024!

TryTank Regional Innovation Hub

Zoom Meetings

St. Barnabas, Bay Village, Ohio is hosting TryTank Regional Innovation Hub Zoom meetings quarterly. The last gathering of this round is on November 11. All events will be held at 4 pm ET / 3 pm CT. This is an opportunity for those who are curious about innovation, participated in last year's Innovation Day, or are actively experimenting with new ideas. In every meeting, an innovation method that can be used in experiments will be shared, there will be an opportunity to share what is or is not working, and there will be a Q&A for anyone interested in applying for TryTank funds for an experiment. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Hally Marsh or the Rev. Alex Martin.


Province V's work in the world is to "Connect. Network. Support." Networks exist for people to gather around areas of interest and share resources with each other. Sometimes networks host webinars to share information and sometimes they develop new resources to support leaders in their local contexts. 

ALL are welcome to attend these Zoom conversations. Please share the information with friends, colleagues, and in your parish newsletter. Most network meetings last about 60 minutes. See their webpages or email their contact for more information. For a full list of Networks and other Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.


Date of next meeting: 

Sept 9, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Brian Wilbert, Ohio


Dismantling Racism

Date of next meeting: 

Sept 5, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link:

(password: 5)


September: Hear from The Rev. Gayle Catinella (OH).

Learn how her church developed the Neighbor to Neighbor program:

St. Michael’s in the Hills Episcopal Church (Toledo) is offering a series of four community events, called Neighbor to Neighbor.

We have all experienced anxiety and fear about the upcoming elections. We feel helpless. But the truth is we are not helpless or hopeless, because we all have the power to be kind. We all have the power to be a good neighbor. Not that it is always easy. That is why we practice. St Michael's is offering a series of events that help us explore and share what being a good neighbor might mean in our lives. Each of us will bring our own gifts to the table, and will share in our own way. And when we do, we will see that neighboring is already happening, good and kind things are occurring all the time. We just have to pay attention. Loving our neighbor is one answer to our fear and concern. We have seen a multitude of miracles as our community comes together to hold up this truth. 

See full article

Download the flyer

October: Learn about the new Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice from Crystal Plummer (Chicago), board member.

Lay-Led Congregations

Date of next meeting:

Sept 21, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Join the network as we work with a leadership coach to develop a plan for the network going forward.

Zoom link:

(password: 5)

Convener: Jim Mogensen, Michigan


Youth and Children

Convener: Carmen Piggins, Michigan


Join into conversations with others!

ALL Youth and Children Ministers

Diocesan Youth Workers

If you are the youth minister for your diocese (or the main contact for youth work in your diocese), you are invited to join this conversation. Contact Carmen Piggins for the dates and details.

Young Adult / Campus Ministry

Date of next meeting: 

will be decided at the October retreat

Zoom link:

(password 5)

Convener: Matthew Lukens, Michigan


If this is your ministry area, make sure that you're part of the Google Group!

This is a new group name, so please update in your address book.

Creation Care

Date of next meeting:

September 9, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link:

(password: 5)

Convener: Jeanette Ettin, Eastern Michigan


September Zoom Gathering:

Leading Visibly on Climate

The Rev. Carol Devine, Director of ecoAmerica

Research shows that the majority of people in the US (over 70%) are concerned or very concerned about climate change. And yet, the majority of churches in the US have not integrated creation care and climate justice into their faith. According to Pew, only 8% of Catholics report that there is a great deal or quite a bit of discussion about climate change in their churches. We must let our light shine and act and lead visibly on climate. In this discussion with Rev. Carol Devine, Director of Blessed Tomorrow, we will contemplate how to lead visibly in order to work toward a healthy climate. 


Rev. Carol Devine is the Director of Blessed Tomorrow, a coalition of diverse religious partners united as faithful stewards of creation.

Come join in conversation with convention attendees as we learn of the work ecoAmerica and the resources they can offer.

Love God, Love God's World - Fall Preview Event

Join with leaders from Provinces IV and V to walk through the new curriculum to familiarize ourselves with it so that we can facilitate future groups.

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.

If you are interested in being part of a group, the province is talking about starting a group, especially for those who would like an overview before hosting your own group. Email to be added to the list.

Migration Ministries

Date of next meeting:

Sept 17, 8 pm ET / 7 pm C

Zoom link:

(password: 5)

Conveners: Silvia Huth, Michigan and 

Jack Lloyd, Chicago


To get a reminder for Migration Ministry Network events, reply to this email. A special reminder will come before the Zoom meeting.

The network's next meeting on September 17 will be a roundtable discussion where immigrant justice advocates from around the Province share ideas and look for ways to support each other's efforts. Please join us - newcomers are most definitely welcome!

Episcopal Migration Response Network

Episcopal Migration Ministry hosts an Asylum and Detention Ministry Network that meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The Ministry Network’s collaborative work and conversation focus on best practice-sharing in areas of direct service, organizing, advocacy actions, Christian formation and worship resources, and community education to protect asylum, promote humane and dignified alternatives to detention, and to support asylum seekers and those harmed by the immigration detention system. Learn more and register to attend meetings here.

Affiliated Organizations

There are a number of organizations affiliated with the Episcopal Church and working across Province V. These groups have a "structure" that is more organized than a network. They have resources and information that are useful in your local ministry contexts.

For a full list of Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.

Church World Service

Join communities across the country this fall in ending hunger and poverty through the CROP Hunger Walk! Find your local Walk and sign-up yourself and your congregation to start raising funds TODAY at

Welcome to one of our newest Affiliated Organizations!

Financial assistance for deacons

The Fund for the Diaconate offers Hallenbeck Fellowships to deacons who demonstrate financial need. Fellowships enable deacons to attend conferences or other educational events whose content is related to the diaconate and/or The Episcopal Church. Full details on the website.

Sermon Roundtable, a small group offering for congregations and their clergy and/or lay preachers from the Episcopal Preaching Foundation, is now accepting applications for its Fall 2024 Cohort. “accepting applications for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 cohorts

This 12-week program is available at no charge to you or your parishioners, thanks to a grant from The Compelling Preaching Initiative of the Lilly Endowment.

Find out more and register here:

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Province V Executive Board

Do you have questions about Province V? Would you like to be more involved in planning the events that are offered at the provincial level? The Executive Board of the Province meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT via zoom.

Contact your diocesan representative to the Executive Board:

Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan, President

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter, Wisconsin, Vice President

The Rev. Garron Daniels, Springfield, Secretary

Ms. Rebecca Elfring-Roberts, Chicago, Treasurer

Ms. Louisa McKellaston, Executive Council Representative

The Rev. M.E. Eccles, Executive Council Representative

Ms. Laura Jackson, Chicago

Dr. Elizabeth Jordan, [Great Lakes]

Ms. Lesley MacKellar, Indianapolis

Mr. Luke Thompson, Michigan

Ms. Betty Bowersox, Missouri

The Rev. Dr. Terri Bays, Northern Indiana

The Rev. Steve Godfrey, Northern Michigan

The Rev. Rachel Harrison, Ohio

Mr. Edward Lasseigne, Southern Ohio

Ms. Jan Goossens, Springfield

The Rev. Marlene Hogue, Wisconsin

Heather Barta, Province V Coordinator


Share this newsletter! Forward to your friends and colleagues, or have them visit this site to sign up for themselves. (There is a link at the bottom of the homepage, also.)

Province V

General Province V Facebook page

Dismantling Racism Facebook page

Creation Care Facebook page

Creation Care Facebook group

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